He reached out to stop the passing cars on the main road, but most of the cars turned a blind eye. Finally, a pig truck stopped, but Conan was covered in mud at that time, and the owner didn't dare to let him sit in front.

Therefore, Conan could only stand among the group of pigs behind, being pushed around by a group of stinking big pigs under the heavy rain, and fell on the pig manure several times.

Conan, who returned to downtown Nagoya, stinks all over his body, and the people around him holding umbrellas can't help but cast disgusted eyes, which shows the indifference of neon human relations.

The taxis in the urban area don't even pick him up, it's too smelly and dirty!

In the end, Conan managed to get on the bus to reach the Shinkansen station. Along the way, Conan had a three-meter halo around him, and no one dared to approach him.

The guards at the station almost refused to let Conan enter the station, thinking it was a street kid from somewhere.

After untold hardships, Conan finally got on the Shinkansen train back to Tokyo.

In the toilet of the high-speed train, he stripped naked and used the extremely limited water source in the toilet to flush himself and his clothes full of pig manure and sludge. You must know that the water source on the high-speed train is induced to flow out for two to three seconds. The flow of water for washing hands is automatically turned off.

So Conan, who was completely naked, could only sense it, get some water, wash his clothes, sense it again, get some water, wash his clothes, and washed for more than an hour before he could barely wash off the pig manure.

He was wearing wet clothes like this, standing under the air conditioner of the train, not even daring to sit in the seat, blowing the cold wind, and waiting for the clothes to dry, he took a car back to Maori's house when he arrived in Tokyo.

It's good to be home!

Conan walked upstairs with short legs that were as heavy as lead, and he knocked on the door on the third floor.

Hui Yuan was still awake at the moment, and was reading the latest American biological magazine on the sofa.

Huiyuan opened the door and smelled a stench. He couldn't help frowning and said, "The toilet on the second floor exploded, why are you so smelly?"

Conan ignored Huiyuan, went directly into Mori Kogoro's room, picked up the invitation letter on the table, carefully identified it under the light, and finally saw the painted material at the address, because the color was the same as that of the invitation letter. Same, so maybe didn't notice it before.

He peeled off the layer of camouflage with his fingernails, and the address inside had already been smeared out, replaced by a line of words written by Mori Kogoro: Conan, isn't it comfortable to climb the Prisoner's Mountain?

Conan's roar immediately came from the room on the third floor!

Huiyuan couldn't help frowning when he heard it, shook his head and went to his room with the magazine.


Outside the corridor on the second floor of the hot spring hotel, a group of people stood at the door of the murder room, and everyone in the hotel also stood aside and discussed in a low voice.

Nakamichi Kazushi sighed: "Hey, it seems that we still have to wait for the police to come and check other surveillance cameras to determine the murderer."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro walked over from the side and said solemnly, "Don't wait for the police, I already know who killed Kiko."

Nakamichi Kazushi stood up, looked at the hotel staff beside him, and said, "Could it be one of them did it."

Horikoshi Yumi couldn't help asking: "Kogoro, do you really know who the murderer is?"

Mori Kogoro's eyes were sharp to the extreme, he inspected the people present, closed his eyes in disappointment and said, "Ah Jun, do you still want to keep it a secret? Why, why did you kill Noriko!"

Everyone's complexion changed instantly, and they all looked at Atsushi Omura in disbelief.

Omura Jun waved his hands again and again: "Xiao Wulang, you made a mistake, how could it be that I killed Kiko, you forgot, when Kiko was killed, we were all playing in the table tennis room, I didn't even go out pass!"

Nakamichi Kazushi said, "That's right, Kiko's death was around three o'clock, and Ah Chun had no chance to commit a crime at all!"

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes again, and everyone felt a flash of light.

"Who told you that Kiko's death was around three o'clock, did anyone hear the gunshots? The real time of Kiko's death was not in the afternoon, but after [-]:[-] in the evening, when the fireworks bloomed."

Zhongdao Hezhi couldn't help frowning and said: "That's impossible, the corpse is completely stiff, even if there is an error in time, it is impossible to deviate so much!"

Chapter 0058 The truth is revealed

"Hezhi, have you forgotten what you learned in the police school? Sudden death under strenuous exercise will cause the protein in the human muscle to solidify quickly, and the stiffness of the corpse will be greatly improved. I thought that you and the physical education teacher were the only ones present Xingxiong knew about this, but he didn't expect that even Ah Chun knew about it!"

A wry smile appeared on Mouri Kogoro's face.

Omura Jun's face was gloomy: "Xiao Goro, I respect you because of my previous friendship, but you want to slander me like this and make your own reputation as a detective. This is a delusion. Let me tell you, Noriko didn't kill her." Yes, she was killed by outsiders."

Mori Kogoro shouted: "Are you still obsessed with it? Forget it, let me expose the truth and see how you can defend yourself."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Kogoro Mori, and the hotel staff at the side looked at the scene excitedly. Obviously, some of them recognized Kogoro Mori, a famous detective from Tokyo.

"Kiko was not in the right state after taking a hot spring bath at noon. I guess it might be because of a dispute with you. You should have made an appointment to meet alone in the table tennis room and talk about some important things, so Kiko is listening. When we said we were going to play in the table tennis room, we would lose interest and return to the room pretending to be sick."

"After six o'clock, we dispersed after playing table tennis. Xingxiong went to take a bath in the open-air hot spring pool, and Hezhi went back to his room to take a shower, while you stayed in the ball room, and Kiko, who had been watching by the side, appeared. You guys The two played ball in the ballroom."

"After that, you lured Kiko back to her own room with an excuse, then raised the gun in your hand, shot Kiko in the temple, and killed her!"

Omura Jun laughed wildly immediately: "It's a bunch of nonsense, how could I have a gun?"

"This is your first flaw. The owner of the model shop will naturally sell many imitation guns. Of course, many people who play with imitation guns will play modified guns. They want to modify the most powerful imitation gun, that is, change it into a musket."

"So it's very easy for you to get a gun. Moreover, the wound on Jizi's temple, the bullet caused less damage than ordinary bullets. This is also evidence of using a simulated firearm."

Omura Jun's laughter stopped immediately, he stared quietly at Kogoro Mori, and fell silent...

Mori Kogoro then said: "Then you wipe off the sweat from Noriko who died after strenuous exercise, take away the sweat and blood-stained underwear and bathrobe, and put on a new bathrobe, the blood stains on the neck The break at the place is the proof, because the bloodstain will be broken from the middle only after a new bathrobe is changed, showing an irregular shape at the shoulder."

Nakamichi Kazushi hurriedly rushed to the side of the corpse, looked at the shoulder and the wound, exactly as Mori Kogoro said.

"But halfway through the change, you heard movement from outside, so you quickly escaped from the balcony, and when you came back to clean up the scene, you wiped off all the traces and dust on the balcony, while the dust in other rooms remained Existence, you must know that the burglar would not be so kind as to help out as a cleaner!"

Nakamichi Kazushi poked his head out, looked at the wooden fence on the balcony, and then at the fences in other rooms, it was exactly as Kogoro Mori said.

"Because Ji Zi was holding a ping-pong racket in her hand when she died, and you were interrupted when you were helping her change her yukata, and there was no way to adjust it, which is why Ji Zi made this seven-character gesture with her right hand."

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