"Just based on this photo." The short-haired woman took out her iPhone from her pocket, found a photo she had just received, and threw it to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan took the phone and saw that the pupils of the photo kept shrinking, and the photo showed Fei Yingli who was blindfolded and gagged.

"Who are you and what did you do to my mother?" Xiaolan raised her head, but saw a pistol pointed at herself in front of her.

In fact, with Xiaolan's current speed, she could barely dodge the pistol bullets. Unfortunately, she had never tried to dodge bullets, and she didn't know that she could be so fast. Seeing the gun pointed at herself, her heart trembled.

There was a smile on the face of the short-haired woman: "Although I can't beat you, my marksmanship is perfect. If you don't want the person in the photo to have an accident, then obey me obediently, understand?"

Xiaolan's face became serious in an instant, and she finally knew that the visitor was not good at this moment, but her mother was arrested, and there was a gun pointed at her in front of her.

Xiaolan could only listen to the short-haired woman's instructions, and obediently handed over her mobile phone.Then he followed the woman into a black car.

The driver of the black car immediately drove in one direction.

The cell phone of the short-haired woman in the car rang, she connected the call with one hand, and pointed the gun at Xiaolan with the other hand.

"Chianti, you didn't hurt that girl, did you? She is very important, and I still have great use."

"Bermod, you didn't tell me that she can fight so well. I hurt her. Just now I was kicked by her and almost threw up. Don't worry, she's fine!"

"Just take her to the designated place."

"I know what to do, I don't need you to teach me." Chianti hung up the phone impatiently. She was on vacation this time, but she was caught by Belmode and kicked by Xiaolan just now. , the mood is naturally very unhappy.

She put handcuffs on Xiaolan with a bad attitude, and then she put away the gun, raised her legs, and whistled beside her.

"What are you doing, don't hurt my mother!"

"Your mother, you should worry about yourself. You almost forgot to cover your eyes." Chianti took out a black cloth from the car and covered Xiaolan's eyes and mouth, and took a photo sent out.

The organization member in the driver's seat was driving the car intently. The car was speeding along the road, and no one noticed anything unusual.


Outside an old building, the black car stopped. The driver in a black suit got out of the car and opened the door respectfully. Belmod pulled Feiyingli down and walked into the abandoned building. .

Fei Yingli tried her best to identify the direction along the way, but the car drove for a full forty minutes, and there was no way to remember so many turns. She could only roughly know that the car was heading northwest.

The building was three stories high. As soon as she was pulled into the building, Feiyingli smelled gasoline. After a while, she seemed to be pushed into a prison. She curled up, her face still calm.

After a long time, the handcuffs on his wrists were released, and the black cloth covering his eyes was torn off. Fei Yingli spat out the black cloth in his mouth, and saw himself in a black cage.

This is like a dismantled prison, with rusty chains on the ground and several surveillance cameras above the cage.

There is also a TV not far outside, and what appears on the TV screen is a still picture, which is a high-altitude place.

In the distance, there are countless gasoline barrels stacked together, covering up the light.

Standing outside the prison was Belmode, who had changed her clothes. She was wearing a black leather jacket and pants, showing a tall and graceful figure. Behind her stood two rows of strong men in black suits, a total of twenty .

Belmode clapped her hands and said, "As expected, she is indeed the number one female lawyer in Nihong. I really admire her for being so calm in such a situation!"

Fei Yingli looked around with her eyes, trying to figure out where this place is, but unfortunately it was very dark here, and it was impossible to see the surrounding environment clearly.

At this moment, Fei Yingli suddenly saw a change in the TV screen. A female high school student in a blue school uniform was hung down with her hands tied. Fei Yingli's pupils immediately contracted continuously, it was Xiaolan.

After seeing that the girl in the picture was her own daughter, Fei Yingli could no longer keep calm, rushed to the iron cage, clutched the two iron rods tightly, and begged Belmod: "What are you going to do?" To me, my daughter is just a child, please, Christine, don't do this to her."

Belmode laughed, and he looked really scary with a fake smile: "Hey, why did the barrister who was so calm just now panic, but what to do, this is not something I can decide, I'm afraid It's up to your ex-husband, Neon Detective, Mori Kogoro to decide!"

With a wave of Belmode's hand, all the strong men in suits scattered.

Chapter 0069 Special Plot

"Mom, are you okay, what did they do to you?" Xiaolan's voice came from the TV, and the two TVs were connected together.

Fei Yingli immediately replied: "Xiao Lan, mom is fine, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Mom, don't worry, Dad will definitely come to save us!" Xiaolan looked determined.

Xiaolan was hanged from the roof by Chianti, and hung in the square courtyard of a building. Looking down, there are more than [-] floors, which makes people feel terrified.

This building has been abandoned for a long time, except for a TV and a few surveillance cameras, there is nothing in front of Xiaolan.

And Chianti disappeared after tying Xiaolan up. She was in another building next door, pointing a sniper rifle at Xiaolan, waiting for instructions.


In the Maori office, Conan feebly covered his schoolbag on his pillow: Sister Xiaolan hasn't come back to make dinner yet, she's going to starve to death!

He rolled feebly on the sofa.

It was already seven o'clock, and Mori Kogoro was driving to Feiyingli's house at the moment. He had already been to Feiyingli's law firm just now, but there was no trace of Feiyingli.

When he came to Fei Yingli's house, Mori Kogoro knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered.

Finally, after inquiring about the security of the property, I checked the monitoring system, and there was no sign of Fei Yingli.

Eri's phone has also been disconnected.

Mori Kogoro's eyebrows twitched wildly, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart. It is absolutely abnormal for Eri to disappear.

He drove to Tokyo International Airport again, looking for clues again.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's phone buzzed, and two photos came.

The Lexus that was galloping in the middle of the road immediately drifted and parked on the side of the road. Kogoro Mori's pupils kept shrinking, and the two pictures uploaded on the mobile phone were the hijacking pictures of Xiaolan and Fei Yingli being blindfolded.

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