"Dad, what do you think of this one?"

The white stockings are obviously more in line with Xiaolan's temperament, and it seems that she can play an angel with a pair of wings.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "It's very beautiful, it suits you very well, just match it when you play the princess."

Xiaolan immediately laughed happily, but she pointed to the remaining stockings and said, "I also want to help Qingzi choose one for her witch status."

Then Xiaolan tried one by one.

Fishnet stockings, knee socks, brown stockings, pink stockings, red stockings, hollow stockings.

Try on each one for Kogoro Mori, and stop after each one to ask Kogoro Mori for his opinion.

After choosing the stockings, Xiaolan opened the closet and began to choose suitable clothes.

Most of the clothes that can be used as performance costumes are those dresses, which are very difficult to wear and often require Kogoro Mori to help.

After more than two hours of matching clothes, Mori Kogoro realized that his daughter's temperament can also be so changeable.

After Mori Kogoro walked out of the room, he wiped off the sweat from his brow, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.


Time passed quickly, and soon came Tuesday, and today is the time for Fei Yingli to return home.

It takes about 11 hours to fly from London to Tokyo. Fei Yingli is on the morning flight, and it takes about 5 pm to arrive in Tokyo.

At London International Airport, a woman is very eye-catching. She wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her impeccable face, showing a strong aura. She is wearing a gray professional dress, flesh-colored stockings, and black high-heeled shoes, highlighting She has a domineering figure that even Europeans and Americans rarely see.

Fei Yingli was looking at the file intently. The case in London this time was very strange.

It's not that she has never fought a transnational lawsuit, but she has never seen such a simple transnational lawsuit like this one.

It was as if he had come to make a round of soy sauce and was sent away. Although the reward that should be given was still enough, Fei Yingli still felt a little strange.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and it was a familiar number from Neon.

Fei Yingli couldn't help being overjoyed, and answered the phone.

"Eri, how's it going? Have you arrived at the airport?" Mori Kogoro's gentle voice came out.

Fei Yingli looked up at the clock. It's 8:9 p.m. in London now, and the plane doesn't leave until [-]:[-] p.m., but the time in Tokyo should be [-]:[-] a.m., I didn't expect this guy to be quite serious!

Even though she thought so in her heart, her tone was still calm: "Well, we're at the airport."

"How is the case this time? Is everything going well?"

Although the case this time was a bit weird, it was still over after all, so Fei Yingli naturally didn't say much.

Mori Kogoro finally said, "I'll pick you up when you arrive at the Tokyo airport tonight, and then we'll pick up Xiaolan and have a meal together."

With her daughter here, Fei Yingli naturally agreed, and hung up the phone.

She re-covered the dossier this time.A name flashed across it—Moriarty.

Chapter 0067 English!Eri!

There was a boarding announcement at London International Airport, and Faei closed Moriarty's file, put it in the briefcase, boarded the plane, and sat in her seat.

Soon, a tall silver-haired woman sat down beside her.

The woman was wearing a black dress with a graceful figure and a pair of brown sunglasses. Under the sunglasses, there was a pretty face the size of a palm. She looked close to 30 years old. She was an extremely gorgeous European and American woman.

After the woman sat down, she raised her sunglasses and looked at Fei Yingli who was beside her.

She immediately took off the sunglasses, revealing a beautiful face, but this face is beautiful, but it seems to have no characteristics.

The woman said, "Aren't you the most famous female lawyer in Nihong, Fei Yingli?"

"I recognize you. In the case of the criminal genius Moriarty in England, you were the lawyer who defended him. You can often see it on TV. You must know that everyone is paying attention to this case."

Fei Yingli's face was overjoyed when she heard the woman's conversation. Someone in a foreign country recognized her identity, which was affirmation of her career.

But when Fei Yingli heard the woman talk about the Moriarty case, she couldn't help but frown.

This case took her more than a month. Fei Yingli made a lot of preparations for this case after she came to London, and wanted to reduce Moriarty's sentence.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the court, the three witnesses all overturned their previous testimony, and even the judge of the court inexplicably acquitted Moriarty.

Fei Yingli just felt like she was being tricked, and her hard work for more than a month was useless, so she didn't want to bring up this case at all!

She replied, "I'm ashamed, I can't help you with this case, but you are?"

The silver-haired woman smiled, looked at Fei Yingli with her big water-green eyes, and said, "You can call me Christine, this time I am going back to Neon, mainly because I want to meet an old friend. It was such an honor to think of getting to know you on the plane."

"You are overrated!"

The two women kept talking on the plane, and the more they talked, the more Fei Yingli felt that this woman's personality was similar to hers, and in the end the relationship between the two became much closer.


Mori Kogoro went back to bed after finishing the phone call and continued to sleep.

After waking up, he went to the office on the second floor, and he pushed as many orders as he could for today.

Time flies like running water, eleven hours passed quickly.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Mori Kogoro went downstairs fully dressed, drove his newly mentioned Lexus, and headed for Tokyo International Airport.

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