"Mom's most regretful thing is that I didn't see you put on your wedding dress, Xiaolan, and didn't see you give birth. Xiaolan, remember, when you meet someone you like in the future, you must try your best to fight for it, and don't leave it to yourself. Pity!"

Listening to the mother and daughter's farewell confession, countless viewers' eyes were wet because of this.

Xiaolan has long been sobbing: "Stop it, mom, don't talk, mom, I want you to live, let me die, anyway, I have done wrong things, just let me die, you and dad Just get back together and have another child in the future."

Fei Yingli burst into tears instantly: "Xiaolan, what stupid things are you talking about? You are the pride of your mother in this life. I don't allow you to say that about yourself. Remember, help your mother tell your father: I love him!"

At this moment, just over [-] minutes later, the camera where Xiaolan was located changed to a different angle, the elevator door opened, and Kogoro Mori rushed out.

"No, no, no, Dad, why did you come here? No, Mom!" Hanging in mid-air, Xiaolan twisted her body in pain, raised her head and cried out incessantly.

Chianti, who was holding a sniper rifle in the distance, saw this scene and shook her head. She put away the sniper rifle. She was the only one in the Dream Island Building at No. 508 Shinkiba, Koto District. What's wrong with her.

After scolding for being boring, Chianti put the sniper rifle back in the box, then got up and left.

Seeing the choice made by Mori Kogoro, all the audience can understand, but for some reason, their hearts are empty, and they dare not look at another picture.

Feiyingli in the iron cage saw Xiaolan rescued by Mori Kogoro on the screen, she had a smile on her face, and looked at the two on the screen with nostalgia in her eyes.

And in the dark secret room of Mihua City, a woman pinches a black cat in the shadows. She looks at the scene in front of her excitedly, with a cruel smile on her face, explode, burn, burn her to death completely Bar!

Fei Yingli's face turned extremely pale. No one is not afraid of death. There were tears in her eyes, and her lips trembled uncontrollably, as if she was saying her last words. She said: "I love you, little girl. Goro!"

"Speak louder, I didn't hear you."

"I love you, Kogoro!" Fei Yingli, who came back to her senses, widened her eyes, and she saw a familiar figure appearing from behind the gasoline barrel beside him. Playful smile.

When the live broadcast screen was broadcast, all the audience was in an uproar. Seeing the two Mori Kogoro appearing in the above two screens at the same time, it was shocking to the extreme.

The audience shouted excitedly after seeing this scene.

Countless fans of Mori Kogoro jumped up excitedly, singing and dancing wildly.

"How is it possible?" The woman in the shadow of the secret room screamed when she saw this scene, strangled the black cat in her hand, and fell to the ground fiercely. She quickly picked up her mobile phone and wanted to call Bell Maude, but the mobile phone can't get through no matter what.

Mori Kogoro was throwing a time bomb in his hand, but only the medicine bag was left of the bomb, which had already been dismantled into pieces by him. This action was so handsome and chic to the extreme.

Then he kicked the iron door that locked the cage, walked in, hugged Fei Yingli who was in a daze, hung a necklace around her neck, and walked out holding her hand black iron cage.

At this time, Belmode led a group of strong men in black suits and appeared in front of the two of them.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Are you very angry? Why didn't the detonator explode after pressing it for so long, and the phone couldn't get through after so long!"

This is of course Kogoro Mori's arrangement. With his outstanding driving skills and his familiarity with the terrain, he completed the thirty-minute journey in eighteen minutes. Without anyone noticing, he sneaked into the house full of gasoline barrels.

Then Mori Kogoro arranged the black-tech signal jammer exchanged by Xiao V, and the wireless signals within a radius of ten miles were all interfered by the jammer.

The surveillance video is a signal transmitted by cable, and there is no way to block it, so people outside the live broadcast can see it, but people outside cannot contact the people inside.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro's face became serious: "My woman, I have always been the only one who can bully, and no one else can bully her. How many tears you made her shed today, I want you to pay back ten times!"

The extremely domineering words instantly made Fei Yingri behind him bewildered and fascinated. She stared at Mori Kogoro obsessively with her eyes, and made countless fans who watched the live broadcast couldn't help trembling in their hearts, and even got wet.

Belmode's face was very angry. She did press the detonator crazily just now, and she kept trying to call Chianti to let her kill another Mori Kogoro, but unfortunately the phone has not been connected.

Chapter 0072

"What's the matter with only two more bullets left and right?" Belmode sneered.

A blind man on the side said: "Boss, this place is full of gasoline, everyone will die if it catches fire!"

"I'll use you to teach me!" Belmode slapped the mouthful of this talkative subordinate directly, making him fascinated.

Belmode said harshly: "Give me all, beating to death!"

Two rows of muscular burly men in suits took off their suits, revealing chunks of muscle, a total of twenty, and Belmode watched this scene with interest.

Mori Kogoro pulled Feiyingri behind him, he also took off his suit and threw it to Feiyingri, just like before.

At this moment, Fei Yingli was standing behind her in a docile manner like a little woman. She took the blue suit and looked at Mori Kogoro with concern.

Seeing this scene, the audience cheered and cheered again.

Mori Kogoro exploded in speed and rushed over, like a tiger entering a pack of wolves, with a unique skill of half-step collapse fist, wrapped in six fierce and unparalleled collapse energy, bombarded the leader.

The man immediately flew backwards, bumped into the people behind, and collapsed, and all five strong men fell to the ground and vomited blood.

"Sigo", all the audience watching the live broadcast exclaimed, this technique of knocking down six people with one punch is simply extremely powerful.

There was a heart in Fei Yingli's eyes, and she looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration. The remaining fifteen people were instantly intimidated. The muscular men hesitated one by one, and Bell behind Moder has already started thinking about running away.

Mori Kogoro's stern gaze brushed over Belmod's body, and she felt a little frozen.

Next, Kogoro Mori looked at these fourteen people, and he really interpreted what it means to be powerful. Every time he met one, he directly grabbed his wrist, turned around, and it was a perfect over-the-shoulder throw, and the strong man fell to the ground He moaned in pain and kept crying.

Mori Kogoro was merciless, every time he fell, he used his strength. Although it was not fatal, it was more than enough to be disabled.

Heartily, with only fourteen breaths, the remaining fourteen strong men were all thrown into a ball, unable to get up anymore, especially the strong man at the bottom, who was severely injured fourteen times in a row, couldn't bear it. Live vomiting blood.

The viewers watching the live broadcast were all stunned. They had no idea that the extremely intelligent Mori Kogoro could be so good at fighting, capable of both civil and martial arts, and so handsome.

Belmode ran away a long time ago, and her body barely ran to the gate. There was a sneer on Mouri Kogoro's face, and the speed exploded, blowing past like a gust of wind, directly blocking her.

Relying on the martial arts master's extraordinary understanding of the human body, he only took Belmode's shoulder and took off his wrist.

Then he dragged Belmode by the collar of his leather jacket, dragged him back into the black iron cage, tied him between the iron chains, and then Mori Kogoro walked out of the building with his arms around the docile Fei Eri.

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