Xiao Ai at the side couldn't help laughing secretly when she saw this scene.

Mori Kogoro waved his hand: "Madam, please continue."

"But I don't believe that my husband will commit suicide at all. Tomorrow is my daughter's seventh birthday. My husband prepared a gift a month ago. How could he commit suicide before my daughter's birthday!" Ninety-Nine Seven Hui said with excitement.

Conan couldn't help asking: "Could it be your master's three apprentices who killed it? Don't magicians have many ways to cover people's eyes?"

Jiujiu Qihui looked at Conan in surprise, and said: "Although the three apprentices lived in my house and learned magic skills from my husband, when my husband died, the three of them and I were performing in the Mihua Hotel , How could there be a chance to kill my husband! Child."

"Could it be that they poisoned in advance and then went out to perform?" Conan continued to ask.

Jiujiuqihui shook his head hesitantly: "It shouldn't be true. If I poisoned him in advance, my husband should have noticed that his room was not locked and he also had a phone, so he would choose to ask for help, but he is completely ignorant." No, the entire villa has no trace of intrusion by outsiders, so the police will classify this case as a suicide!"

Conan questioned again: "Sleeping pills, or traces of binding? Are there any of these?"

Ninety-Nine Qihui shook her head: "Not at all!"

Conan held his chin and began to think. At this moment, he felt a murderous aura coming from his body. When he turned sideways, he found Kogoro Mori looking down at him. His right hand was constantly moving his five fingers. Conan's expression became terrified.

bang bang bang...

Seeing this scene, Ninety-nine Qihui couldn't help shaking three times.

Three big red envelopes immediately appeared on Conan's head, clustered together with the previous one to form a square, and Conan squatted down deeply again holding his head.

"Conan, you are too naughty. Next time, remember not to speak when your uncle says 'the adults are talking, and the children don't interrupt', otherwise you will die!"

"Really, keep asking some useless things!"

Ninety-nine Qihui couldn't help but looked at Conan sympathetically, and said, "Detective Maori, is this really all right?"

Hui Yuan at the side said, "Madam, don't worry about him, he's used to it for a long time!"

These words directly pierced Conan's heart.

Xiaolan continued to blame: "Conan, you can't do this next time. Dad is handling the case. How can you disturb him?"

Xiaolan's words pierced Conan's heart again.

What do you mean by disturbing him? I'm obviously helping to sort out the case. Didn't you hear that I was asking all the key questions?

Mori Kogoro stood up and said, "Since Madam has doubts, let's go to the scene of the crime. Madam, is it convenient to go to your house now?"

"Of course!" Jiujiuqihui nodded.


Mori Kogoro and his team followed Ninety Nine Megumi to her home. It was the residence of the genius magician Ninety Nine Yuanyasu. It was a luxurious villa with golden floors and exquisite chandeliers on the ceiling.

As soon as Xiaolan came in, she couldn't help but let out exclamations.

The status of the neon magicians is very high, and the income is also very considerable, especially the well-known magician Jiujiu Yuankang, who is one of the best in the neon, the income of a performance is tens of thousands of yen, so the family is very rich .

As soon as they entered the hall, there were two people who heard the sound, a man and a woman.

The woman's name is Sanhao Mazi, she is only twenty years old, she is the second apprentice of Ninety-Nine Yuankang, she has a headstrong personality, but her skills are top-notch, she has a rather unfriendly face under her long hair, and she is dressed in black and loose dress, holding a white dove in his hand.

The man's name is Baidi Yushi. He is twenty-five years old, but he is the third apprentice of Jiujiu Yuankang. He has poor qualifications and belongs to the late bloomer type. He has a kind face, and he greets him in a brown suit.

Baidi Yushi's eyes lit up when he saw Xiaolan, and he asked, "Is this beautiful lady a little confused?"

Xiaolan's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori, she was indeed a little confused.

"It's no wonder, with such a big pigeon hidden in the hair, how can it not be confused?"

Baidi Yushi's hand passed behind Xiaolan's head.

At this moment, Xiao Lan immediately stretched out her hand and gently grabbed a white pigeon belonging to Baidi Yushi.

"You move so slowly, I can even see the pigeon you hide in your sleeve!"

Immediately, Hiroshi Momochi felt embarrassed, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing secretly. After practicing guidance, Xiaolan's perception also accelerated a lot. This kind of technique couldn't escape her sight at all.

Chapter 0022 Goodbye Aoko and Kaito

Miyoshi Mazi beside him couldn't help but sneered: "It's just a pigeon, but this young lady has seen through your technique. It's really embarrassing to us magicians."

Miyoshi Asako stepped forward, holding Xiaolan's shoulders with both hands, her movements were indeed extremely quick, this time even Xiaolan didn't notice.

Miyoshi Asako was about to speak, but was interrupted by Mori Kogoro, who suddenly had two white pigeons in his hands, with a confident smile on his face: "For a girl who is already plump Isn't it rude to stuff pigeons on your chest!"

Just now, Asako Miyoshi stuffed the pigeons in his cuffs into the chest and skirt of Xiaolan's high school student uniform very quickly, but was spotted by Kogoro Mori, who was far faster than ordinary people, so Kogoro Mori couldn't catch it He caught all these pigeons at a fast speed, and held two of them in the palm of his hand.

Xiaolan's face immediately turned red, she noticed the two big hands passing over her chest, and couldn't help but look up at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro smiled evilly on his face, and let go of the two pigeons in his hands. In an instant, the black dress on Miyoshi Asako's body kept surging, and all the white pigeons put in by Mori Kogoro under the skirt flew out, and the dress was directly Lifted to Miyoshi Asako's waist.

Miyoshi Asako immediately covered her skirt, her face was full of panic, she didn't know why her white pigeon suddenly appeared under her skirt.

Conan immediately widened his eyes and murmured, "Red."

After hearing this, Ran and Haibara couldn't help but stare at Conan with disdain, and Asako Miyoshi glared at Conan even more fiercely.

Mori Kogoro said: "Conan, you are only seven years old, why are you so lustful!"

Hearing this, the veins on Conan's forehead kept jumping up, obviously you lifted up the skirt, why did you call me lewd, but when Conan saw Xiaolan, Haibara, Hiroshi Hyakuchi, and Asako Miyoshi all looked adoring Looking at Mori Kogoro, I couldn't help but feel worse. Why are you worshiped and I am despised!Why! ! !

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