
On the bullet train of the Shinkansen, Conan looked at the stop and finally arrived at the destination. With a jump of his legs, he jumped off the seat, then got off the train and walked out of the station. He did this train for two hours.

Conan then reached out to hail a taxi.The uncle taxi driver saw that Conan was a child in a car, and he couldn't help being a little puzzled, but he saw that Conan spoke in an orderly manner, so he didn't care anymore.

"Son, the place you're going to is quite remote, what are you doing here?" the uncle driver asked.

Conan tried his best to put on a child's smile, and he said, "My family is waiting for me there."

"Okay!" The uncle driver didn't want to worry too much, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car drove out immediately.


In less than ten minutes, the fierce battle in the big bath stopped, Ji Zi had a dissatisfied expression on his face, and the man went ashore, put on a bathrobe, and headed towards the back door.

Yukio Ayajo was soaking in the hot spring pool alone. Looking at Nakamichi and Shi and Atsushi Omura who came back separately, he couldn't help complaining: "Does it take you two to go to the toilet for so long? Really, leave me alone What are you doing here!"

"People have three urgencies. Besides, you are soaking in the hot spring here, what else do you need to do?" After finishing speaking, Nakamichi and Zhi jumped directly into the hot spring pool, splashing countless water splashes.

Omura Jun also followed into the hot spring pool, and the three of them soaked in the hot spring comfortably again.


After Mori Kogoro finished ordering the kitchen, he and Horikoshi Yumi came to a tea room, where they sat on a mat.

After a long period of practice, Mori Kogoro still has a superficial understanding of the tea ceremony, and he brews tea on the tea table.

On the other hand, Yumi Horikoshi supported her chin, her eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori, her legs were crossed together, and her body was leaning towards Kogoro Mori. eye-catching.

However, Mori Kogoro's eyes were not here, but on the tea set in front of him. He poured out two cups of clear tea, waved to Horikoshi Yumi, and asked him to try it.

Horie Yue Yumi drank the tea like a cow chewing peonies, and then she said, "Kogoro, you have really changed, and you are completely different from five years ago. At that time, you were very decadent. Drinking, horse racing again, very worrying, but not now."

Mori Kogoro picked up his teacup and said, "People will always change, Yumi, you can try to change too, it's not a bad thing after all!"

Horikoshi Yumi smiled: "Forget it, people like me are nostalgic, telling me to change would be better than killing me!" There were blue waves in her eyes, and she didn't hide the fiery color in her eyes.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little distressed. Yumi Horikoshi's favorability for him has already climbed to 88 points in the favorability score. At such a high level, Mori Kogoro has no problem with what he does.

It's a pity that Mori Kogoro can't do anything at this moment. Next door to this tea room, there is a kitten eavesdropping on the corner. If Mori Kogoro makes any overstepping moves, I'm afraid a furious Xiaolan will appear in an instant.

The two were drinking tea quietly in the tea room. After eavesdropping for a long time, Xiao Lan suddenly appeared, walked in from the door next to him, and smiled satisfiedly at Mori Kogoro. drink tea.


At the bottom of a remote mountain in the suburbs of Nagoya, a taxi stopped. Conan paid a large sum of money, and the driver left immediately, leaving Conan alone to look at the mountain.

"Wow, it's true. It's incredible that there are hot springs in this mountain when you choose such a remote place for a class reunion." Conan shook his head, put his backpack on his back, and began to climb along the mountain path .


It was past one o'clock soon, and all the people who finished the hot spring came back, feasting in the restaurant, making sounds of satisfaction from time to time, but among them, Ayajo Noriko's complexion seemed a little unwell, and her appetite was also a bit off.

After lunch, everyone followed Mori Kogoro back to the tea room for tea.

At this time, Horikoshi Yumi said: "I just heard from people here that there will be a firework show at [-]:[-] tonight. Let's watch it together then!"

Horikoshi Yumi's suggestion quickly got everyone's approval, but then, the bald police officer Kazushi Nakamichi said: "It's boring to sit here, why don't we go play table tennis, hot springs and table tennis go together Simply perfect."

When Mori Kogoro heard this, a trace of vigilance suddenly flashed in his mind, but after thinking about it, the person Horikoshi Yumi likes is himself, and it has nothing to do with Nakamichi Kazushi, so he felt relieved.

At this moment, Ayajo Noriko said: "I may not be able to accompany you, it seems that I have a little stomachache from eating seafood just now, I have to go back to my room to rest."

Ayajo Yukio looked concerned, and finally sent Kiko back to the room, and then he followed everyone to the table tennis room on the first floor of the hotel, and everyone began to play table tennis in turn.

Chapter 0053

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon when everyone entered the table tennis room, and there was only one table tennis table in the room.

Horikoshi Yumi's eyes lit up when she saw the table tennis table, picked up the table tennis racket and said, "Kogoro, it seems that I haven't played table tennis with you since college, come on, let's play a game!"

At this time, Xiaolan stood up with the racket, smiled sweetly, and said, "Aunt Yumi, I would like to learn your golf skills."

Horikoshi Yumi naturally nodded, stood on both sides of the table with Xiaolan, and started the first game!

The ending was naturally very bleak. Xiaolan exploded with all her strength, and directly shaved Horie Yumi's head, eleven to zero. Seeing this, Horie Yumi threw the racket and walked away with an unhappy look on her face.

Xiaolan on the side naturally had a smug smile on her face.

Nakamichi and Kazushi smiled: "Yumi, you are such an adult, and you are still angry with children, but Xiaolan, you are really good, with such superb football skills, are you on the school team at school?"

"No, I don't play table tennis very much, just play casually." Xiaolan's tone of words was completely learned from Kogoro Mouri's, and she was so angry that she didn't pay for her life.

Horikoshi Yumi's face became a little ugly, Kogoro Mori could only shake his head with a wry smile when he saw this.

Zhongdao Hezhi took the racket and walked up: "Okay, let uncle come and teach you your brilliant moves!"

As soon as Nakamichi and Kazushi came on the court, Xiaolan didn't play like he did with Yumi. Instead, he let Nakamichi and Kazushi win the game.

Then Atsushi Omura came on the court, and the others watched the table tennis match, but no one left.


At the same time, Conan was climbing hard on the mountain path. He had been climbing for more than two hours, sweating profusely and panting.

The mountain road is crooked, you can't see the top at all, and you don't see a few pedestrians along the way, Conan can't help feeling suspicious.

Will Uncle Maori and their class reunion be on this?And without a cable car, who's going to toil and climb for hours to get to a party on the mountain!

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