Mori Kogoro looked at Conan contemptuously: It doesn't matter if a man is lustful, the most important thing is to have strength!

Miyoshi Asako quickly adjusted, and said, "Detective Maori is really surprising. I didn't expect Detective Maori to be so proficient in magic in addition to reasoning. My technique just now is really in the hands of Detective Maori. There is an ax in front of the class."

Mori Kogoro shook his head humbly and said: "Magic is nothing more than tricks, eyesight, and tricky designs. This is similar to solving crimes. It leads to the same goal, so I know a little bit about it."

Baidi Yushi couldn't help but said, "Mazi, do you know him?"

"Yes, this is Mori Kogoro, who is well-known in Tokyo, the Mori detective, but he is a big celebrity! I was fortunate enough to watch the reasoning show of the Mori detective on TV, and it was indeed wonderful. Today, the Mori detective appeared here , presumably they came here to investigate Teacher Yuan Kang who committed suicide a week ago."

Mihao Mazi drew a white pigeon on the back of his hand, holding the feed and feeding it.

At this time, Jiujiu Qihui suddenly remembered something, took out two sticky playing cards from her handbag, and said, "Detective Maori, I almost forgot, I found these two cards in the basement where my husband died." A strange playing card was glued together, and the police came and separated it, but nothing was found in the middle, so I glued the cards back together to let the Maori detective see clearly."

Mori Kogoro took the two cards, one was the Ace of Spades and the other was the Jack of Spades.

Mori Kogoro naturally knew what this meant.

At this moment, several voices came from the side room.

"Brother Sanada, your poker magic is really amazing, it's the first time I've seen such a powerful magic show!" The girl's voice seemed very familiar, a little playful.

Sanada's hearty laughter came out: "Kaito is also a quick learner, he really deserves to be Mr. Kuroba's son!"

The three came out, and Mori Kogoro knew them all. They were Kazuzo Sanada who played Kidd on the Suzuki Yacht, Kaito Kuroba, the real phantom thief Kidd, and Aoko Nakamori who looked exactly like Ran.

"Shinichi? Why are you here?" Xiaolan couldn't help looking at Kuroba Kaito in surprise.

And Conan looked like he had seen a ghost, looking at Kaito Kuroba who looked almost exactly the same as himself, and then at the two Xiaolan who looked almost exactly the same, how could such a coincidence happen, he was completely afraid The appearance of believing.

When Kaito Kuroba saw the group of Kogoro Mori in the lobby, he couldn't help but focus his eyes slightly. The road to the enemy is narrow, and he unexpectedly met Kogoro Mori.

However, Kaito Kuroba quickly adjusted his expression, and showed a hearty smile to Xiaolan: "Miss, you have misunderstood the person, my name is not Shinichi, my name is Kaito Kuroba."

Then Kuroba Kaito pretended to have discovered it suddenly, looked at Xiaolan's small face, then looked at Qingzi's small face, and said with a look of shock: "This lady and Qingzi look alike, they are so similar. They were carved out of the same mold, you don't have any blood relationship, do you?"

"Of course not. In fact, Qingzi and I met at the teacher's wedding last time, and we have been in contact with Qingzi by phone. We are good friends..."

Xiao Ran's face suddenly darkened while talking, and Kaito's expression became extremely ugly when he turned his head to look over.

Seeing Kogoro Mori, Aoko Nakamori rushed up excitedly, hugged Kogoro Mori's arm, pressed his arm against his tiny chest, and said, "Uncle Mori, why did you appear?" Here, I know, there must be a case, right? Great, today I can watch your deduction show again, Uncle Maori."

Seeing this face that looks exactly like Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face, and said, "So it's Qingzi, I'm here today to investigate the cause of Mr. Yuankang's death, but Qingzi, why did you appear here? ?”

Aoko pulled Mori Kogoro and came to Kuroba Kaito, Kuroba Kaito's face became more and more ugly.

