At this moment, a climber came down from the top of the mountain.

Conan immediately ran over and asked, "Uncle, I would like to ask how far it is from the hot spring hotel on the top of the mountain!"

The climber took off his sunglasses and was surprised when he saw a child in Conan: "My child, why are you here alone? There is no hot spring hotel on this mountain!"

"Ah, isn't there?" Conan's face immediately changed, and he couldn't believe it.

"That's right, this mountain is called Prisoner's Mountain. It is famous for its winding mountain roads. The climbing trails inside are extremely long. I only came to challenge today when I have time. There are no hot springs near here, let alone this mountain. It’s on the mountain, how could there be a hot spring hotel!”

no yet?Are the hot springs and sister Xiaolan gone?

Conan remembered the letter he saw at home, and the address was indeed written here.

what! ! !Damn uncle, he was cheated again.

Conan, who hadn't prepared for anything, was thirsty at the moment. He looked at the mountain road back with a sad expression on his face. He worked hard for five hours in the morning to get here, and he had to climb the mountain road for two hours to go down the mountain. An hour's drive back.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help being tired for a while, and he sat on the ground, motionless.

The climber on the side shook his head when he saw this, ignored the strange little boy, put on his sunglasses again, and went downstairs.


Time flowed slowly, and everyone who was exercising in the table tennis room was sweating, except for Yumi Horikoshi who was often sniped by Xiaolan.

Yukio Ayajo, standing in front as the referee, couldn't help but said: "It seems that Xiaolan can only explode [-]% of her strength when facing Yumi!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this, but Yumi Horikoshi's expression was very bad.

If according to her usual personality, if she was laughed at like this, she would just shake her face and leave, but today, with Kogoro Mori here, she didn't want to just leave like this.

Now on the court are Ran and Jun Omura playing, while Yumi Horikoshi, Kazushi Nakamichi, and Kogoro Mori are standing in front of the cabinet, Yumi Horikoshi is supporting the cabinet with both hands, while Kazushi Nakamichi is holding his hands on his chest, watching Follow the game on the field.

At this moment, Yumi Horikoshi felt a big hand suddenly covering the back of her hand, she couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat, she followed that arm and looked at Kogoro Mori, at this moment Kogoro Mori stared at the field situation, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, Horikoshi Yumi's originally slightly frowning brows relaxed, her gaze shifted to look at Mori Kogoro, and then turned her head away again.

Mori Kogoro gently stroked Horikoshi Yumi's left hand, only to feel that it was extremely smooth. As expected of working in a cosmetics company, it was well maintained. The left hand responded slowly, chasing after Mori Kogoro's right hand on the cabinet. squabbling...

Kogoro Mori looked at Xiaolan, feeling very excited for no reason.

His fiery big hands and Yumi's left hand grasped together, and their fingers intertwined, and a smile appeared on Yumi's face instantly.

Mori Kogoro's big hand quickly got rid of Yumi's left hand, unwilling to do so, and instead grabbed Yumi Horikoshi's buttocks with excellent elasticity.

Kogoro Mori's big hands continued to wreak havoc, and Yumi Horikoshi's pupils immediately shrunk, and the corners of her ears turned reddish instantly. She turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori, only to find that the smile on the corner of Kogoro Mori's mouth seemed a little coquettish.

Doing such a thing in front of his old classmates and Xiaolan brought Kogoro Mori a sense of psychological satisfaction that is even more indescribable.

After a while...

"Okay, good shot!" Nakamichi Kazushi yelled, and his hands began to clap. Just now Atsushi Omura hit a beautiful spin ball and defeated Xiaolan.

Nakamichi and Kazushi stepped forward and replaced with Xiaolan, and Mori Kogoro quickly retracted his right hand.

Horikoshi Yumi twisted her waist in a panic, and reached out to adjust the clothes behind her.

Xiaolan who came down saw Yumi like this and said, "Auntie Yumi, are you okay? Your ears are so red!"

Horikoshi Yumi naturally replied that it was okay, Xiaolan thought it was a bit weird, but she didn't notice anything unusual.


Everyone was playing table tennis and forgot the time until [-]:[-], Horikoshi Yumi saw the time on the clock, and then said: "It's already past [-] o'clock, and the fireworks show starts at [-]:[-]." Yes, if you don’t go early, there will be no place, Kogoro, let’s go and get a seat first!” After she finished speaking, she took Kogoro’s hand.

Mori Kogoro nodded, took the mat at the side, and ran out with Horikoshi Yumi, Xiaolan quickly followed after seeing this, shouting: "Wait for me, Dad."

Yukio Ayajo said, "If that's the case, then I'll call Noriko, she likes fireworks shows very much!"

After finishing speaking, Yukio Ayajo walked out, and the rest of Jun Omura and Kazushi Nakamichi finished packing up their table tennis rackets, and then dispersed.

Chapter 0054 Kiko was killed

Mori Kogoro, Horikoshi Yumi, and Xiao Ran ran to the firework show site by the river bank, where a crowd had already started to gather, and Mori Kogoro, relying on his extraordinary physical fitness, quickly opened a road in the crowd Come on.

He spread a mat on the open space, and then sat down with Horikoshi Yumi and Ran.

Soon, brilliant fireworks bloomed on the river bank, and the faces of the two women were all intoxicated, so beautiful!

Xiaolan on the side saw the fireworks blooming in the sky, and couldn't help getting close to Kogoro Mori, and hugged his arms tightly.

Mori Kogoro reached out and touched Xiaolan's head, then turned to look at Horikoshi Yumi, the two looked at each other, couldn't help smiling, and then the three of them enjoyed the fireworks show together.

In the hotel, Yukio Ayajo came to room 202 of the hotel and shouted: "Noriko, Noriko, the firework show has started, get up soon!"

At this moment, Nakamichi Kazushi came out from Room 203, he changed into a new bathrobe, and without wiping off the water droplets all over his body, he said, "Xingxiong, the fireworks show has already started, why did you come to shout?" Kiko!"

Yukio Ayajo touched his head, and said: "When I just walked out of the table tennis room, I felt sweaty all over, so I ran to the open-air hot spring pool behind to take a shower, and now I'm here to call Kiko, but she She seemed to be asleep, and she didn't answer no matter how she called!"

Nakamichi and Zhi smiled: "As expected, we are old classmates. The tacit understanding is perfect. I also went to the room to take a shower, and it was really uncomfortable to be covered in sweat! But you have to be careful, has Ji Zi's anger getting up? Ah, I still remember when she was in school, someone woke her up during lunch break, and she was so angry that she looked horrible to the extreme."

Yukio Ayajo couldn't help shaking when he heard this, and obviously recalled some terrible memories, he couldn't help laughing and said: "If that's the case, let her have a good rest. If you don't care, let's go, let's go find Kogoro and the others!"

Nakamichi Kazushi and Ayajo Yukio walked down from the second floor, and saw Jun Omura buying soda at the front desk on the first floor: "Ah Jun, why didn't you go there?"

Omura Jun took the Coke handed by the boss, opened the bottle cap and took a sip, then said, "I just went to the big bath to take a bath, and Noriko, why didn't I see her!"

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