In the darkness, the cat's eyes showed a strange emerald green.

At this moment, the screen in the box suddenly lit up, and a thin white man appeared on the screen. His face was pale and mad, like a drug addict.

The caucasian man spoke, and the authentic London English came out of his mouth: "Two beauties, why are you having a meeting in such a dark place? It's like doing something shameful!"

His tone of voice is weird, sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce!

"How's the plan going? Do you need my help? This must be a very interesting thing!"

The silver-haired woman said: "Don't worry about it, Your Excellency, we can still handle this matter."

"Good job, I like smart people the most. It would be a pity that there are no smart people in this world. However, I will always pay attention to this matter. If it wasn't for my little sweetheart to be naughty again, this guy It's time for me to try, oh, I've been preparing for so long, and you cut me off all of a sudden, Vermouth, you have to make it up to me!"

"Your Excellency is joking again!"

At this moment, there seemed to be other voices in the video, which seemed to be scolding, and the white man turned off the video in a panic.

Chapter 0065 the expressionless gray original

Watching the screen go dark, Belmode crushed the lady's cigarette on the glass ashtray, her movements were extremely graceful.

The water-green eyes looked at the woman who was sitting alone in the shadow, and said in fluent Japanese: "I really don't know why you want to help me this way, doesn't your organization never care about these things? "

"Besides, I caught the weakness. It's the same with you and without you." Belmode clicked on the photo on the table.

Among these photos, Kogoro Mori has the most single photos, followed by a photo of him and Ran, a single photo of Kogoro Mori's wife Eri, and a photo of Kogoro Mori holding Haibara.

A stern look flashed in Belmode's eyes when he saw this photo, Shirley!

At the Cupido Hotel on Christmas Eve before, the computer left by Pixar was taken back by Belmode. Belmode saw the above information from the computer, and naturally knew the identity of Haibara, but She pursued soloism, but she didn't share this information, presumably she already had a plan in mind.

Haibara is protected by Mori Kogoro. The famous detective who made Gin suffer twice is not an easy character to deal with. Without a perfect plan, it is impossible for Belmode to do it.

However, the Caucasian man found out about the plan that he wanted to implement, and then the woman in front of him came to his door. This woman even offered to help, and wanted to deal with Kogoro Mori together.

The forces behind this woman are extremely powerful in politics and other fields, and with her help, it will naturally save a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the organization has cooperated with the forces behind this woman, and they are both existences in the dark world, so they are naturally trustworthy.

The woman in the shadow let go of the black cat on her lap, and the black cat instantly jumped onto the table and stretched itself.The woman pointed at Mori Kogoro who was holding Huiyuan: "Because I want to expose this guy's true colors, ruin his reputation, and let him die in pain!"

Belmode waved his hand. Judging by his posture, it is possible that the woman who was betrayed by the pervert detective has come back to take revenge now. Hehe, it's very interesting!

Mori Kogoro, Mori Detective, I want to see how you deal with it!


Xiaolan's anger came and went quickly, and when she saw Horikoshi Yumi leave, she smiled again.

In the afternoon, Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan returned home, with Conan and Haibara among them, both of them had ugly faces.

Huiyuan became a little upset because the experiment failed again. She had obtained all the information on the medicine, but the research on the antidote still failed again and again, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

And because of Conan's sad day yesterday, he was forced to climb a mountain and got caught in the rain, and his physical strength was so exhausted that he still hasn't recovered.

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan came to the third floor and saw that Haibara and Conan were not looking well. Xiaolan immediately stepped forward and asked, "Haibara and Conan, how was your day last night? We had lunch today." ?"

"Eat!" Huiyuan flipped through the biology magazine and replied casually.

Conan looked at Mori Kogoro with dead fish eyes and said, "Uncle Mori, what happened to your invitation letter yesterday?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that the invitation letter he made casually would really come in handy.

He had noticed Conan's weirdness before, and he didn't want this little devil to follow, so he changed the address of the invitation letter. It seemed that Conan really went to that place yesterday.

So Mori Kogoro touched Conan's head, with a mocking look on his face: "Boy, you really don't want to go to Nagoya, do you?"

"Of course I..." Conan stopped immediately when he said this, with an MMP smile on his face, "Of course I didn't go!"

Kogoro Mori rubbed Conan's head with his big hands, and said unceremoniously, "If you don't go, it's none of your business. This is an invitation letter for uncle's class reunion. Why do you care so much?"

"Little ghost, go downstairs and write your Olympiad questions, you bastard, forgot your prank a few days ago, and made your Uncle Yusaku call to complain, do you believe it or not? Then call your mother, Ms. Wen Dai, and tell her to scold you!"

Conan was terrified when he heard this, and Fumyo Edogawa was Yukiko Kudo.

If Kogoro Mori goes to say it again, adding fuel to the fire, I'm afraid he really has a home and can't go back.

He immediately calmed down and rushed downstairs with his short legs, while saying, "Uncle Maori, I'm going to do the problem now, please don't call my mother."

Seeing Conan like this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing, he turned and sat on the sofa, looking at the school bully Loriel beside him.

Huiyuan was wearing a light yellow dress, revealing a section of white and tender little arms and legs like a lotus root.Delicate like a doll.

However, her expression remained unchanged, as if she had encountered something bothering her.

"Xiao Ai, what's the matter with you? Why this expression?"

Kogoro Mori reached out and hugged the soft and cute Haibara, and Haibara dropped the magazine in his hand, and put his arms around Kogoro Mori's waist.

She shook her little head slightly, and lying in Kogoro Mouri's arms, her face gradually became more beautiful.

It's just that Haibara can't help but feel upset when he thinks that he can't recover his body and can't be with Kogoro Mori.

But in the end she changed her mind, if there was really no way to develop an antidote, then growing up as a child again was her only choice.

Thinking of this, Haibara jumped off Moori Kogoro's body, and the cute loli voice shot out from his mouth: "Uncle Mouri, I want to watch a movie with you. I bought it."

Huiyuan ran back to the room, took out the video disc he bought, and wanted to play it on the TV in the living room.

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