Xiaolan couldn't help being curious, and took the video disc from Huiyuan's hand.

I saw the word Lolita written on the cover.

Open it, and the content is brief: "Lolita, the light of my life, the fire of my desire. My sin, my soul. Lolita: the tip of the tongue goes up, in three steps, from the palate down gently On the teeth. Lo. Li. Ta."

Xiaolan asked with a puzzled face: "Hui Yuan, why would you want to watch this kind of film?"

Of course it is ready!

Once the recovery of the body fails, the only way is to train the uncle to be like this first, so that Uncle Maori will not go out to attract bees and butterflies.

Xiaolan looked at the cover of the video disc, and her face turned red: "I remember this movie is about a love story between a father and his fifteen-year-old stepdaughter. Although this movie has high artistic achievements, But Xiao Ai, you seem to be only seven years old, it's too early to watch this kind of movie."

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Huiyuan realized: Daughter! 15 years old!

It seemed that there was another person present who fit this identity better than myself.

She snatched the video disc back with a blank expression, threw it on the ground hard, stepped on it with her little foot, and said with a blank expression: "Indeed, this kind of movie is really too early for me."

Xiaolan had a regretful expression on her face when she saw this scene.

Seeing this expression, Huiyuan couldn't help muttering in her heart, and she looked at Xiaolan with a hint of suspicion.

Seeing Huiyuan's expression, Xiaolan took her clothes and walked away in a little panic.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling sorry for him, why did he feel that the Shura field was getting closer!

Chapter 0066 stockings

The time on Saturday afternoon was very leisurely. Kogoro Mori sat at the office desk on the second floor, put his long legs on the table, held a cup of hot tea in his hand, and flipped through the newspaper from time to time. There is no commission.

Conan, who was honest, racked his brains to write those math problems in the room on the second floor.

Hui Principle put his schoolbag and materials on his back and went out, presumably to go to Dr. A Li for an experiment.

At this moment, Xiaolan appeared in the office.

She looked at Mori Kogoro and said, "Father, I'm a little undecided, come up and help me."

While speaking, she held Kogoro Mori's hand and walked to the third floor.

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan came to the room on the third floor. Xiaolan was wearing a white dress with the hem directly dragging to the ground, looking as beautiful as a snow lotus.

The setting sun at nearly four o'clock was warm and warm, and the room was illuminated orange-yellow.

There are still traces of cracks left by Mori Kogoro's previous collapse on the wall, which is quite artistic.

Xiaolan turned her head and said with a smile: "It's very beautiful, because seeing this makes me feel very at ease, so I didn't buy wallpaper and put it on."

Then Xiaolan turned around and said, "Dad, look."

She bent down and lifted the skirt that had been dragged to the ground, and a thrilling scene appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

I saw two straight and slender beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings. Under the sun, the black silk still shone with luster, forming a sharp contrast with the white dress.

Xiaolan took off the whole dress, wearing a white vest that was propped up on her upper body, and a pair of black leather pants underneath.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but panicked and said, "Xiao Lan, what are you doing?"

Xiaolan, who took off her white dress, tilted her head and said in distress:

"Because I agreed with Qingzi before that we will perform at the next campus festival, that is, at the beginning of next month. Therefore, clothing has become our biggest problem now. Dad, I am a little undecided. That's why I need your help take a look."

"Do you think this black stocking is better? Or other stockings?"

Xiaolan, who was standing barefoot on the ground, swung her beautiful legs and posed in various poses.

She really deserves to be her own daughter, she is beautiful, and she becomes very attractive after wearing these black stockings.

Mori Kogoro said: "I don't know what you are acting, so how can I give you advice."

Xiaolan sat on the bed: "I heard from Qingzi that this time I want to play a princess, and after being kidnapped, she becomes a witch in the woods, and finally regains her identity and becomes the queen of the country. The plot seems to be like this, I want There are still a lot of rehearsals for the first princess and the last queen, and Yuanzi helped write this script."

Mori Kogoro held his chin: "Well, there should be three identities and three outfits. Black stockings should be worn when the queen is wearing them. If you want to play a princess, then you can't wear these, otherwise you will feel Weird."

"That's right." Xiaolan sat on the bed, bent her two beautiful legs, and then began to take off the black stockings.

It just seemed that the black stockings were too tight, and it was very difficult for Xiaolan to take them off.

"Dad, help me."

Mori Kogoro quickly reached out his hand to hold it, and it was really smooth. He helped to take off the black stockings, which was really hard to take off.

"This stocking is too difficult to take off, Xiaolan, where did you buy it? It's really too tight. Wearing this stocking is not good for the human body."

Mori Kogoro picked up the packing box of the stockings beside him, glanced at it, and immediately understood.

Sexy tear-off tight stockings. It turns out that these stockings are meant to be torn, not to be taken off.

He couldn't help coughing a few times, and quickly threw the box into the trash.

Xiaolan on the bed twisted her two beautiful white legs, climbed aside, picked up another pair of white stockings that had been prepared, then sat on the bed, and began to put them on.

Sure enough, stockings are the best gift for women. Women are extremely beautiful when they wear stockings and take them off.

Xiaolan, who had put on her white stockings, stood up and jumped on the bed, shaking Mouri Kogoro's eyes sorely.

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