Fortunately, Fei Yingli did not suffer any injuries, this time she was just frightened, at most she cried miserably!

Looking at Fei Yingli's red eyes from crying, the dusty dress, and the dirty flesh-colored stockings, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but get angry.

Mori Kogoro had already explored outside when he sneaked in before, and there were no other enemies, so he said: "Eri, you wait outside, the police will be here soon, I will go in and monitor that woman, don't let her escape Come on, let's ask her something."

Mori Kogoro has already made up his mind to express his anger for Fei Yingli. If there is a surveillance system, it will be a big deal to remove the surveillance system. This is not a difficult thing for him.

Fei Yingli was trying to prevent Mori Kogoro from re-entering the dangerous situation, but Mori Kogoro had already turned around and entered, and she couldn't help but stomped her feet.

Kogoro Mori entered the room full of gasoline barrels, stepped on the burly men who fell to the ground and walked towards the black iron cage.

Stepping on a strong man and moaning every step of the way, this scene made the audience extremely happy, and they liked watching this kind of scene.

Mori Kogoro stood outside the black iron cage, looking at the pale Belmode inside, his face was very stern, he looked up at the surveillance cameras, thinking whether to remove the surveillance cameras, and then make a good job This Belmode.

The audience saw Kogoro Mori's raised head and his face, and couldn't help screaming and beckoning, as if Kogoro Mori was looking at them.

Today, the content broadcast on Ilmai TV is simply a Hollywood blockbuster for all viewers, suspenseful, touching, reversal, violence, everything that one expects to find, and a happy ending, it is suitable for all ages...

All the spectators stared intently. The passers-by who stopped in the square had already blocked the sidewalk, but no one wanted to leave.

As for Edward, who had a weird tone and a bad mouth, he stopped talking after the two Maori Kogoro appeared and disappeared.

In fact, he really wanted to turn off the live broadcast, but the key equipment was in the director's room of Nichimai TV, and he welded the door to death, so that the live broadcast continued.

At this moment, Belmode, who was tied up with iron chains, laughed. She laughed unscrupulously, and her voice seemed extremely strange in this empty room full of gasoline barrels. Kogoro Mori had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Moori Kogoro, you are still inferior. I won this time. Farewell, detective." Belmode took out the pocket pistol from his pocket and fired at the gasoline barrel.

Mori Kogoro's pupils kept shrinking, and his 49-point intelligence and 49-point speed were all stimulated and gathered together, forming an instinctive reaction that made him rush into the iron cage.


There was a sudden explosion, and the flames swept across the entire villa in an instant.

Seeing the fire flashing on the split screen where Kogoro Mori was, the screen instantly went black.

The faces of the audience who originally thought it was a family carnival with a happy ending froze instantly, and gradually became ugly.

The savior of Tokyo, the most brilliant brain of this era, the great detective Maori, just died like this!

Countless people in the square squatted down immediately after seeing this scene, and couldn't help crying. Gradually, the sound of crying became louder, and the whole Tokyo fell into weeping.

Fei Yingli looked at the explosion flames, the three-story building collapsed continuously, her face was full of disbelief, tears welled up in her eyes, she fainted instantly and fell to the ground!


cough cough!The deafening sound seemed to be still in the ears, the heat wave came from the side, and the smoke and dust continued to escape.

Mori Kogoro stood up slowly, the black iron cage was a mechanism just now, when it exploded, it was instantly swallowed in, and countless decks appeared on it to close together.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being afraid for a while, if he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have been buried in a sea of ​​flames.

Suddenly, Belmode coughed from the side.

Chapter 0073 Maori's Action

Turning the time back to the early seven o'clock tonight, in the Lexus parked on the road, Mori Kogoro looked gloomy at the two photos on the phone, from two angles, which showed that Eri and Xiaolan were kidnapped in the car Photo.

Because the angles taken from the photos happen to have a small field of view outside the car window.

Looking at Fei Yingli's photo, Kogoro Mori knew that her car was driving on the road next to Daikyo Park in Shinjuku by virtue of a building next to a green shade.

But Xiaolan's position was easily determined, there were nano-cameras for surveillance on Haibara and Conan, and there was also a nano-camera attached to the death-free gold medal on her daughter's chest.

But Fei Yingli didn't attach a nano camera to her because the last time she saw her was more than a month ago, and she was short of points at that time, so she didn't attach a nano camera to her. After that, she went to England, and she had no chance.

After turning on the nano-camera, Kogoro Mori saw the scene of Xiaolan being hung in the sky in an instant, his heart tightened all of a sudden, and he immediately spent [-] points to turn on the second mode of the camera for all-round monitoring.

On the death-free gold medal, this black-tech nano-camera continued to split, and then eight clone cameras were ejected from the main body. Following the will of Mori Kogoro, they began to explore in different directions.

Eight scenes instantly appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind. His brain was fully functioning and he was distracted. Bloodshot eyes immediately appeared in the whites of his eyes.

Eight clone cameras captured information everywhere in the Dream Island Building, not only confirmed Xiaolan's location, but also saw traps on the ceiling next to the patio in the lower floors where Xiaolan was hanging, one by one. Untriggered large net device.

After seeing the device, Mori Kogoro realized in an instant that if he was a member of the dark organization, he would do this. The only person who didn't want to hurt Xiaolan was the woman with thousands of faces, Belmode.

If Belmode was the mastermind, then Xiaolan's safety would not be a problem.

The clone camera followed Kogoro Mori's intentions to explore the entire abandoned Yumenoshima building. Kogoro Mori was surprised to find that there was no person from a dark organization in the entire building.

In the end, the sniper Chianti was found lying on the roof of the building next door.

Chianti is so recognizable that Mori Kogoro, who knows all the characters, saw her swallowtail tattoo on her left eye and recognized her instantly.

Because Xiaolan has the death-free gold medal presented by Mori Kogoro, and it is speculated that the black hand this time is most likely Belmode.

So Mori Kogoro infers that Xiaolan is very likely to get out of the body, but because of seeing Chianti, Mori Kogoro feels a little bit drummed, this woman is a bit crazy.

He drove a nano clone camera to the front of the sight of the sniper rifle, and took a picture of the sight. Naturally, Chianti couldn't see the existence of this nano-level black technology.

Seeing that Chianti was aiming at the rope on Xiaolan instead of himself, Mori Kogoro heaved a sigh of relief.

But just in case, he still called Miyano Akemi to come out to help. In this case, only Miyano Akemi, who is also well-trained in the organization, can come in handy.

After hearing this, Miyano Akemi closed the flower shop without hesitation. After driving out and meeting Kogoro Mori on the road, a handful of gold Gatling, which was as light as anything, was added to her car, and Miyano Akemi turned the car around and headed towards Yumenoshima Building in Koto District according to Mori Kogoro's phone call.

And because I know that one is in Koto District and the other is in Shinjuku District, which are divided into two directions, and I know that Aoyama [-]-chome is the middle point.

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