It's been more than a month since the New Year's Eve, and Kogoro Mori missed her very much after not seeing her for such a long time.

On the way to the airport, he was still a little excited. When passing by the flower shop, Mori Kogoro bought a bouquet of roses.

After arriving at the airport, he began to wait in the waiting area of ​​the airport.

Wait until the radio announces that the flight has arrived.

But Kogoro Mori still waited for a long time after that, and he still hadn't waited for Fei Yingli to come out. He couldn't help calling, but the phone didn't get through, and Kogoro Mori frowned slightly.


Turning back the time to ten minutes ago, after the plane stopped, Fei Yingli got off the plane with this woman named Christine who was actually Belmode.

On the ground, Belmode passed by a ground flight attendant, and she had something extra in her hand. With a warm smile on her face, she approached the unsuspecting Fei Yingli.

A small silver pocket gun instantly pressed against Feiyingli's lower back.

"Ms. Concubine, it was very pleasant chatting with you on the plane, so I want to invite you to my house, maybe I can meet my old friend."

Fei Yingli didn't change her face. She glanced at the small silver gun at her waist. With her eyesight, she naturally recognized that it was real. She raised her eyes and looked around, and said, "If I Shout out, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape from this airport."

"Maybe, you can try with your own life." Belmode had a playful smile on his face, as if he was convinced of Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli didn't say much, and the two walked out of the airport through the VIP exclusive passage, so that they were staggered with Mori Kogoro who was waiting in the waiting area.

The two got into a black car outside the airport. Belmode lifted the pocket gun, pointed to Fei Yingli's upper body pocket on the other side, and said, "Take out your mobile phone."

Fei Yingli had no choice but to take out the mobile phone in her pocket. The mobile phone was already turned on, and it was on the text message interface, but it was a pity that it was a step too late, and the text message had not yet started to be edited...

Fei Yingli couldn't help but said: "Who are you, why are you arresting me?"

"You will know soon." Belmode's mouth curled into a smile.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro called, but neither of them answered.

Then Belmode took out a pair of handcuffs, handcuffed Fei Yingli's hands, and took out two black cloths, one to cover her eyes and one to gag her mouth.

Then she took out her phone, took a photo, and sent it!

The black car drove past in one direction.


Mori Kogoro searched the entire airport and asked the airport staff. He was sure that Eri had disembarked from the plane, but he was still nowhere to be found, and he couldn't get through on the phone, so he couldn't help being very anxious.

It's a pity that he didn't install any monitoring equipment on Fei Yingli.Otherwise, he wouldn't be blind at this moment.

To be able to go out like this from under my nose, I am afraid that the only possibility is the VIP exclusive channel.

Mori Kogoro quickly broke into the monitoring room by his own name, wanting to see the surveillance camera of the exclusive VIP channel.

It's a pity that the monitoring equipment of that channel is being repaired today, and the equipment cannot be used, so today's monitoring cannot be seen.

Will there be such a coincidence?

Finally, Kogoro Mori, who was suspicious, got into the car.


Today is the day when Feiyingli came back. Xiaolan didn't go home after school, but went to the mall to choose a gift for her mother.

But in the shopping mall, there seemed to be a person following her all the time. It was a thin, short-haired lady with orange hair and heavy eye shadow. The most conspicuous thing was the swallowtail tattoo under the eye socket of her left eye.

The woman was wearing a black long-sleeved dress, with a black ribbon tied around her neck, her eyes were fixed on Xiao Lan, and she did not hide her gaze at all.

Xiaolan chose a gift for her mother, which was a green silk scarf, and then she planned to walk home. Xiaolan, who was alone, walked into an alley.

Chapter 0068 Xiaolan!Xiaolan!

The woman who had been following Xiaolan also came in, but Xiaolan was nowhere to be seen in the alley.

Soon, the sound of breaking wind came from behind the woman's head, Xiaolan restrained the woman's shoulders from behind, and she said with a serious face: "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

The short-haired woman twisted her body, her joints bent instantly, and she escaped Xiaolan's control with a slip of her foot. Then she turned around and punched Xiaolan's head.

Xiaolan blocked again and again, and then started to fight back. The two of them were attacking and defending each other in this empty alley, and the rabbits rose and falcons fell.

The short-haired woman is obviously experienced in many battles, and the places she attacks are all Xiaolan's vital points. Why did the woman in front of him fight with her, but he didn't want to hurt her just like that.

Therefore, Xiaolan, whose physical fitness is better than that of the short-haired woman, fell into a disadvantage. She played very hard and was even hit several times.

But as time went by, after getting familiar with this woman's routines gradually, Xiaolan's karate also became sharper, she didn't hesitate any longer, became more courageous, and actually suppressed this woman.

The last high kick directly hit the short-haired woman in the stomach, sending her flying three meters away.

The woman fell to the ground and coughed continuously, looking at Xiaolan as if she was looking at a monster.

She had only seen this kind of power in Qin Jiu, but she didn't expect to see it in a female high school student today.

The woman couldn't help but said: "As expected, Dad is an expert, and my daughter is not weak at all. Belmode is really right."

Xiaolan put back her beautiful legs, frowned, and said, "Who are you? Why are you fighting with me?"

The woman did a backflip, her stomach was still throbbing, and she said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you have to go with me!"


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