"Afterwards, you overheard the conversation between Xingxiong and Kazushi on the stairs, relieved yourself, went to the front desk and ordered a drink, then waited for Xingxiong and Hezhi to come down together, and went to the fireworks display venue by the river bank together."

"You pretended to be separated in the crowd, discarded the murder weapon - the modified gun, went back to the hot spring hotel by yourself, climbed into the hotel from the balcony where the boss couldn't notice, and then started to clean up the traces left by yourself."

"Because you know that there is me as a detective in the same company, so you didn't dare to be sloppy and cleaned up all the balconies. You even threw away Kiko's blood-stained bathrobe, and even went to the big bath to wash one. Take a shower and wash off all traces that you may leave behind!"

After hearing Kogoro Mori's reasoning, everyone couldn't help but looked at Jun Omura in disbelief, and Yumi Horikoshi even asked, "Ah Jun, did you really do it?"

Omura Jun's face was gloomy, and he and Mori Kogoro were completely torn apart at the moment: "Detective Mori, according to the evidence you found in this way, Kiko was killed by an acquaintance as you said, and it happened at [-]:[-] when the fireworks sounded. He was shot and killed."

"It could be that Xingxiong killed him because he found out that he was wearing a cuckold and wanted to kill him for a while, or it could be that Kazushi killed him because he wanted to get married and wanted to cut off the relationship with Kiko. The three of us Individuals are separate and obviously all have the potential to commit crimes."

"Why did you find me!" Omura Jun said this, his fat face was extremely ferocious.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, turned to Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, prepare three pieces of paper and three pens for me."

The dazed Xiaolan heard Mouri Kogoro's urging and quickly went to do it.

Three blank papers and three pens fell into Mori Kogoro's hands, and he distributed the blank papers and pens to Nakamichi Kazushi, Ayajo Yukio, and Omura Jun respectively.

Mori Kogoro said: "The three of you have said that you went to the river bank to watch the fireworks show, and the one who came back first was Atsushi Omura at [-]:[-], so please don't peep at each other. Draw the shape of the fireworks that caused everyone to exclaim, at that time only the murderer was busy cleaning up the traces, and would never stop to watch the fireworks!"

Hearing this, Nakamichi Kazushi and Ayajo Yukio lowered their heads, looked at the other two vigilantly, and then began to draw.

But Omura Jun immediately tore up the white paper, dropped the pen, and shouted angrily: "It's too childish to convict me based on this. It's not evidence at all. I just looked down at the phone at that time." , can't you?"

Mori Kogoro took over the blank papers from Nakamichi Kazushi and Ayajo Yukio, and they were all in the shape of a heart. Mori Kogoro showed the two pieces of paper to everyone, and everyone present looked at Atsushi Omura and their gazes changed. Yes, it's all in the eyes of the murderer.

Mori Kogoro smiled, with a stern smile: "Of course this is not evidence in court, at most it is a piece of evidence, but what about the bathrobe! Jun Omura, how do you explain it?"

Omura Jun panicked at this moment: "What yukata? Why can't I understand!"

"The uncle cleaner just told me that they only clean up the hotel the next morning, and they don't clean it the rest of the time. I just asked the uncle, and you asked them for a bathrobe."

"Then you have a total of three bathrobes, can you explain?"

"The hot spring hotel we live in will provide two sets of yukatas in each room. Yukio Ayagi and Noriko Ayagi live in the same room. They have two sets of yukatas. There are no extra yukatas in room 202. Yourself You live in a room, and you wear a set first, and after you kill Kiko, you take another set of bathrobe from your own room and put it on for Kiko."

"And you will go into the big bath to take a bath and change clothes later, and ask for another bathrobe with the proprietress."

"Omura Jun, there are two sets of bathrobes provided in the room, and another set of bathrobes from the proprietress. There are three sets of bathrobes in total. As long as you explain clearly where these three sets of bathrobes are going, then I won't doubt you anymore. ,Can you?"

Chapter 0059

Omura Jun replied silently, sweat continued to ooze and flow, and soon soaked his entire back.

