This collision also woke up Ayumi who had just fainted from fright.

The two men in suits in the car got out of the car and couldn't help wondering when they saw the three of Conan: "Isn't this the three pranksters just now? Why did you follow here?"

"Leave them alone, let's get things quickly, or we'll be really late."

The curly-haired man opened the trunk and immediately saw a little girl in the trunk.

Ayumi in the trunk immediately yelled and cried: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

The curly-haired man looked panic-stricken, and kept comforting Ayumi: "Little sister, why are you here, don't cry, okay?"

Genta and Mitsuhiko rushed over immediately, hugged the curly-haired man's thigh, and shouted: "With us here, you don't want to hurt Ayumi!"

Conan, who was stunned by the bump, stood up, shook his head, and said with a straight face: "You are the murderer of the serial murder of girls, you can't escape, I heard what you said in the car just now. "

Yuan Tai said: "Yes, even a child can be killed without changing his face. This is what you said, and I heard it."

Ayumi quickly exclaimed: "There are still stolen banknotes and the dead girl's head in the trunk."

Mitsuhiko exclaimed repeatedly: "Why are you talking so much nonsense with them, Conan, hurry up."

Conan squatted down immediately, twisted the switch of the shoe, and was about to kick a soda can on the side of the road.

At this time, the man in the white suit yelled: "You little brats, did you make a mistake? We are rehearsing the script and checking the lines!"


The man in the white suit took out the girl's head and banknotes from the trunk. The banknotes were fake and the head was made of rubber. He kept yelling: "These are all fake props specially prepared for the show!"

The Boy Detective Team was stunned.

Ayumi couldn't help touching her head, and smiled innocently: "The trunk is too dark, I seem to have read it wrong, haha!"

The curly-haired man in a suit yelled: "You little brats chased us all the way and called us murderers. It's so rude. I'll teach you a lesson."

The four children immediately scattered like birds and beasts. Unfortunately, Mrs. Yuan was caught because she was too fat and ran too slowly. He was spanked dozens of times before he was let go.


On another street, the four members of the young detective team reunited. With tears in his eyes, Yuan Tai touched his big butt and said, "That uncle is so hateful. If I grow up, I must beat him hard ass."

It turned out that all of this was a big oolong. The four of them came out to play hide-and-seek during the lunch break. Ayumi hid in the trunk of the car, and then heard the conversation between the two in the car when they were acting.

Afterwards, Conan and the others all misunderstood, thinking that it was the murderer of the girl serial murder case, so they chased all the way, but luckily it was a false alarm in the end.


Conan, with his head in his hands, had a gloomy gaze. What happened to Ayumi was a false alarm, but he saw what happened to his mother and Kogoro Mori.

At this moment, his heart was covered with a layer of haze, thinking of the weak relationship between his mother and father, and thinking of Mori Kogoro who lived under the same roof, Conan was in a state of confusion at the moment.

Uncle Mao Li separated again. If he was really with his mother, wouldn't he and Xiao Lan become siblings?

Conan looked at the third child who was frowning, and couldn't help feeling that it was great to be a child and not worry about these things.


And at the moment in the car shop, Mori Kogoro was looking at the cars with his arms around Yukiko.

Yukiko hugged Mori Kogoro's arm and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Kogoro that you would make money now, it's amazing."

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori recalled the dark history of the past. He really didn't make much money without awakening the memory of his previous life, but Yukiko became a star after graduating from high school, and his income naturally increased.

Since high school, he and Yukiko spent Yukiko's money when they were together, including going to various places in Neon, buying a villa, and even opening a room at the Sakura Hotel.

But even so, Yukiko didn't dislike Kogoro Mori at all. If Eri hadn't found out, she would have been with Kogoro Mori for the rest of her life, so Kogoro Mori felt that he owed Kogoro Mori too much.

He came to Alfa Romeo's car with Yukiko in his arms, and said grandly: "You are going to stay in Tokyo, and you need a car for transportation. I remember you like this Italian brand car, so choose one." !"

You Xizi couldn't help frowning and said: "Xiao Wulang, don't do this, how much money do you earn from the commission fee, I can buy it myself!"

"Be obedient!" Mori Kogoro said domineeringly, Yukiko stopped talking immediately.

But her smiling eyes narrowed slightly, feeling very satisfied, Yuxiko immediately turned to look at the car.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Conan calling.

You Xizi didn't doubt that he was there, and picked it up: "Hello, Conan? What can I do with my mother!"

Chapter 0047

"Mom, where are you now?"

Yukiko said, "Of course I'm at home in Los Angeles!"

"You're lying, I saw you on Mihua [-]nd Road, and Uncle Mao Li is still hugging you!"

Yukiko's face changed instantly, she turned pale with panic, she turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori, pointing at the phone.

When Conan heard the panting and the long silence, his heart sank.

He glanced at it just now and was only [-]% sure, but Yukiko's silence told him that everything seemed to be true.

Unexpectedly, instead of accompanying her father in Los Angeles, her mother came to Tokyo to have an affair with Uncle Maori.

Thinking of this, Conan didn't know what to do. Both of them are very close to him, why would he do such a thing!

Mori Kogoro answered the phone with a calm face, and performed the master-level voice change technique. This skill has never been used since Mori Kogoro learned it, but this time it came in handy.

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