Conan couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. These two people are both himself.

Haibara, who knew Conan's identity, couldn't help but chuckled when he heard this.

Everyone went to the dining table and began to eat. Conan looked blank. He saw the three of Mao Li talking and laughing at Yan Yan, dressed brightly, eating and talking about today's outing with great interest. Conan only felt that he and the three Man is a man of two worlds.

Looking at the delicious food in front of him, Conan suddenly lost his appetite and couldn't swallow it.

After breakfast, Mori Kogoro held Haibara with his left hand and Xiaolan's shoulder with his right hand, and said goodbye to Conan downstairs with a smile on his face: "Conan, go to Fumino's birthday party today and have fun !"

"Study hard! Conan!" This is the encouragement from Xiaolan.

Conan in front stared at the dead fish eyes, and went to Didan Elementary School full of resentment.

After saying goodbye to Conan, Xiaolan immediately began to direct with a face full of excitement: "Dad, hurry up and rent a car, Xiao Ai, come up with me to prepare today's lunch, the early spring cherry blossoms will be gone after this month. "

Kogoro Mori went to rent a car for a walk: It seems that he really needs to buy a car for transportation, and renting a car like this is not an option.

Mori Kogoro has a rich net worth. After two times of black and white, and Haemoto Xiajiang, who inherited the Flagmoto consortium, completely regards Mori Kogoro as the backbone, the money and energy he can mobilize are immeasurable.

It's just because Conan moved in and kept triggering cases, and he didn't have any spare time to buy a car. In addition, the car rental company is only one street away from the Mori office, so it is convenient to rent a car, so Mori Kogoro is not in a hurry. .

However, it would be much more convenient to have a car. Mori Kogoro has decided to buy one when he has time, and then he can make an appointment with Sato to go racing.

Mouri Kogoro, who soon rented a car, set off with Xiaolan and Huiyuan, and headed for Fuyun Mountain according to the route that Huiyuan retrieved.


"Wow, it's so beautiful! Dad, and Huiyuan, hurry up!" Xiaolan was wearing shorts, showing her slender legs. She was not afraid of the slight cold in early spring, wearing short sleeves, facing Maori on the top of the mountain. Kogoro waved his hand.

Mori Kogoro was carrying a heavy luggage bag on his back, holding Haibara in his hands, and followed behind.

Inside the luggage bag are the lunch and camping items for the three of them, as well as some field supplies, such as insect repellent spray, and a change of clothes. Anyway, all the miscellaneous things are put here, and all are carried by Mori Kogoro. It's not a problem at all for Mori Kogoro.

Huiyuan was very excited at the beginning, but after climbing [-] meters, the girl wilted. Little Lolita's short legs were really lacking in strength, and soon she raised her hands to Mouri Kogoro to hug her.

Mori Kogoro could only climb the mountain carefully with Haibara in his arms, and the speed was naturally not much faster.

Fuyun Mountain is about [-]-[-] meters high, and the car can only drive up to [-]-[-] meters. It can drive all the way to the mountainside, and the rest of the distance has to be climbed by yourself.

Because of the temperature difference caused by altitude, the cherry blossoms only bloom on the top of the mountain, so you have to climb to the top of the mountain to see the cherry blossoms in early spring.

However, the scenery on both sides of the climbing path is also very beautiful. The green grass is swaying with the wind, full of vitality. Countless flowers are blooming on the mountainside, each leading the way, and the waterfall falling from the top of the mountain flows through a temple at the bottom, which is quite impressive. Zen machine.

This mountain is really nice, and it's very close to Tokyo, but I don't know why there are so few people visiting here.

Huiyuan smiled smugly: "Uncle Maori, what about the place I chose?"

"Of course it's very good, as expected of Xiao Ai!" A smile appeared on Huiyuan's face immediately.

"Dad, hurry up, the cherry blossoms above are beautiful, let's take a picture together!"

"Okay, I'll come right away!" Mori Kogoro looked down at Huiyuan: "Xiao Ai, hold uncle tight, uncle is going to speed up!"

Having said that, Mori Kogoro supported Huiyuan's small buttocks, walked on the steep mountain road like walking on flat ground, walked like flying, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

Mori Kogoro and Haibara immediately saw the pink cherry blossoms on the top of the mountain.

When the mountain wind blew, countless cherry blossoms fell and hovered under the clear blue sky. Xiaolan stood under the cherry blossom tree, smiling brightly like an angel, and kept waving to Mouri Kogoro.

This scene is just as beautiful as a picture!

Chapter 0035 Angry Hongzi

There is a large flat open space on the top of the mountain, with luxuriant grass, and a small stream winding past. It is as beautiful as a picture scroll. It is hard to believe that there is such a beautiful place near Tokyo. It looks like an excellent camping place. Place.

Mori Kogoro walked forward slowly, and Haibara in his arms broke free. She jumped out of Mori Kogoro's arms, looked at Xiaolan who was cool all over, and with a glance of light blue eyes, she also He had to take off the army green jacket he was wearing.

Mori Kogoro repeatedly stopped him. The early spring mountain breeze was naturally not a problem for the father and daughter of Mori who had different physiques than ordinary people, but for Hui Yuan, it was not something she could easily bear.

"Dad, let's take a photo together!" Xiaolan held the selfie stick and the iPhone bought by Kogoro Mouri in her hand, and started waving to invite Kogoro Moori to take pictures together.

Mori Kogoro put the heavy luggage behind him on the ground, then stepped forward quickly and entered the camera.

The father and daughter are handsome and beautiful, and they look extremely harmonious in front of the cherry blossom trees all over the mountains and plains.

"One, two, three, take pictures!" The flash flashed, and Yan Xiaoyan's father and daughter were photographed together.

"One more piece!"

"Dad, come here, let's shoot here!"


Hui Yuan, who was left hanging aside, couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. This was clearly his plan for a spring outing. Why did he make himself look like an outsider, and the protagonists became this father and daughter.

Huiyuan hurried forward, trying to steal the spotlight, but unfortunately the little loli was too short to get into the shot even when she jumped up.

Xiaolan said again and again: "Xiao Ai, do you want to take a picture too? Wait a minute, sister and dad will take the last picture with you."

Huiyuan couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this, who wants to take pictures with you!But she knew it was the last photo shoot, so she didn't bother any more, turned around and walked to the backpack to start packing today's camping supplies.

Xiaolan led Mori Kogoro to the side of the mountain. She raised the camera and took pictures of the cherry blossoms and the stream behind her. Then Xiaolan said, "Dad, come closer and hold me!"

Kogoro Mouri hugged Xiaolan's slender waist, and Xiaolan's body was tightly pressed against Kogoro Mouri's arms. She looked sideways at Kogoro Mouri and shouted, "Three, two, one, take a picture!"

While speaking, she stretched out her small face and kissed Kogoro Mouri. This scene was clearly captured by the mobile phone.

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but be stunned, but after the kiss, Xiaolan showed a smug smile on his face, and immediately broke free from Kogoro Moori's arms, and ran towards Huiyuan.

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