"Because Kaito's father was also a magician, but unfortunately passed away early. In order to inherit his father's magic skills, Kaito came here to ask Sanada-san for advice, so I came here with him. Speaking of Sanada-san's poker It's really amazing!"

Aoko Nakamori looked excited, as if he had just noticed Xiaolan's appearance, he greeted Xiaolan enthusiastically: "Xiaolan, you are here too!"

Xiaolan greeted Qingzi with some resentment, and when she saw Moori Kogoro's arm rubbing against Qingzi's chest, she was even more unhappy: "Qingzi, I came here with Dad."

Seeing the uncle smile on Mouri Kogoro's face, and seeing the two of them so intimate, Kaito Kuroba felt like spitting fire in his heart, but he didn't dare to show any hostility. Jin Yao, with him around, that thing is not easy to steal.

Chapter 0023 Little Lolita Fumino

Xiaolan hurried forward, pretending to be very close, and pulled Aoko Nakamori away from Kogoro Mori. With a smile on her face, she said, "You really are, Aoko, I have an appointment with you to go shopping. You didn't agree many times, what's the matter?"

Aoko Nakamori felt the huge soft thing rubbed against her arm: This is the reason!Who would want to go shopping with a big cow like you!To suffer the eyes of the shopping lady!To be hit in vain!

The two girls stood by and began to talk about the little girl.

Sanada Kazuo stepped forward, looked at Mori Kogoro and said, "Investigate the cause of the teacher's death. Didn't the teacher commit suicide? The fact is that there are only one magician left among the two geniuses of neon."

Hearing the words of the outspoken Sanada Kazuzo, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but sneered inwardly.

Kuroba Kaito's level of magic is completely comparable to that of his father Kuroba Piichi. If he didn't want to sneak into the Ninety-Nine House to retrieve that extremely important thing this time, he wouldn't use his real identity at all .

"Is this a strange playing card in the basement? The teachers all committed suicide. What's the use of this thing?"

Sanada Kazuzo took the two playing cards from Mori Kogoro's hand, and Mori Kogoro let him take them with a playful smile on his face.

I saw that Sanada Ichizo tore the two cards directly, and then threw the remaining pieces of paper into the sky. The pieces of paper immediately changed into countless playing cards and fell down.

Everyone can't help but look sideways, it's amazing!

Mori Kogoro said with a serious face, "Why did you tear up the evidence?"

Sanada Ichisan pretended to be condescending and smiled: "I didn't tear it up, you can take a look... Hey, why isn't it in your jacket pocket?" His expression suddenly became surprised.

Ninety-nine Qihui's face became ugly: "Sanada, quickly take out the playing cards, this is a very important evidence."

Sanada Kazan immediately took out the poker fragments he had just torn out of his pocket, and began to identify them carefully. Soon his expression became ugly, and he saw that there were indeed Aces of Spades and Jacks of Spades among the fragments. , and there are traces of glue.

Mistake! ! !

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Miyoshi Asako and Momoji Hiroshi lit up. Sanada Kazuzo, as the trump card of the magic troupe, it is extremely rare to make mistakes in performing magic.

Aoko Nakamori and Xiaolan on the side couldn't help turning their heads sideways, and their synchronized appearance looked so cute.

Sanada Kazan couldn't help but look at Jiujiuqihui with guilt: "Teacher, it seems that I really tore those two playing cards. It's so strange. How could this happen?"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed: "It seems that the most talented magician of Neon is nothing more than that. It seems that I can only grab those two playing cards from the long river of time!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand with the palm facing up, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Mouri Kogoro's palm. Suddenly, two playing cards appeared out of thin air intact, and the fragments of cards that were originally in Sanada Kazuzo's hand Suddenly disappeared.

This scene is really like reversing time, grabbing the poker cards back from the past.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, Xiaolan and Qingzi both opened their mouths: "It's amazing!"

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