Conan only heard the voice of his father Yusaku Kudo coming from the phone: "Conan, what nonsense are you talking about, look how angry you are with your mother!"

"Father?" Conan's face instantly turned cloudy.

"You bastard, are you trying to piss me off? Uncle Mao Li is a good friend of Dad. If you say that about him, I must let Uncle Mao Li teach you a good lesson!"

Conan's face immediately became panicked, with a look of horror.

"Father, listen to my explanation. I just saw two people who looked like my mother and Uncle Maori on the road, so I misunderstood it. I didn't mean it."

Mori Kogoro sneered in the voice of Kudo Yusaku: "It's late, I managed to make your mother happy. You called, and she is crying next to you. Just wait for me and see when I go back to Tokyo next time." Take care of you."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro hung up the phone.

"Ah, ah, ah, Dad, don't be like this!" Conan was really scared now.

Yukiko looked at Mori Kogoro in surprise, and she couldn't believe it when she heard Yusaku Kudo's voice coming out of his mouth. This time, the crisis of discovery was resolved in an instant.

Yukiko excitedly leaned over and kissed Kogoro Mori, she put her arms around Kogoro Mori's neck and hung on Kogoro Mori's body, and praised: "Kogoro, you are so amazing, how can you speak Yusaku's voice?" .”

Kogoro Mori smiled: "I can still speak your voice!" This was Yukiko's voice coming from Kogoro Mori.

Hearing her own voice, You Xizi's eyes were even more surprised: "Xiao Wulang, I love you to death."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's phone rang, and it was from Conan. This difficult little devil is really worrying.

Kogoro Mori answered the phone and said, "Conan, what do you want?"

"Uncle Maori, where are you now?"

Mori Kogoro said: "I just came back. There was something wrong with the vegetarian food I ate last night. I had a stomachache. I am seeing a doctor at Dr. Aso's. I have to buy a car later."

While speaking, he took the phone away, and Aso's honest voice came out of his mouth: "Mr. Mao Li, hurry up and get an injection, one shot will be enough!"

Mori Kogoro continued: "Okay, I still have things to do, so I won't talk to you. I have to obey Mr. Xiaolin at school."

Kogoro Mori hung up the phone after saying this.

Conan's mood has improved a lot. Uncle Mao Li is in Dr. Aso's private hospital, and his mother is with his father again. Then the man and woman I saw on Mihua [-]nd Road must be wrong, otherwise they look alike Two people.

Conan rested his chin and thought, the possibility is very high. Ever since he last saw Kaito who looked exactly like himself, and Aoko who looked very similar to Xiaolan, he began to feel that there is no one in this world who looks like him. There should be many people like me.

But soon Conan turned into a bitter face again. This time, his mother was sad and in tears, and his father was furious, and he wanted to come to Tokyo to find him. Should he find a place to hide?Worry!

"Conan, what are you thinking here? Hurry up and go back to school. Mr. Kobayashi called again to remind you." Ayumi called Conan from the side, and Conan quickly followed.


In the car shop, You Xizi looked at Mori Kogoro, as if she had known him for the first time, and she couldn't help but said, "Xiaogoro, what have you been through these days when I'm not here? Why have you changed so much!"

"So you know how important you are to me, but are you really not going to tell Conan? Wouldn't it be too good to keep his life a secret for so long!"

Yukiko couldn't help but feel distressed: "It's not me, it's Yusaku, you know that since Yusaku's incident [-] years ago, he has become a little sick, but he put all his hopes on Conan, so Please let me try to hide it as much as possible, don't hurt Conan, Yusaku begged me like this, I have to help!"

"Besides, before the matter between us and Eri is settled, Conan will leave him alone."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Okay, then don't worry about it, Yukiko, hurry up and choose a car!"

"I've chosen it a long time ago. I want an Alfa Romeo GT."

"No problem!" Mori Kogoro nodded.

Then he chose a Toyota Lexus himself. The two cars add up to about 90 million yen, or more than [-] yuan, which is not considered a luxury car.

The car Mouri Kogoro chose was not conspicuous at all. He is a detective after all, and sometimes he needs to hide his identity to conduct investigations, so naturally he can't drive a car that is too conspicuous.

After Mori Kogoro chose the car, he took out a black card that Xiajiang Ban had given him. The waiter at the specialty store immediately became very respectful when he saw the black card, and immediately helped Mori Kogoro deal with the purchase of the car. matter.

Soon, even the license plates were installed on the two cars, and the two of them drove directly back to Tengfeng residence in a new car.

In the evening, Kogoro Mori drove this Lexus back home, recalling Yukiko who was really lying on the bed like mud this time. After a hard lesson in the afternoon, she was really powerless. After Goro helped him prepare dinner, he drove home.

As soon as they got home, Xiaolan and Huiyuan looked at the black Lexus in amazement.

Xiaolan's face was full of smiles: "In this way, it will be much more convenient for us to go on an outing next time."


In the evening, Conan came back from school with a dejected face. Because the four of them skipped class this time, the three boys were scolded by Mr. Xiaolin, and they were fined to stand at the door with their schoolbags on their heads. They were also asked to clean up after school.

So Conan came back late. When Conan came home, he saw Ran, whom he hadn't seen for a day. Haibara and Kogoro Mori were not interested at all. At this moment, Conan was still worrying about his parents. In the afternoon, he called Countless phone calls wanted to apologize to You Xizi, but Yu Xizi, who was fighting fiercely, was unable to answer at all.

As for the call to Yusaku Kudo, Mori Kogoro told Yusaku Kudo about it in advance, and Yusaku Kudo, who was bored in the United States, agreed with great interest. Conan was so scared that he almost had a nervous breakdown all afternoon.

Chapter 0048 and Xiaolan's trip

Mori Kogoro saw Conan walking in, his face darkened instantly, and Conan couldn't help shaking when he saw this expression.

"Conan, I didn't know that you and Kudo's family are still distant relatives. Kudo Yusaku called me this afternoon, saying that you harassed and even insulted his wife, the famous actress Ms. Fujimine Yukiko, and scolded her to tears. , is there such a thing?"

Conan couldn't help vomiting blood when he heard this, and he harassed and insulted his mother, but he didn't expect that everything would become so unbearable after his father's mouth.

Xiaolan on the side quickly said, "Aunt Yuxiko, that's Shinichi's mother, Conan, how could you do such a thing."

Conan was about to explain when he heard this, but suddenly he found that he seemed speechless.

"Youxizi is also my good friend, Conan, I didn't expect you to be so bad at school when you were young, to bully a kind aunt, and even insult her for cheating and having an extramarital affair. It seems that I have been too indulgent with you and neglected to discipline you. It made you look like this, even if your mother Fumyo Edogawa appeared in front of me today, it would not be able to save you."

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