The appearance of this scene made Jiujiuqihui couldn't help but her legs went weak, and she collapsed on the ground. She had lived with her husband for so many years, and she didn't even know that he was such a terrible person.

Jiujiu Yuankang stood in front of the corpse and cursed: "Idiot, didn't I tell you? Even if I die, I can't reveal the secret between you and me? It's really naive for you to want to be a magician like this."

"It doesn't matter if you're dead, but it just so happens that you're disobedient too. It's really annoying, and I have to start looking for new candidates again."

Ninety-nine Yuankang did not destroy the scene. After confirming that his double was dead, he turned and left without hesitation.

Seeing that everyone already knew the truth, the surveillance footage was enough to prove that it was Miyoshi Mazi who poisoned the poor Mr. Stand-in.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Kogoro Mori with great admiration, and Kogoro Mori was thinking with his chin resting on his jaw.

Immediately afterwards, the scene where Ninety-Nine Qihui and three apprentices found the body was played on the screen. Naturally, Miyoshi Asako ran in first. She was extremely fast and came to the front and back of the double. His hands loosened all of a sudden.

Then, while everyone was in a panic, she pretended to call an ambulance, went to the table and plugged in the phone line again.

Sanada Yisan said, "Asako, there's no need to hit him, the teacher has already gone."

She then put down the phone, and then came to the double, with a look of great grief on her face.

Chapter 0028 Koizumi Hongzi

That's the truth. Mori Kogoro took a closer look at the basement and found an invoice in the trash can. He bought a windbreaker, gloves, hat, and glasses. He immediately reacted. After seeing the invoice, Conan and Kaito Also reacted immediately.

The three of them ran directly from the basement to the upper villa, and quickly looked at the entire villa, but there was no one in the villa.

Xiaolan and the others also rushed up from below, looking at the serious-looking Kogoro Mouri, they couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Followed by the panting madam and Qingzi.

"Xiao Lan, now there is a video as evidence, you should call Police Officer Mu Mu to call the police."

"As I expected, Mr. Yuankang probably left the villa without hearing my reasoning. In addition to the things he bought, Miss Mazi will be in danger at this moment!"

"Mazi, what about Wennai?" Jiujiuqihui immediately panicked.

Mori Kogoro said: "It is because he is afraid that Ms. Mazi will attack Xiao Fumino that Mr. Yuan Kang can't hold back. Instead, it is better to strike first. Let's quickly find out where they might go."

"Xiao Ai and Conan, you two children, go back to the villa first, and inform the people in the villa to come out to help find them. Let's split up." Mori Kogoro directed everyone.

Everyone took action one after another, and went to some shopping malls and amusement parks closest to the villa to start searching.

In the villa, Kazuzo Sanada and Hiroshi Momochi listened to what Conan and Haibara relayed. Both of them turned pale with shock, and they didn't believe it until they saw the mechanism passage in the basement.

They also joined the search team.

Police officer Mumu rushed to Jiujiu Yuankang's villa soon after receiving Xiaolan's call, and the police also joined in the search.

Unfortunately, until the evening, when the sun was setting, they still couldn't find Jiujiu Yuankang, Mihao Mazi, and Xiao Wennai.

In the alley behind the villa, everyone gathered together again, looking like they had nothing to gain.

At this time, Sanada slammed his fist on the wall: "Damn it, I didn't expect the teacher to be such a person!"

"I discovered the relationship between Asako and Kinoshita Yoshiro a long time ago. I told the teacher about it, and the teacher told me kindly at that time that he knew about it a long time ago and would try to influence Asako. I didn't expect it to be like this! "

"Kinoshita Yoshiro?" Xiaolan looked puzzled.

"Yes, he was a student before the teacher. He was a talented person. He was a gifted magician who won a high honor at the age of twenty, but he died ten years ago in a magic practice while escaping from a water tank. I investigated him. , he is Mazi's elder brother."

"Asako probably worshiped Mr. Yuan Yasushi as his teacher because of his elder brother!" Sanada Kazuzo sighed.

"That's right!" Miyoshi Asako's voice came from the side.

At this time, the figure of Miyoshi Asako appeared in everyone's sight, beside her was Ninety-Nine Yuankang with a frustrated face, both of them were tied by black chains, and the chain puller was a big beauty.

Crimson straight black hair, burgundy pupils with a pretty face that seduces the world, tall and tall, with a high nose that is full of pride, but not disgusting, wearing a blue school uniform and black stockings Wrapping the slender calf, it is clearly a female high school student.

She led the cute Wen Nai and walked over.

A look of surprise appeared on Aoko Nakamori's face immediately: "Student Koizumi, why are you here?"

Kaito Kuroba's face immediately turned extremely ugly, this guy was his deadly rival in school, Hongko Koizumi.

Asako continued to speak, looking at Jiujiu Yuankang with hatred on his face: "Yes, Kinoshita Yoshiro is my elder brother, my only relative after the death of both parents, but in the practice ten years ago, I saw this with my own eyes. Guy got hands and feet in my brother's performance handcuffs so my brother couldn't get out of the escape trick and ended up drowning in the water."

Ninety-nine Yuankang's head was sweating, and he endured Miyoshi's accusation without saying a word.

"After this guy faked his death, he still wanted to kill me in front of his daughter. Fortunately, this noble lady appeared, otherwise he would have succeeded."

"It's fine now, anyway, you pleaded guilty in front of everyone, then go to prison with me, a person like you shouldn't live in this world and tarnish the eyes of others!" Sanhao's pockmarked face appeared Ruyi kept scolding Jiujiu Yuankang.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help being amazed when he heard Mazi say this. Such a ruthless magician would plead guilty in front of everyone. It seems that Hongzi Koizumi really has some skills, so he couldn't help turning his attention to Hongzi Koizumi.

Koizumi Koko noticed it immediately, and turned to look at Mori Kogoro. The two looked at each other, and Mori Kogoro didn't look away.

A smile immediately appeared on Koizumi Hongzi's proud face, and dimples appeared: Interesting, powerful aura, this handsome uncle doesn't look simple, he seems to be a tricky guy.

When Jiujiuqihui saw Xiao Wennai, she didn't care about the mysterious female high school student at the side, rushed over and hugged Xiao Wennai: "Wennai, are you okay?"

Xiao Wennai shook her head: "Mom, I'm fine. I bought new clothes, and my father came back from abroad to attend my birthday. I also met a beautiful big sister!" She shook Koizumi Hongzi's right hand.

Jiujiuqihui nodded gratefully to Hongzi Koizumi, then turned to her husband: "Yuan Kang?"

Ninety-nine Yuankang lowered his head, not daring to look into the eyes of the crowd.


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