Ji Zi looked at Xiaolan and still couldn't help feeling: "Xiaolan has really grown up, and she is almost an adult now, is there anyone she likes!"

Xiaolan blushed a bit, nodded slightly, then sat on the sofa and opened the photo album.

The first photo is about their experience of going to Kyoto to win the judo competition. The people in the photo are not smiling so happily.

Horikoshi Yumi who was behind saw this photo and couldn't help saying: "I miss it so much, the game back then is really memorable!"

The bald male police officer Nakamichi Kazushi glanced at Mori Kogoro: "Yeah, a certain person often didn't show up when he was practicing, and fell in love with girls every day, but when he went to the competition in Kyoto, he exploded and beat all his opponents by himself. , so that the judo that Xingxiong and I have worked so hard for two years is useless at all!"

"That's right, I still remember Yumi went up and kissed Kogoro after Kogoro defeated the last opponent! Thinking about that scene makes me feel excited!" Noriko Ayajo looked recalled.

Xiaolan's originally happy expression suddenly changed when she heard this, Mouri Kogoro waved his hand and said, "It's been so many years ago, what are you talking about!"

Yukio Ayajo said, "I knew that Kogoro, who was a man of the hour in college, would have great achievements in the future. As expected, you have become the most famous detective in Neon."

Omura Jun smiled and said: "Yingxiong, you will only act as an afterthought!"

At this time, Ayajo Noriko pulled Yumi Horikoshi and asked softly: "Yumi, do you still like Kogoro? You are not young anymore, besides, he has become a celebrity now, and those who deal with him They are all women of high society, I didn't say, don't hang yourself on this tree."

"Women, you should treat yourself better. A woman's blooming season is only for such a short period of time. If you don't enjoy it at this time, you will become more embarrassing when you get old!" Noriko Ayajo seemed to have something in mind.

Horikoshi Yumi smiled and said, "Actually, even if there is no result in the end, it's fine to be alone, Noriko, don't worry about me, I'm fine!"

Ayajo Noriko couldn't help but shook her head: "It is said that when you are young, you should not meet someone who is too amazing, otherwise you will be very sad in this life. This sentence is true for you! Although I have liked it before Kogoro, but unlike you, I have been poisoned by him and haven't had the antidote for so many years."

"Yumi, I still want to persuade you, learn more from me, so that you can understand what it means to be a woman!"

At this time, the bald policeman Nakamichi Kazushi said, "Ah, ah, ah, what are the two beautiful cadres of our club whispering there!"

Horie Yue Yumi smiled: "Do you men want to hear what we say among women? Speaking of which, Kazushi, you are not young, why aren't you married yet?"

Hearing this, Zhongdao Hezhi couldn't help reaching out and scratching his forehead, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Yukio Ayajo couldn't help laughing and said, "It seems that there is something wrong?"

Zhongdao Hezhi said, "I wanted to tell you guys before, but I never had the chance. In about three months, my blind date and I will get married."

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Congratulations!"

Everyone also sent blessings again and again.

At this time, Yumi Horikoshi said: "The only ones who are still single now are me, Jun, and Kogoro, or, Kogoro, let's just make do with each other!" Yumi Horikoshi looked forward to it color.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little flustered seeing Yumi like this, and with his eyesight he could naturally see the seriousness in the eyes of this old classmate who had admired him for a long time.

Xiaolan on the side quickly got up, looked at a group of uncles and aunts who were much older than her, and said without giving in: "Absolutely not."

After finishing speaking, Xiaolan walked up to Kogoro Mouri, hugged Kogoro Mouri tightly, and said as if announcing her sovereignty: "My father is going to reunite with my mother, and no one should try to hinder this. .”

Omura Jun on the side burst out laughing: "Almost forgot, there is also my father's patron saint Xiaolan, I still remember the party five years ago, Yumi was bitten by Xiaolan because she was too close to Kogoro One bite!"

"Yumi, it seems that you, Kogoro, can't count on you, why don't you consider me!" Atsushi Omura also seemed to have a look of expectation in his eyes.

Horie Yue Yumi laughed: "Ah Jun, forget it, Xiao Lan, Auntie is just joking, okay, okay, you are here, I won't get your father's idea."

Horikoshi Yumi smiled, as if it was really a joke just now.

Ayajo Noriko couldn't help shaking her head: How many truths were spoken in a joking tone!

At this time, Nakamichi Kazushi said, "It's almost half past ten, and I haven't started soaking in the hot springs yet. Let's go, everyone, let's go to the open-air hot springs together!"

Ayajo Noriko couldn't help but said: "Okay, let's go to the hot spring together, and then come back for lunch. The seafood here is very rich!"

Atsushi Omura couldn't help showing a smile that men could understand: "Does Noriko want to have sex with us? Not bad!"

Noriko Ayajo winked at Atsushi Omura: "It's not that we can't discuss it!"

Yukio Ayajo's face changed suddenly, he frowned and said, "Kiko?"

"It's boring, there is a vinegar bottle here, it seems that there is really no way, Yumi, and Xiaolan, let's leave these stinky men alone, let's go to the big bath in the hotel to soak in the hot spring, although it is not as good as the open-air one, But it should also be very comfortable!"

Xiaolan smiled and said, "No, Aunt Kiko, I just came back from the hot spring, so I won't go. You and Aunt Yumi should have more fun!"

"Then let me prepare lunch for you!" Mori Kogoro volunteered, and everyone nodded.

Chapter 0052

The group of people dispersed, Xiaolan went to the room, and Mori Kogoro went to the hotel kitchen to arrange today's lunch.

The other five people, the bald police officer Nakamichi Kazushi, the physical education teacher Yukio Ayajo, and the fat man Jun Omura went to the outdoor hot spring pool outside, while Horikoshi Yumi and Ayajo Noriko went to the indoor hot spring bath.

When Mori Kogoro came to the kitchen, he saw that the chef was preparing today's lunch. The ingredients were very rich, including lobster, net abalone, and sardines from Kujukurihama, not to mention all kinds of crucian carp, perch, and neon prawns. squid……

The species is complete and rich. Mori Kogoro remembered the tastes of several of his classmates, so he began to order the chef to do it, but he did not do it himself. After all, Mori Kogoro was not good at neon dishes in his previous life or this life.

While Mori Kogoro was watching the chef cook, a figure walked over with a fragrant wind. It was his old classmate Yumi Horikoshi.

"Yumi, why are you here, shouldn't you be taking a hot spring with Kiko?" Mori Kogoro asked doubtfully.

Horikoshi Yumi said: "Kiko is so annoying, I can't stand her anymore, so I didn't go to the hot spring at all, but you, how are you and Eri lately?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "It's just the same, Eri went to England to handle the case, and she won't be back until next week."

"Oh!" Yumi Horikoshi couldn't help leaning forward slightly after hearing this, and looked at Mori Kogoro with interest.

At this moment, in the large hot spring bath of the hotel, a man and a woman are entangled together, and the water waves are constantly rippling out. Kiko's single ponytail is being grabbed, and her glasses have been thrown to the shore. There was a groaning sound.

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