After dinner, Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa, and Haibara and Xiao Ran each went to take a shower.

Kogoro Mori, who had calmed down, couldn't help regretting in his heart. How could he say such words in the kitchen for a while? It's not right at all! ! !

Going on like this will only lead to an irretrievable situation. Mori Kogoro poured cold water into the cup, and then poured it down cup by cup, but there was still no way to extinguish the raging flame in his heart.

Suddenly, the picture in the bathroom three days ago reappeared in Kogoro Mori's mind inexplicably, ah!Can't think about it anymore!

At this moment, the arm on the side felt soft, and Xiaolan was looking at Mouri Kogoro with concern: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Xiao Lan who was only wearing a white vest and shorts, his whole body was very cool, Kogoro Mori jumped up from the sofa as if he was frightened, and then said: "Xiao Lan, it's okay, I'm going to take a shower first. "Then Mori Kogoro took his pajamas and hurried into the bathroom.

Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised, but she didn't think too much, picked up the hair dryer and started drying her hair, and then went back to her room to sleep.

Mori Kogoro, who was washed by cold water in the bathroom for an hour, finally calmed down, and the flame in his heart was gradually extinguished. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes regained clarity, and he began to analyze calmly!

Really, if you know that this is fundamentally wrong, then you can't go on like this, although it will be painful at first, but after you let it go, everything will return to normal.

Yes, everything will be back to normal!

Mori Kogoro made up his mind, he walked out of the bathroom, the living room was already dark, Xiaolan and Huiyuan both closed the door and went to sleep, Mori Kogoro walked towards Xiaolan's room, every step seemed so heavy, he opened the small door. Lan's door, walked in...

Chapter 0033 The Beginning of Awakening

In the room, the curtains were open, and the bright moonlight shone in from the window, making the girl on the bed look like an elf.

The girl was already asleep, her breathing was very steady, but her sleep was not very honest. She kicked most of the quilt away, and the quilt only covered her navel, and her beautiful legs in shorts seemed to be covered with a layer of brilliance under the moonlight. It is very eye-catching in a dark room, and it immediately attracted Kogoro Mori's attention.

The beaded toes are like pearls, and the slightly curved arc seems to be even more touching.

Her upper body is wearing a white vest. The vest is very small, but it barely covers the chest and abdomen, revealing two white arms and delicate collarbones!

Looking at the girl's angelic face, she exhaled evenly, her delicate face was quiet and beautiful.

Kogoro Mori looked at that quiet and beautiful face, he just needs to wake her up and explain things clearly like before, then there will be no problem! ! !

Just suddenly, countless pictures in memory kept churning in his mind, and Mori Kogoro was stunned for a while.

The girl who hugged her arm and kept acting like a baby to herself every day;

The girl who smiles at her sweetly every day;

The girl who is always around her like an angel;

That warm and happy girl;

Really, are you going to say goodbye to her?

Mori Kogoro knew that after he said something, the relationship between the two would definitely change, maybe it would hurt her, maybe they would become estranged, maybe she wouldn't be so close to him in the future!

The inexplicable Kogoro Mori felt an unspeakable pain in his heart, and tears suddenly appeared in his eyes, lingering in them.

As long as he thinks of this, his heartache is unbearable, and for a while Mouri Kogoro's heart is constantly agitated, and heaven and man are at war.

His face became more ferocious, and the determination he had just made in the bathroom gradually fell apart at this moment.

At this time, the favorability system in the system space sounded a notification, and a favorability achievement appeared from nothing, surpassed everyone, and appeared at the top of all achievements with an unstoppable posture!

? ? ? : Favorability 100

The achievement of favorability immediately made a bell ringing sound, but Kogoro Mori didn't notice at all at the moment. The ferocious look in Kogoro Mori's eyes gradually calmed down, his face returned to calm, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and he was staring at the bed of this girl.

There was an inexplicable color in those pitch-black eyes, which made people feel shocked.

Kogoro Mori stroked that pretty angelic face with his big hand, and gently stroked that cheek with his thumb. The girl was still sleeping peacefully, her breathing was even, and her rhythm didn't change at all.

Mori Kogoro's eyes slowly looked at the girl's body, the cool dress was so attractive under the bright moonlight, he couldn't help but gasp.

There was a tinge of red in Mori Kogoro's dark and deep pupils. He seemed to be calm at this moment, but in fact he was not calm at all, as if he had lost his mind, he stretched out his hand towards the seductive gully.

Just think about it and touch it...


The soul gradually returned to my mind from nine days away, what am I doing?Am I not going to confess?Why are you squatting here!Hey, what is it in my hand?

Suddenly the Lingtai regained its clarity, Kogoro Mori felt a turmoil in his heart when he saw the scene in front of him, he quickly let go of his hands, he couldn't help but retreated, and suddenly pressed against the cracked wall.

Then, Mori Kogoro opened the door immediately, and left the room as if fleeing.


It's been a long, long time.

The girl in the dark room opened her misty eyes. Looking at the empty room and the closed door, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and a blush appeared on her little face. !

Immediately afterwards, she put on the white vest that had been pulled off her upper body again, and couldn't help rubbing it.

After a while, she closed her eyes again, turned her body over, clamped a pillow between her legs, covered the quilt, changed her position and fell asleep again.


Mori Kogoro, who fled back to his room, stared blankly at the dark ceiling, how could he do such a thing?How could this be?

He stared at his hands, his face full of disbelief that this was something he did!

Remembering that tactile sensation, no, stop!Can't think about it anymore!

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking the deep Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, sees that all five aggregates are empty... Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form."

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