"Of course you can't, because one of the yukatas was replaced by you with Kiko's bloody gown. No matter how hard you search, you can only find two sets of yukatas, one on your body and one on yours. In the big bath."

Mori Kogoro's words at this moment were like the winter wind, blowing directly into Omura Jun's heart, Omura Jun was unable to argue anymore, he collapsed on the ground, his lips became extremely pale.

The white-haired old lady proprietress said, "Huh, I lost my hotel bathrobe, and I will lose money. Three thousand yen. Hurry up and lose money!"

The uncle cleaner hurriedly dissuaded: "Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ah

The proprietress said, "Do you want to stay for two more days? Yes, yes!" She nodded repeatedly, looking happy.

The uncle cleaner quickly pulled the proprietress back and backed away.

Omura Jun, who collapsed on the ground, said sadly: "I killed Noriko! It's exactly the same as what Kogoro said, I killed her!"

Yukio Ayajo rushed forward and pulled Atsushi Omura up from the ground. He said angrily, "Why, why did you kill Kiko?"

A cold light flashed in Omura Jun's eyes, he directly grabbed Yukio Ayajo's arm, exerted all his strength, and performed an over-the-shoulder throw, knocking Yukio Ayajo to the ground.

"What are you pretending, you obviously don't love Ji Zi at all, why do you keep trapping her and not letting her go!"

Yukio Ayajo was lying on the ground, groaning in pain, he couldn't help wondering when he heard this: "Why do you say that?"

Atsushi Omura said: "Isn't it? Noriko told me that you don't love her at all, and marrying her is a fake marriage, in name only, that's why Noriko chooses to be with me."

"You don't know, it's been sixteen years, ever since you got married, Kiko has been with me secretly, I haven't been married because of her, Kiko keeps telling me to wait for her, let me wait for her, she keeps saying If I want to divorce you soon, I have been waiting for her for sixteen years, year after year."

"However, this bitch actually got involved with Kazuki behind my back. If I hadn't passed the big bath when I went to the bathroom today, I would still be kept in the dark!" Omura Jun's fat face turned hideous, and he He rushed to Nakamichi Kazushi, grabbed his arm directly, and threw him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall.

"Hezhi, you are about to get married, why are you robbing me of Noriko, this bitch lied to me, even you lied to me, I was going to attack you next time." Atsushi Omura held tight Holding on to Nakamichi Kazushi's neck, Nakamichi Kazushi couldn't break free.

Zhong Dao and Zhi Lian repeatedly argued: "I don't know, it was Ji Zi who seduced me, and I only did it once with her!"

"Bah! Do you think I will believe it? I heard all the dirty words you said in the bath." Jun Omura's strength was hidden very deeply, and at this moment he was suppressing Nakamichi and Shi.

Nakamichi Kazushi blushed, and asked for help from Mouri Kogoro: "Kogoro, save me!"

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and pulled Atsushi Omura away with his hands. Atsushi Omura hit the wall directly and lost his combat power in an instant.

"Ah Chun, don't do this, you have already killed one person, I can't let you kill another one!"

Omura Jun sneered, with a mad look on his face: "This bitch, I gave her nine floors of my model shop income, she put on this green hat for me, and gave it to my old classmate for free, I just Tell her that if she doesn't come to me at night, don't even think about getting a penny from me in the future, and this bitch will just come here."

"I said I wanted to fuck her in Xingxiong's room, and she took my hand and entered the room with me. Do you think she is cheap?"

Atsushi Omura laughed a little morbidly: "To deal with this kind of bitch, of course I would pick up my beloved baby and shoot her. It's a pity that my precious gun was thrown into the river just like that."

Omura Jun turned his head to look at Yukio Ayajo, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "Xingxiong, I have always wanted to say something to you."

"Your wife is so fun to play with!"

"You don't know, after she died, I even took advantage of the heat, and the taste was so wonderful!"

Mori Kogoro had already covered Xiaolan's ears when Atsushi Omura was going crazy, he didn't want these things to stain Xiaolan's heart.

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