Of course, he knew what Atsu Omura did after Kiko's death, but he didn't expose it. He wanted to give the dead Kiko some dignity, but he didn't expect Atsu Omura to say it frantically.

Horikoshi Yumi on the side couldn't help turning pale when she heard this, and looked at Atsushi Omura, as if meeting him for the first time, her gaze was like looking at a demon.

Yukio Ayajo roared angrily, "Damn you!"

He struggled to get up, but the two over-the-shoulder falls tonight directly broke his whole body, and he couldn't get up at all.

"Ah Chun, that's enough, don't say any more, Kiko is dead!" Mori Kogoro shouted.

Omura Jun, who had a mad face, was stunned when he heard this, but cried instead: "Kiko, my favorite Kiko, why did you leave like this? Why did you leave like this? You bitch, you ruined my life and left just like that, hahaha, it's really cheap for you!"

Omura Jun has already started to speak incoherently: "My whole life, sixteen years..." He kept talking nonsense.

In the end, he finally stopped talking, like a puppet without a soul, sitting by the wall, his thin eyes under the glasses no longer had any light, the paint was as black as ink, and there was no hope at all!


The police from Chiba County finally arrived. They recognized Kogoro Mori. After listening to Kogoro Mori's reasoning and seeing Jun Omura who had already confessed to the crime, after collecting evidence, they took the bodies of Jun Omura and Noriko It was taken.

Originally, according to the procedure, everyone who attended the class reunion was required to record their statements, but Mori Kogoro's reputation was too loud, and with the presence of local police officer Kazushi Nakamichi, the police in Chiba County gave them convenience. Just let them go to the Chiba Metropolitan Police Department to record their statements at dawn the next day.

After working until one o'clock in the morning, the Qingmu Hot Spring Hotel finally regained its calm.

In room 208, Mori Kogoro was hugging Xiaolan and comforting Xiaolan gently. What happened today was too terrible for her who was underage, and Xiaolan's body couldn't help shaking.

The previous cases were all strangers' cases, and Xiao Lan could still deal with them calmly, but today's case is the case of someone she knows, and everyone has become scary!

"Father, how did uncles and aunts become like this? It wasn't like this five years ago!" Xiaolan's eyes seemed to be filled with mist.

Mori Kogoro could only say: "People are very complicated and can change easily, but Xiaolan only needs to be herself and be a kind person."

"Huh!" There was a crying voice in the nasal voice, which was really heartbreaking.

"Father, I'm afraid, hold me tight!" Xiaolan turned over and hugged Mouri Kogoro tightly without gaps.

Mori Kogoro stroked Xiaolan's hair, laid her down on the bed, and sang a soft lullaby with a soft tune. He gently patted Xiaolan's back to lull her to sleep.

Chapter 0060 Mature

It is true that it would be uncomfortable for such a thing to happen to someone you know. If it happened to a client you don't know, although the two of you are shocked, you won't feel the same way, so there is no real sadness and pain.

Mori Kogoro patted the soft back of the person on the bed lightly, his eyes were quiet, and he felt uncomfortable at the moment.It was his old classmate Kiko who died for more than ten years, and it was his old classmate Jun Omura who killed him. He even had an affair with Kiko for many years.

As for Yukio Ayajo, as Jun Omura said, he actually doesn't love his wife at all.

Mori Kogoro caught a few uncontrollable smiles on the corners of his mouth tonight. I'm afraid he is not ignorant of Kiko's romance, and he is also happy about Kiko's death!

And Nakamichi Kazushi, the man who is about to get married, also got mixed up with Kiko, and it became a mess!

The entanglement between three men and one woman finally ended in such a tragic ending.

The darkness and despicableness of human nature are undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Because it is the terrible face shown by one's own friends, it makes people feel even more chilling.

Being a detective is like this. For the truth, you have to get close to the abyss, stare at the abyss, and think about the abyss.

It is said that after staring at the abyss for a long time, he will become a devil, and the warrior who slays the dragon will eventually become a dragon!

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro has a way to vent, and there is a cute angel guarding him all the time, so there will not be too many problems.

Mori Kogoro looked at this angelic face, fair and flawless face, long and raised eyelashes, straight nose, pink lips, and the gentle breath exhaled from the nose, she had already fallen asleep.

He stroked his dark hair with his big hand.

How beautiful!

Kogoro Mori stared at those pink lips, inexplicably startled, like jelly, it seemed delicious.

His breathing gradually became heavy, the temperature of his body surface gradually increased, and in the favorability system, at the highest position, the achievement of Shenyin began to tremble continuously.

One kiss, just one kiss shouldn't be a big deal!

Maybe what his old classmates did tonight was too stimulating to him, Mori Kogoro's sanity disappeared easily, his eyes became red with a strange light, his body slowly bent down, The face slowly approached the angelic little face.

Soon, I could smell the warm breathing, which was fragrant and intoxicating.

Just a kiss!

Seeing those pink, jelly-like lips, and kissing them with one mouthful, Mouri Kogoro's body trembled instantly, and his rationality dissipated instantly.

This kiss was as old as ever.

After a long, long time.

Mori Kogoro's intelligence finally returned to himself from the nine heavens, he recovered from his trance, and found that he was greedily kissing his own angel, and his pupils continued to shrink.

The yukata of the people below had already been untied by Kogoro Mori's big hand, and Kogoro Mori was stroking his smooth thigh with one hand, while he was climbing among the towering mountains with the other hand.

Mori Kogoro jumped up immediately, and slapped himself hard. The sound resounded throughout the room, and the woman lying on the bed seemed to tremble all over.

Kogoro Mori looked at the disheveled naked body, couldn't help but lost his mind for a while, and then slapped himself again after regaining his senses.

How could I do such a thing again!

What a fool!

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