Read it again, and then read the Lotus Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra and other Buddhist scriptures one by one, and the demonic thoughts finally disappeared again...

And among the achievements of the system's favorability, the favorability that suddenly appeared just now [? ? ? : Favorability degree 100] She disappeared again.

Kogoro Mori, who regained his composure, finally recalled the prompt in the Friendship Achievement just now. He couldn't help poking his consciousness into it, but he didn't find anything unusual. It was still the same as usual!

Haibara Ai: Favorability 96

Fujimine Yukiko: Favorability 95 (frozen state) [Icebreaker mission 90%]

Fei Yingli: Favorability 92 (frozen state) [Icebreaker mission 35%]

Akemi Miyano: Favorability 91

Toyama Kazuha: Favorability 91

Banner Xiajiang: Favorability 89

Aso Honesty: Favorability 88

Sayuri Matsumoto: Favorability 88


Next is a series of women in the range of 80-89. As usual, what does the sound of the bell just mean?

"Little V, do you know what happened?"

Little V couldn't help hesitating for a while, it remembered the lie it told before, it's better not to tell it, as the saying goes, once you are born and you are familiar with it, this time little V said: "Host, you have grown up, don't come here for everything. Ask the system."

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but vomit blood in his heart, this garbage system has become so skinny.

Mori Kogoro was about to question the system again.

At this time, Xiao V automatically clicked a song and it played in Kogoro Mouri's mind.

[Once upon a time, the present has passed, never to come again. The red and red fallen leaves are long buried in the dust.

The beginning and the end always remain the same, you drifting outside the sky


The sea of ​​bitterness turns up, love and hate cannot escape fate in this world

Blind date is inaccessible or I should believe it is fate]

This is the theme song of Westward Journey, the love of my life.

The song played in Mori Kogoro's mind, and the scene of the movie also appeared.

After a song, little V said: "Host, I can only remind you here, slip away!"

Then no matter how little V called him, he no longer appeared.

Mori Kogoro was lying on the bed, quietly listening to the love of his life by Little V Spot, and kept repeating the single in his mind. This night is destined to be difficult to sleep!

Chapter 0034 Spring Sakura

The next morning, when the light of morning light entered Kogoro Mori's room, he opened his eyes in a daze, and shouted, "I don't want to be a dog!"

Mori Kogoro, who watched Westward Journey for almost a whole night last night, was about to be paralyzed. He only realized it when he saw the ceiling, and he grasped the hair on his head weakly with both hands.

To be or nor to be, that is a question.

Is it worse than a beast or is it like a beast?This is really a big problem! ! !

Mori Kogoro heard the sound of pinging bells from the kitchen outside, as well as Xiaolan humming a song. It seemed that Xiaolan was in a good mood. She probably didn't notice it last night!

Mori Kogoro got up, and he first sent a text message to Yukiko, saying that he couldn't accompany her today.

In less than ten seconds, Youxizi replied to the message: "It's okay, you can do your work, I just had a good rest!"

Mori Kogoro looked at the reply time of the text message, his eyes became gloomy, he shook his head, walked out of the room, and came to the living room.

Xiaolan leaned out immediately when she heard the sound, and when she saw that it was Kogoro Mouri, a sweet smile immediately appeared on his face: "Dad, good morning, go and wash up, breakfast will be ready soon."

The little cook's face is full of vitality, which makes people feel beautiful at first glance.

"Oh! Oh!" Mori Kogoro carefully looked at Xiaolan's expression, it was still the same as usual, there was no other change, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't find out what happened last night!

He couldn't help but walked to the bathroom beside him and began to wash up.

Soon, the door of Huiyuan's room opened, and the little girl was already fully dressed, with short white legs exposed in orange shorts, white short sleeves on her upper body, an army green coat, and hiking shoes. Cool little face, a pair of outdoor activities.

She also went into the bathroom to wash up. Although she looked expressionless, the slightly raised corners of her mouth showed that she was in a very good mood at the moment.

The two came out of the room after washing up. The doorbell rang, and Kogoro Mori went to open the door, and saw Conan walking in from the outside with his schoolbag on his back and his dead fish eyes on his back.

He still has to go to school today, and after school, he has to attend the birthday party of Little Lolita Wen Nai.

Conan who came in looked at Mori Kogoro with a resentful expression on his face.

"Uncle Maori, are you really not going to take me with you?"

Maori Kogoro said earnestly: "Conan, as a boy, you must be honest and keep your promises. How can you break your promises!"

Xiaolan, who had finished cooking and took off her apron, also came over: "Conan, don't be like your new brother. He said he would come back to class last year. After the New Year, he still hasn't appeared in the second semester."

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