"Uncle Maury, Uncle Maury..."

After finishing speaking, Kogoro Mori hung up the phone and carefully observed the two split screens. Unfortunately, the resolution of the surveillance camera was too low, and it was impossible to see where they were trapped from above.

Before [-]:[-], rushing slowly, Mihua City Aoyama [-]-chome finally arrived.


Belmode walked to the prison and started calling.

She didn't know that her every move was broadcast live to people all over the world by her partner. Fortunately, she had a fake face on her face, otherwise she might be exposed instantly.

Edward continued: "Listen carefully, everyone. This is the mastermind of this plan. It will definitely be interesting to hear what such criminals will say to the Maori detective."

The call got through, and Belmode rang: "Detective Maori, you must have arrived at Aoyama [-]-chome by now, right?"

"I'm here!" Mori Kogoro standing outside the car looked gloomy, but the brows on his face finally relaxed a little, and he knew who the person talking to him was.

Although she used voice-changing skills, in front of Moori Kogoro's master-level voice-changing technique, she was completely out of class, and the most authentic characteristics of her voice were not concealed, just like Chris on the Suzuki cruise ship last time. That is to say, the person opposite is Belmode.

Belmode said: "Then let's play a fun game"

"Don't hurt them, come at me directly, they are innocent!" Mori Kogoro resolutely admitted, this is not the time to be stubborn.

A cruel smile appeared on Belmode's face: "Indeed, they are innocent, but they are your weakness. One is your favorite woman, and the other is your favorite daughter."

"Did you know? When a coin is tossed, only one side will always appear on it. It is impossible for both sides to appear at the same time, so this game is: two lives, choose one."

"It takes about [-] minutes from Aoyama [-]-chome to these two places. I will give you their addresses and give you [-] minutes. As long as you show up at one of the places, you can go smoothly." Take people from that place away without hindrance, no one will stop you."

"At the same time, as long as you appear in one place, the people you abandoned in another place will die because of it." Belmode's voice became cruel and terrifying.

"If you don't arrive at both places within thirty minutes, I'm sorry, one will be buried in the flames, and the other will fall from a tall building."

"Choose! Is it to save your favorite woman, the wife who will be your childhood sweetheart, and bear children for you! Or a gentle, caring, considerate and well-behaved daughter! I will wait and see, Maori detective!"

As soon as Belmode's words fell, Fei Yingri in the black iron cage screamed: "Xiao Goro, save Xiao Lan!"

"No, Dad, save Mom!" Xiaolan's crying voice came from the screen at the same time.

After understanding Belmode's words, both of them spoke very excitedly, and Belmode hung up the phone quickly: "You are really naughty, you two little rascals!"

Listening to the blind voice coming from the phone, watching the video of Nikai TV station on the phone.

Mori Kogoro's face turned extremely ugly, and soon, the two addresses of the two were sent by text message.

Fei Yingli is at No. 2502 Boulevard, Shinjuku District, and Xiaolan is at No. 508 Shinkiba, Koto District. One is in the east and the other is in the west, and this happens to be the center of them.

Mori Kogoro couldn't hesitate, there was only [-] minutes, and he couldn't delay for half a second. He got into the car instantly, chose a direction, and galloped away.


Seeing the woman in black leather say such things in the video, all the viewers who watched the show couldn't help feeling worried for Kogoro Mori.

It's too cruel, this kind of choice is too cruel, choosing one of them means that you are doomed to abandon the other.

Many people in the audience knew Mori Kogoro, and many were his fans, and they all began to worry about him.

It's a pity that Belmode didn't say those two addresses on TV, otherwise, many nearby fans would spontaneously go to help.

Conan, who was at home, watched this scene and directly punched the marble table, his fist was full of blood.

Huiyuan at the side stared quietly at the woman in black leather on the screen. The aura was extremely familiar, and Huiyuan's eyes were full of fear. Is it her?

Edward, the weird commentator on the Japanese TV station, said: "Two lives, choose one, it's really a troublesome problem, you can't have both, I'm curious which one this great detective will choose One, if I had to choose, I would definitely choose my daughter, the concubine’s lawyer is separated, so why do you want to come here! It’s better to let her die, hehe! Are there many people who agree with me!”

This Edward said so that people want to beat him.

Conan ran out with his skateboard and called Mori Kogoro. He wanted to know the address. If Mori Kogoro went to one of them, he would go to the other, but the phone was always busy.

Kogoro Mori was distracted, stepping on the accelerator, the car kept galloping on the road, shuttling through the traffic.

Chapter 0071 Eri's Confession

He was on the phone with Matsumoto Police Officer: "Matsumoto Police Officer, what are you talking about?"

Police officer Matsumoto frowned and said: "The police stations in Shinjuku and Koto districts were notified by their superiors today that they were dispatched to conduct drills. The fastest nearby police officers would need thirty or forty minutes to go to support them. This side is also under pressure from high-level officials, who are very dissatisfied with the commotion tonight, saying that they should try their best to maintain stability."

"But Maori Detective, don't worry, I will fully support you no matter what!"

There was a layer of haze in Mori Kogoro's eyes. Sure enough, there was another force blocking him. He thanked him: "Thank you, Police Officer Matsumoto!"

After that, he hung up the phone and made another call. As for Conan who had been calling him, he really had no time to pay attention.


This waiting time was simply the most difficult time. The staff of Nimai TV Station did not want to break into the studio any more. Human lives were at stake. They also paid close attention to the progress of this incident.

Police officer Mumu arrived here soon, but he had nothing to do with the welded iron gate, so he had to wait for the engineering team.

For all the viewers who watched the live broadcast, listening to the conversation between the mother and daughter on the screen, the audience could not help but feel worried. Passers-by on the street stopped one by one, looking at the big hanging screen, not wanting to miss this event .

For Fei Yingli and Xiaolan who were trapped, this period of time was even more difficult. Xiaolan's eyes were red from crying across the screen. For the first time, the mother and daughter felt that life and death were so close. The mother and daughter kept talking. comfort each other:

"Xiao Lan, don't cry, it will be fine, your father listens to me the most, he will save you, don't worry, it will be fine." Fei Yingli did not shed tears, she comforted her gently Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's eyes were already red from crying: "Mom, I don't want Dad to save me, I want Mommy to live, don't say such things, I'm afraid!"

Fei Yingli continued to speak: "Remember, after Mom leaves, you have to live a good life with Dad, listen to Dad, take good care of Dad, and don't let Mom worry anymore!"

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