Koizumi Hongzi took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and said, "Qingzi, this is the confession video of this fat man. I leave it to you. I have already delivered it, so I won't bother you anymore."

Koizumi Hongzi put the phone in Qingzi's hand, then turned around and left, moving lightly with lotus steps, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Aoko Nakamori couldn't help but pouted: "Why is Hongzi always so mysterious, but thanks to her, no one was hurt anymore, Uncle Mao Li, please watch this confession video."

Aoko Nakamori delivered the mobile phone to Kogoro Mori, and Kogoro Mori clicked on it, and saw Ninety-Nine Yuan Yasushi kneeling in front of Asako Miyoshi on the street, tearfully crying, "... Asako, I was wrong , I was the one who tampered with your brother's handcuffs in order to keep my status, please forgive me..."

In the video, Mr. Yuan Kang really seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He told his heart and soul about how he committed the crime back then, and kept kowtowing in front of Miyoshi Mazi.

He even told about the key evidence of the murder ten years ago, where the handcuffs were kept.

Seeing that Kogoro Mori was sure that this video could make this Mr. Yuan Yasu fall under his spell, he didn't watch it anymore.

Not long after, police officer Mu Mu and others came after hearing the news, and brought Miyoshi Asako and Jiujiu Yuankang back to the Metropolitan Police Department for careful interrogation.

There were two homicides in total. The case of Yoshiro Kinoshita's death ten years ago had not passed the prosecution period. In addition, the case of Yuya Mishima's double was killed. The two murderers, the master and the apprentice, were taken away together.

In the end, Xiao Wen Nai still couldn't celebrate her birthday with her father.

Chapter 0029

After Ninety-Nine Yuankang and Sanhao Mazi were taken away, everyone failed to eat the dinner at Ninety-Nine Yuankang's house, and Mao Li and his party said goodbye to Ninety-Nine Madam.

Mrs. Ninety-Nine, who was holding Xiao Fumino, bowed deeply to Kogoro Mori: "Thank you so much this time, Detective Mori, thank you for finding out the truth. Although my husband also committed a crime, at least Wen Nai won't be without a father."

"Detective Maori, I will transfer the commission fee to your card tomorrow."

Mori Kogoro nodded and said: "There is no rush, then let's say goodbye, Madam!"

Fumino raised her small hand and waved it to Mori Kogoro: "Uncle Mori, goodbye, Conan-san and Haibara-san, you must come to my birthday party tomorrow!"

Conan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, it's really boring to play with a bunch of little kids.

Mori Kogoro agreed with Conan with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, Fumino, Conan will definitely come to your birthday party tomorrow!"

Xiao Wen Nai immediately laughed happily.

Conan's head was immediately covered with black lines.

Mori Kogoro and his party, as well as Kaito Kuroba and Aoko Nakamori also bid farewell to Mrs. Ninety-Nine and left. Everyone walked out of the villa area in the setting sun and walked to the place where the car was picked up.

Kuroba Kaito has been stinking since just now.

Just before Mr. Yuankang was taken away by the police, he asked about the disguise mask belonging to Heiyu's family. Unfortunately, the ninety-nine Yuankang didn't know where the mask was. It was originally on him, but suddenly disappeared.

Mori Kogoro heard it from the side, and his judgment was the same as that of Kuroba Kaito, the mask was probably taken away by Koizumi Koko.

According to the level of Mori Kogoro's system, the mask that Black Feather Pirates created by chance should be above the master level.

Although the remaining two master-level disguise masks in Kogoro Mori's system space can be worn on people's faces without any flaws, they are disposable and will turn into fly ash when they are used up.

The Black Feather Robber's mask is not flawless, and it can be reused. After heating, it will return to its original appearance, and it can be easily disguised as another person again when it is put on a mold. Disguise masks are much stronger.

To put it simply, with this mask, he can master the master-level disguise technique without a teacher. No wonder Kaito Kuroba is so nervous about this mask.

Kogoro Mouri looked at Xiaolan and Qingzi who were holding hands in front of him, and asked, "Qingzi, just now your classmate Hongzi Koizumi, can you tell me something?"

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Aoko and Haibara turned around and stared at Kogoro Mouri.

Qingzi said with a look of surprise, "Uncle Mao Li, why are you asking this? Could it be that you, like other students in the class, fell in love with Hongzi all of a sudden?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan and Huiyuan burst into anger.

Mori Kogoro knocked Nakamori Aoko on the head, and Kuroba Kaito beside him also burst into anger.

"What are you thinking, little girl? I'm just surprised that such a ruthless person as Jiujiu Yuankang would fall into the hands of your classmate. Miss Mazi and Mr. Yuankang have been subdued by your classmate. Your classmate is not simple at all." , she left in a hurry just now, I didn't have time to ask in detail, so I'm just curious!"

Aoko Nakamori rubbed her head and said, "Okay, Uncle Maori, I just know a little bit, she transferred to Ekoda High School last month, because she is so pretty, the whole class, no, all the boys in the school I like her, although she is a bit mysterious and often speaks words that I can't understand, but she is also a very kind girl."

"Uncle Maori, that's all I know!"

Mori Kogoro turned to look at Kuroba Kaito: "So Kaito-san likes that Koizumi-san too?"

Kuroba Kaito couldn't help turning his head: "Che, who would like that fierce woman, getting close to that guy will only bring misfortune."

"Kaito, how can you speak ill of others behind their backs!" Aoko Nakamori couldn't help frowning and said, "Speaking of which, this is the first time I know that Kaito's father is such a powerful person? A great magician, a disguise mask, just It's like a character in a novel!"

"Kaito, do you inherit your father's magic ability, and do you also know how to disguise yourself?" Aoko Nakamori asked curiously.

Sweat immediately dripped on Heiyu Kuaidou's forehead: "How could it be possible? My father has been dead for so many years and never taught me. How could I know the disguise technique? Haha, hahaha!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Qingzi, if you want to learn the ninety-nine yuan Kang's transformation magic, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. I will lend you Xiaolan, let Xiaolan change your hairstyle, and then you can go out Acted, I'm sure no one will recognize, you two look so much alike."

"Yes." Aoko Nakamori's eyes lit up immediately: "Xiaolan, we can definitely rehearse a show and perform it in the school performance. It will definitely be very shocking."

"This idea sounds very good!" Xiaolan's face also showed interest.

The two women began to get together and discuss in a low voice.

At this time, Conan asked, "Uncle Maori, how did you find out about the secret passage in the basement and Mr. Yuan Kang's notes?"

Conan was still unwilling, because he didn't find the key black notebook, so he couldn't reason it out, but let Kogoro Mori take the lead.

Kuroba Kaito also felt awe-inspiring, thinking that Kogoro Mori discovered the hidden compartment under the table first, and he was secretly thankful that he didn't show anything unusual.

Kuroba Kaito didn't know that his identity had been seen through by Mori Kogoro long ago, and Mori Kogoro just saw through but didn't reveal it.

[Maori Detective, this time I'll give you the limelight. Next time I set up an invitation, I'll have a good fight with you! 】

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