Mori Kogoro's pupils kept shrinking, so the murderer is very likely to be this person.

Kogoro Mori walked out, and heard Yukio Ayajo, who was leaning against the corner crying, said, "If I opened the door to call Noriko before watching the fireworks, Noriko wouldn't be like this!"

Nakamichi Kazushi, who was smoking a cigarette at the side, said, "Yingxiong, don't say such stupid things, Kiko was already dead at that time, and if we go in, we can only see her body."

Nakamichi Kazushi, who was smoking a cigarette, gradually calmed down, and apologized to Yukio Ayajo: "I'm sorry, Yukio, Noriko and I are sorry for you, but Noriko and I did it just once."

After hearing this, Yukio Ayajo couldn't help but punched Nakamichi Kazushi's leg with his fist: "You bastard!"

But then his hateful face became depressed again, and he murmured: "Jiko!"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this. With his eyesight, he could see that Yukio Ayajo had been acting all the time, acting as a husband who lost his beloved wife, but unfortunately his acting skills were really not good enough.

Kogoro Mouri looked at the three of them and couldn't help asking: "What happened at night, what did you do after we separated from the table tennis room?"

At this time, the fat man Omura Jun took the lead and said: "I felt very uncomfortable because my whole body was soaked in sweat, so I took a bath in the big bath in the hotel, changed my clothes after taking a shower, and then went to the front desk to buy clothes. While drinking, I saw the two of them coming down the stairs."

Yukio Ayajo said: "I am the same. I felt uncomfortable when I walked out of the table tennis room. Then I went to the hot spring pool outside to take a bath when I passed the back door. After that, I went back to the room on the second floor. I wanted to call Ji Kiko went to watch the fireworks together, but at that time, he met Kazuki who came out of the next room, and suddenly remembered that Kiko got up very angry, so he didn't wake her up, and then went downstairs with Hezhi, and met A Jun .”

Nakamichi and Zhi couldn't help frowning: "Xiao Goro, why are you asking this? Don't you doubt us!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just want to ask for clarification!"

Nakamichi Kazushi said: "After leaving the table tennis room, I also felt very sticky all over, so I went back to my room to take a shower and change clothes. I can't go to see you and Yumi with a sour smell, that would be too rude! Come out later Then I saw Xingxiong on the corridor, and then walked downstairs together with Xingxiong, and saw Ah Chun, the three of us went to the river bank to watch the fireworks show together, but because there were too many people, the three of us They're all scattered."

Mori Kogoro continued to ask, "Then when did you come back?"

Nakamichi Kazushi thought for a while: "I came back at nine o'clock, because I didn't want to squeeze out with a group of people, so I left thirty minutes before the end of the show."

Yukio Ayajo also said, "I came back at [-]:[-]. After I came back, I saw Kazuki and Ajun in the restaurant."

Omura Jun said: "I came back at [-]:[-]. I was exhausted in the afternoon and I was hungry, so I wanted to come back to find something to eat, but I didn't expect to wait for dinner for so long! "Omura Jun touched his stomach.

It was almost ten o'clock, and no one had dinner yet.

At this moment, Zhongdao Hezhi said: "Let's ask the boss to see if any suspicious people broke in this afternoon. It's best to check the surveillance again."

Everyone nodded, and followed Nakamichi and Kazushi to the front desk on the first floor. Mori Kogoro was at the end. He held his chin, and he had already determined who the murderer was, but the most critical evidence was still missing.

At this time, Horikoshi Yumi came to Mori Kogoro's side and asked in a low voice, "Kogoro, do you know the truth?"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Horikoshi Yumi, and said, "Don't worry, Yumi, leave everything to me!"

Horikoshi Yumi nodded, her charming face was a little more sad, thinking that the death of her good friend was a great blow to her.

When the person in front heard the movement behind him, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Soon, all the people came to the front desk. Apart from the old lady boss, there was also an uncle who was in the morning. They sat here all night. Seeing the menacing crowd, the two couldn't help but panic.

Chapter 0057 Suffering Conan

"Guests, do you need anything?" the uncle asked.

At this time, Zhongdao and Zhi stepped forward and asked, "Did any strange people come in this afternoon?"

The uncle made a recollection: "In the afternoon, no one came in? I have been sitting here with the proprietress at the front desk since I finished cleaning in the morning, and I didn't see anyone coming in."

Nakamichi Kazushi then said, "Then can we have a look at the monitoring?"

The uncle immediately laughed: "Guests, take a look at our hotel, why do we need to install surveillance cameras!"

Everyone frowned when they heard this, another clue was broken.

Zhongdao Hezhi frowned and turned around: "Look at these two old people, even if someone really broke in, they wouldn't remember it, and the balconies here are all made of wood, which is easy to climb. It is also very easy to come in, but unfortunately, without monitoring, there is no way to find the murderer."

"Hey, we can only find out who killed Ji Zi when the police come and call the surrounding surveillance cameras."

At this moment, other staff members of the hotel also came out, and they gathered around and asked, "Guest, what happened?"

Mori Kogoro said, "One of our friends was shot dead in a room on the second floor."


These words caused an uproar in an instant, and the staff in the hotel all looked shocked.

The uncle even said hastily: "Then hurry up and call the police!"

"The police are already on their way. From now on, no one is allowed to enter the room at the murder scene on the second floor!" Nakamichi Kazushi commanded, and he quickly suppressed everyone with a sturdy aura.

Suddenly, Kogoro Mori remembered something, he turned around and asked the uncle and the proprietress at the front desk for some information in a low voice.

After asking, Mouri Kogoro finally had a faint smile on his face.

Finally found the decisive evidence! ! !


Below the Maori Detective Agency, a little boy with half-dry clothes and muddy trousers got out of the taxi, and he looked at the time on his watch. It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Seeing the familiar words of Maori Office, Conan couldn't help but burst into tears, and couldn't help but want to cry.

It was really hard to come back this way.

Going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is hard. This sentence is really not just a saying. In the afternoon, there was a heavy rain in Nagoya. Conan could only go down the mountain under the heavy rain. Walked for three hours.

Afterwards, at the foot of the mountain, it took a long time to get a taxi. Except for mountaineers, no one would want to come to this remote and barren mountain.

Conan, who couldn't get a ride, stood under a tree to shelter from the rain, but when he saw a thunderbolt strike a tree in the distance, and a fire ignited instantly, Conan didn't dare to stand under the tree anymore.

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