At the end, the girl also dreamed that she put on a white wedding dress and entered the palace of marriage with the man she loved. When she thought of this, her face could not help but show longing. It was really a rare dream. what!

The girl turned around, hugged Kogoro Mouri's arm, and smiled sweetly at Kogoro Mouri, her face seemed to be shining with happiness.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.


Soon, everyone came to the Metropolitan Police Department. There was a local police officer, Nakamichi Kazushi, and the process was quickly completed. After recording the statement, Mori Kogoro and his party said goodbye to Nakamichi Kazushi and Ayajo Yukio. up.

Mori Kogoro and Horikoshi Yumi walked side by side, and said, "Yumi, this class reunion is probably the last, and there will never be another one in the future!"

Horikoshi Yumi also sighed: "Yeah, Kazushi and Yukio are completely different from when they were in college. There is no need to continue to communicate with them in the future. It seems that only the two of us will be left in the old classmates' reunion in the future."

The girl holding Moori Kogoro's arm was full of vigilance.

Seeing this, Yumi Horikoshi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Chapter 0064 Another Woman

On the train back to Tokyo, Xiaolan looked at Aunt Yumi who was sitting across from her, and glared at Kogoro Mori in dissatisfaction. It was obviously a journey for two people, why did she let Aunt Yumi go back together.

Yumi Horikoshi, who was sitting on the opposite side, was wearing a green tight sweater, a pair of red short leather pants, a pair of black stockings, and black high heels.

Exquisite makeup on the face, big wavy curly hair, rose red lips, especially after the long-cherished wish was tasted last night, the femininity at this moment is even more bursting, compared to before, the level of beauty has risen to a higher level .

Xiaolan looked at Yumi Horikoshi carefully, and found that she had a gentle smile on her face, like a spring breeze, and felt a little strange, as if Aunt Kiko's death had no effect on her at all.

Horikoshi Yumi looked at Xiaolan and smiled, that kind of smile was like the smile of a king looking at bronze, only laughing at its innocence.

Seeing this smile, I felt that there seemed to be deep malice hidden in it.

Seeing the strange atmosphere between the two, Mori Kogoro quickly asked, "Yumi, do you work in a cosmetics company? How are you doing?"

Horikoshi Yumi said: "Yes, I am a small employee in the company, but my company has become more and more sluggish in the past few years, and has been laying off employees. I don't know if I will be laid off in the next round. After all, I They are already so old, and no one wants them all the time, they have become old leftover girls!"

cough cough!Mori Kogoro couldn't help coughing a few times, he could hear the murderous intent hidden in these words.

Yumi Horikoshi couldn't help laughing, Xiaolan just felt baffled.

Mori Kogoro continued, "Nayumi, have you ever thought about resigning?"

Yumi Horikoshi folded a pair of beautiful legs together, resting her chin with her bare hands, leaning forward, looking at Kogoro Mori with her big watery eyes: "What do I live on after I quit my job? You support me?" There seemed to be something hidden in her eyes A hint of anticipation.

Hearing this question, if Xiaolan hadn't been by his side, he would have said directly, I will raise you, from Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan on the side couldn't help frowning: "Aunt Yumi, what are you kidding?"

Mori Kogoro made a mouth shape, Horikoshi Yumi's eyes lit up immediately, Xiaolan saw her expression and quickly turned to look at Mori Kogoro, but found nothing unusual.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Yumi, I happen to be a consultant of the Banner Foundation, and I know many good companies. If you want to change jobs, I can introduce you to an old classmate. If the 'friendship' is so deep, I will definitely Do your best."

With Mori Kogoro's energy at this time, whether it is the Suzuki consortium or the Flagmoto consortium, he can arrange Horikoshi Yumi properly just by saying a word.

However, Kogoro Mori would naturally not arrange Yumi Horikoshi to the head office of the consortium, otherwise he would collide with Haemoto Haemoto and Tomoko Suzuki, and it would be a volcano hitting the earth.

Naturally, the old driver would not overturn the car easily. Mori Kogoro spent most of his 49 points of intelligence on this. He arranged all his women in an orderly manner and prevented them from meeting easily.

However, with the increase of women, the probability of this Shura field will continue to rise.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being immersed in his mind, and asked, "Xiao V, do you have any good suggestions for this situation?"

At this time, little V's charming female voice came out: "To be or nor to be, that is a question, host, you are no longer a boy of two or three years old, you are an uncle in his thirties, don't ask me anything!" Ask me everything, I can only remind you so much, although I am a system, I am only an assistant, and you will always be the only one who makes the decision!"

When Xiao V said this, there was a hint of resentment, and even a hint of fear. If Mori Kogoro found out that he was hiding something, his life might be lost.

"To be or nor to be, that is a question..." Why is this sentence so familiar!

"Father, where are you looking?" Xiaolan's angry words came from the side, waking Mori Kogoro out of his contemplation.

Only then did he realize that he was staring at Yumi's beautiful black silk legs when he was communicating with the system just now, so that Xiaolan mistakenly thought that Mori Kogoro was staring at Aunt Yumi's beautiful legs.

Xiaolan was naturally angry.

Horikoshi Yumi turned her head to look at the scenery outside, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, obviously she also misunderstood.

Mori Kogoro quickly explained: "Xiao Lan, don't get me wrong, I just thought about something and got absorbed in it."

"Humph!" Xiaolan turned around and looked out the window, as if she was really angry. Kogoro Moori didn't dare to mess around anymore, and the next time was very peaceful, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

More than [-] minutes later, Mao Li and his party arrived at Tokyo Station. The three of them walked out of the platform. They were very eye-catching, handsome men and women, and people on the station couldn't help turning around to look at these three people.

The taxi was already waiting in the waiting area, Horikoshi Yumi turned around, and said to Mori Kogoro, "Don't you want to give your old classmate a farewell hug?"

After saying that, she came forward and hugged Mori Kogoro tightly. Xiaolan didn't care too much when she saw this, but she was relieved to see that Aunt Yumi, her confidant, was leaving.

Mori Kogoro and Horikoshi Yumi whispered and then sent him to the car. Horikoshi Yumi waved goodbye to the two with a smile on his face, and the taxi drove out quickly and flew past in the distance.

Soon another taxi came from the back of the driveway, and Mori Kogoro took Xiaolan's hand and got into the car: "Mr. driver, please go to Mihuacho 39-chome [-]!"


At this moment, in a dim coffee shop box, under the dim light, a silver-haired woman appeared under the light. She lit a lady's cigarette, and there was a hint of confusion in her water green eyes.

The coffee has already been drunk, and there are countless messy photos on the table, which are the photos of Mori Kogoro.

In the shadows, the black cat lying on a woman's lap called out: "Zoooo..."

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