In the end, Kogoro Mori grabbed Xiaolan's small hand with his big hand, and Xiaolan grabbed the bright red tomato.

Mori Kogoro swallowed his saliva, then exhaled, and a faint voice came out of his mouth: "Because it's Xiaolan, so it's okay!"

Xiaolan immediately turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori in surprise, a sweet smile appeared on her angelic face, she put down the tomato, and took Kogoro Mori's big hand.

Mori Kogoro broke free as if frightened, then picked up the fruits and vegetables on the side, went to the cutting board, took out the fruit knife, and began to cut these fruits and vegetables.

It's a pity that he seemed to be frightened. Kogoro Mori chopped up these fruits and vegetables in such a mess that it was almost unreadable.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lan couldn't help but feel happy, and said, "Dad, your cut is too ugly, let me do it!"

While speaking, she nimbly got into Kogoro Mori's arms, took Kogoro Mori's fruit knife, and started to process the ingredients.

Mori Kogoro raised his hands, he didn't know how to put them, and finally he could only put his hands on the upper cabinet.

Xiaolan quickly cut up all the fruits and vegetables. Only then did Mori Kogoro realize that it was time for him to cook. He directly put the spinach on the frying pan, put olive oil on it, and started to stir-fry after the oil was heated. up.

After washing the eel head and fish bones just now, pour them into the pot, add water, and put them on another stove. Xiaolan started to make fish bone soup.

The two cooperated perfectly, moving and turning around in this small kitchen, delicious dishes were served on plates, the air seemed to be filled with the aroma of the dishes, and it seemed to be the taste of happiness!

Stir-fried spinach, fish bone soup, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fruit salad, one by one.

Kogoro Mori started to cook the last dish, braised pork ribs in brown sauce, which was also a simple home-cooked dish, but Xiaolan stopped, came to Kogoro Mori's side, and watched Kogoro Mori cooking.

Chapter 0032 Xiao Ai's Spring Outing Plan

The last dish is sweet and sour pork ribs, add oil, add rock sugar, burn the sugar until it is slightly burnt, then pour in the neatly blanched pork ribs, coat them with layers of sugar and oil, and then paint Add scallion, star anise, fragrant leaves, chili pepper, and ginger slices and start to stir-fry, and the aroma will burst out immediately.

Xiaolan came to the back of Kogoro Mouri, stood on her tiptoes, put her little head on Kogoro Mouri's shoulder, sniffed the tempting fragrance, and hummed in satisfaction: "It smells so good! "

Mori Kogoro only felt that the two soft masses behind him pressed tightly against his back, and Xiaolan's exhalation sounded in his ears, and there seemed to be a hint of fragrance in the air.

Glancing to the left, Mori Kogoro saw that Xiaolan's apron had already been taken off and put aside, no wonder the feeling on the back was so obvious.

After stir-frying, add boiling water and soy sauce, then cover the lid, and then cook on high heat and collect the juice, just wait.

He turned his head to look at Xiao Lan beside him, and said, "Xiao Lan, should you fry the eel?"

"Oh, that's right!" Xiaolan, who was hanging on Mori Kogoro, finally came down, took out the pan and started frying the eels.

She poured oil on the frying pan, let the oil cover the entire surface of the pan, and then put it on the stove. The fire was too strong, and the oil jumped up all of a sudden, and Xiaolan immediately threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms in panic.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt that his arms were full of nephrite, he hurriedly protected Xiaolan under his body, and then went forward to reduce the fire, he hugged Xiaolan and comforted him softly, but Mouri Kogoro soon realized that something was wrong.

How could Xiaolan, who cooks every day, mistake the firepower and react so much to the boiling oil? Gently stroked her head to comfort her.

Soon Xiaolan also realized that her performance was a bit too much, she stuck out her tongue embarrassingly with a red face, then got up and started to put the eels into the pot, and started frying them.

Fried eel is a very simple dish, you only need to keep the fire low, and when one side is fried to golden brown, turn over and fry the other side. You only need to sprinkle some pepper in the middle to make it very delicious.

The golden fried eel was out of the pan, and Kogoro Mori's braised pork ribs were out of the pan. The six dishes were put on the table one by one. It was nine o'clock in the evening.

Xiao Lan called Conan and Xiao Ai to eat at the dining table together. Seeing the delicious food in front of them, the two children couldn't help their appetites. Xiao Ai picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and took a bite. Can't help nodding with satisfaction.

Conan was also full of oil, and praised: "Uncle Maori, the Chinese food you cook is really delicious, you should go to the kitchen to cook more!"

Xiaolan was happier hearing this than praising herself, and smiled: "Yes, Dad, you should cook with me more!" After Xiaolan finished speaking, she winked at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro looked at his nose, his nose at his heart, and said, "It's getting late, eat quickly, take a bath early and rest!"

Everyone began to feast on it.

Soon, Hui Yuan, who was full, pushed the bowl and said, "Uncle Mao Li, let's go out for a spring outing tomorrow. I've already found a destination. Tomorrow we'll go hiking in Fuyun Mountain!"

"But tomorrow is Tuesday, Xiao Ai, don't you have to go to class?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning, he planned to go to Fujimine Residence to find Yukiko to have a good time tomorrow.

Huiyuan said: "I have already asked for leave with Mr. Xiaolin, there is no problem, and you promised me before, Uncle Maoli, that if you want to play in the future, you will call Uncle Maoli, we can just enjoy the scenery on the mountain when we go now. The cherry blossoms in early spring, there are lakes and waterfalls on the mountain, it is a very good place to visit, but I have been looking for it for a long time before I found it!"

Kogoro Mori looked at the determined Haibara, and couldn't help but feel a little headache, he hesitated for a moment before agreeing, it seems that he can only explain to Yukiko tomorrow.

At this moment, Xiaolan's eyes lit up: "Sounds very interesting. It just so happens that I don't have a lot of homework recently. I will ask for leave tomorrow and go with you!"

Huiyuan couldn't help frowning and said, "I just invited Uncle Mao Li, and I didn't invite you!"

Xiaolan smiled gently: "It's okay, more people will have fun. Besides, I haven't seen the cherry blossoms in early spring for a long time. I have decided that I will go together tomorrow!"

Haibara was expressionless, and Kogoro Mori could see the reluctance on her face, but Haibara's failure to refuse proved that she could barely accept it.

At this moment, Conan also said: "Then I will ask for leave tomorrow and go together!"

"No!" Huiyuan's tone of refusal this time was extremely firm.

Conan couldn't help wondering: "Why?"

"Did you forget that tomorrow is Wen Nai's birthday? She invited you and me, and you have promised to attend her birthday party. How can you not keep the promise? Then you will send it along with my blessings." !"

Conan wanted to vomit blood in his heart, and he obviously didn't agree, but Kogoro Mori helped to agree.

Hui Yuan's cold words continued: "Besides, didn't your mother send you textbooks? You are so busy with your homework now, how can you have time to go out and play, and studying hard is what you should do, detective boy!"

The knife in Huiyuan's mouth killed him one by one, and Conan's heart was bleeding. He thought of the [-] cm high mathematics textbook, and even looking at the braised pork ribs in his bowl felt boring.

At this time, Conan jumped down from the chair with a blank expression, and said, "I'm full!" Then he returned from the third floor to the room on the second floor with a low pressure.

Everyone stopped paying attention to him.

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