Then a text message was sent: If you want these two people to survive, you should arrive at Aoyama [-]-chome in Mihua City at [-]:[-].

Little V immediately said: "A special mission appears: please rescue Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli, reward points [-], Wanjie draw once!"

Mori Kogoro's eyes turned red in an instant, and he shouted: "Little V, exchange the tracking token for me, I want to know where this message is sent from."

And he himself started calling Xiaolan, but as expected, he couldn't get through.

Little V's female voice became very serious, and said: "Three thousand points will be deducted, and the tracking will begin."

"A force majeure factor has appeared, and the tracking has failed!"

Kogoro Mori immediately realized that the props in the system would only become invalid if they encountered people in the dark organization, that is to say, it was the group of shady rats again.

It's so daring to dare to attack my family again. It seems that the lesson given last time was not enough?

It's a pity that this time is a plot that has never appeared in the previous life, and Mori Kogoro has no way to seize the opportunity like before.

He could only follow the instructions of the person opposite, turn the Lexus car in one direction, and then drive towards Aoyama [-]-chome.

Along the way, calls were made from Kogoro Mori's cell phone.


The Matsumoto police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, clapped his hands on the table, and shouted: "What? There is such a thing, Maori detective, you are the benefactor of my Matsumoto family, I will definitely help you Find the hostage."

The orders of the Matsumoto Police Department went down one after another, and all the people in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department started to act.

Police officers Megure, Sato and others were also full of disbelief when they heard the news. They hurried into the police car and began to help in the search.

A police car drove out from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The Banner Consortium and the Suzuki Consortium also started to take action. With huge sums of money, rewards appeared on the black market one by one, and civil organizations and underworld organizations also began to help in the search.

Countless members of the club went to the streets and alleys looking for clues.

Mori Kogoro even directed police officers Megure and Sato Miwako to call the surveillance outside the Tokyo airport where Eri disappeared, and the surveillance when Xiaolan was caught in the car, trying to determine which two cars or which two license plates it was. , so you can look it up in Tokyo's transit system.

But what is surprising is that the monitoring on both sides has been adjusted in advance, and it seems that there is still a mysterious big hand hindering all this.

The whole of Tokyo was completely agitated. There were not police cars galloping back and forth on the road, but there were club members carved with dragons and tigers, and the streets and alleys were chaotic.

Kogoro Mori made a few phone calls, and the face of Tokyo changed instantly.

Unfortunately, even so, there is still no good news.


Mori Kogoro's car kept speeding, and in a dark secret room in Mihua City, a woman on a sofa in the shadow was stroking a black cat in her hand.

The woman looked at the mother and daughter who were comforting each other in the surveillance, with a weird smile on her face, and she said, "Let this great detective make another fire, I believe the world will be very happy to see Tokyo Savior this way." Quite tragic!"

The person behind him backed away after hearing this.

At [-]:[-], on Tokyo Nikmai TV, the most popular TV station in Tokyo, the screen suddenly switched to two split screens, which were the scene where Fei Yingli was and the scene where Xiaolan was.

These are two surveillance vistas overlooking the scene, one of which captured the surrounding gasoline barrels and Fei Yingli's figure in the black iron cage.

The other took pictures of the hanging Xiaolan and the appalling height of more than twenty floors.

Because it was a distant view, as long as Xiaolan and Fei Yingli didn't look up, they couldn't see their faces from the two split screens.

The staff of Nichimai TV Station were stunned when they found out the abnormality. This was a broadcast accident.

They hurriedly wanted to go to the director's room and wanted to switch the screen, but the door of the director's room had already been locked and welded to death from the outside. The staff looked in through the glass window, and there was no one inside.

The audience who were watching TV were stunned, what was the situation, how could the singing and dancing suddenly become these two pictures, and listening to the two women comforting each other in the picture, everyone just felt baffled.

The big screen on the square also switched to this picture, which aroused a lot of discussion.

At this moment, a slightly nervous voice appeared on the screen, the voice has been modified: "Everyone must be very strange, do you think it is a hype of some TV series, then you can just guess Wrong! It is said that Mori Kogoro is the savior of Tokyo, but I don’t believe it at all. If the savior can save others, why don’t you save your own family?”

"The two women trapped, the one in the black iron cage is the wife of the great detective Maori, and the one who is hung in the air is the daughter of the great detective Maori. Now the savior of Tokyo that you call, that poor bastard is not there yet. Do you know where it is?"

Chapter 0070 choose it, Maori

The staff of Rimai TV Station saw that this scene did not look fake, and quickly reported it to the director. The bald director was panicked when he saw this scene, and quickly called the police. This kidnapping is a criminal case.


Conan, who was enduring hunger on the third floor of Mori's house, was scrolling through the TV channel boredly at the moment, when he suddenly tuned to Nikkei TV, and heard the crazy words.

Conan's face immediately changed drastically, and he picked up the phone and was about to call Xiaolan, but Xiaolan's number was not dialed, and then he quickly called Mori Kogoro, and Mori Kogoro saw that the caller's message was written as Conan.

The phone was connected, and Conan's anxious voice came out: "Have Uncle Maoli, Aunt Eri and Sister Xiaolan been kidnapped?"

Mori Kogoro's tone was gloomy: "How do you know?"

"Tokyo Nikmai TV is now broadcasting live. The title reads The Fall of Detective Mori, and there are pictures of Aunt Eri and Sister Xiaolan on it!"

Hearing this sentence, Kogoro Mori immediately urged Xiao V, who quickly turned on the car TV, and then called up the picture of Nikmai TV.

Sure enough, there were pictures of the two of them, and Kogoro Mori was relieved to see that the two of them were safe, and the nervous commentator named Edward could still be heard on the TV station constantly mocking Kogoro Mori.

Conan continued to speak: "Uncle Maori, what do they ask you to do, tell me, and I'll help you!" Xiaolan was kidnapped, and now Conan didn't care about revealing his identity, and asked for help directly.

Maori Kogoro said: "Little devil, what can you do for me? They are obviously here for me. Just stay at home and tell uncle if you find anything."

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