After listening to Belmode's call, Mori Kogoro's worries about Xiao Ran's side disappeared. In this way, he only needs to rescue Fei Yingli.

His speed exploded again, and with light steps, he climbed in from the window on the side of the villa, and saw that Fei Yingli in the black iron cage in the central area was in normal condition.

Hearing the farewell confession between Fei Yingli and Xiao Ran, Mori Kogoro's eyes also turned red.

Damn Belmode, you actually made Ran and Eri cry, I will never let you off easily!

But Xiaolan's side was not completely safe yet, so he didn't dare to show up, but quietly headed towards the time bomb placed by Belmode.

In the dark, Mori Kogoro dismantled the bomb, then set up the signal jammer exchanged from Xiao V, and waited for Xiaolan's movement.


The next scene is the scene where Mori Kogoro, played by Yukiko, appears in the Dream Island Building to rescue Xiaolan, and Xiaolan breaks down and cries.

Seeing the figure of Mori Kogoro appearing in the scope, Chianti shook his head, put the sniper rifle into the box, then blew bubbles, picked up the box and went downstairs.

Kogoro Mori, who saw this scene through a black-tech nano-camera, and Akemi Miyano, who was holding Gatling on the rooftop, both heaved a sigh of relief.

In the room at the side, Belmode saw Moori Kogoro who rescued Xiaolan appearing on the surveillance, she couldn't help laughing, the louder she laughed: "It's really sad, Detective Maori, you are nothing more than that, since If the choice is wrong, then enjoy the fireworks and taste the despair!"

Belmode pretended to be fierce and pressed the button, but!

An embarrassing scene appeared. After the red button was pressed, there was no response at all. Seeing the suspicious eyes of his subordinates behind him, Belmode pressed it several times in a row, but there was still no result.

Suddenly, her pupils kept shrinking, and two Mori Kogoro appeared on the two monitors. One entered the black iron cage, hugged Fei Yingri, and the other Mori Kogoro rescued the hanging Xiaoran. , dragged Xiaolan, who was crying sobbing, out of the monitoring screen.

What's happening here?

The bewildered Belmode had countless words of MMP in her heart, so she quickly called Chianti, wanting her to shoot and kill another Mori Kogoro, while she rushed into the crowded area with all her men. The building of the gasoline tank is inside, but the phone can't get through no matter how hard it is!


What followed was the scene where Belmode and his men were single-handedly cleaned up by Mori Kogoro.

Seeing Kogoro Mori with a victor's smile on his face outside the iron cage, Belmode, who was locked in the black iron prison, was filled with grief and indignation. He didn't expect that the mechanism he designed would be used on himself in the end. It's ironic, but that's not the case. How can there be such a good chance to fight back!

Belmode, who was tied up with iron chains, laughed unscrupulously, and her voice was extremely strange in this empty room full of gasoline barrels: "Mori Kogoro, you are still inferior, this time I won, Farewell, Detective."

Belmode took out the pocket pistol from his pocket and fired at the petrol barrel.

The explosion sounded immediately, and the heat began to spread. The extremely sensitive heat detector instantly triggered the mechanism in the black iron cage, and the black iron cage sank down.

Under the instinctive reaction formed by far superior intelligence and speed at the same time, Mori Kogoro got into the black iron cage in an instant.

He was pulled underground together with Belmode, and the three-layer iron plate was immediately closed from the gap, isolating the flames of the explosion above.

The smoke and dust kept rolling down, and the roaring sound from above continued, but the two in the black iron cage were safe and sound!

Chapter 0075 torture Belmode

Hearing Belmode's groans from the side, the smoke and dust gradually fell to the ground, and the loud rumbling noise from above also returned to calm. The black iron cage fell and was shaken crookedly, and countless cracks appeared.

The basement is very spacious, almost the size of a basketball court, and there are still light bulbs hanging on the walls, emitting faint lights.

It's just that some places were affected by the explosion above, and huge stones fell down and piled up together.

Mori Kogoro looked at the three layers of iron plates above, and then at the mechanism under the black iron cage. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at Belmode who fell out of the iron chain.

Mori Kogoro frowned and said, "I didn't expect you to set up a mechanism for this iron cage. You didn't want to kill people?"

Belmode, who fell to the ground, opened his mouth and smiled: "You were the one who was supposed to deal with it. I just didn't expect two of you to appear at the same time. How did you do it?"

A belt hit Belmod's body in an instant, Kogoro Mori controlled it to the extreme, and tore open the black leather jacket on his body, a big mouth was opened on his stomach, and a bloodstain instantly bloomed on the fair skin , the blood seeped out drop by drop.

Kogoro Mori used the technique of Bengquan in this drawing method, and the three layers of tearing and tearing are intertwined, which can be described as unbearably painful!


Belmode yelled in pain, but soon she clenched her teeth, her water-green eyes looked at Mouri Kogoro with hatred, and she stopped making any sound!

"The loser is not qualified to ask questions, now, I ask, you answer!"

Mori Kogoro's face was full of coldness, and he looked at Belmode with unkind eyes. This woman almost killed him just now.

"Who is that guy you're working with?"

"Why do you think I'll tell you!"

As soon as Belmode finished speaking, another belt was pulled out. The black leather jacket on his body seemed to be made of paper, and it would be torn as soon as it was pulled.

There was a big mouth on Belmode's waist, and another bloodstain appeared. She clenched her teeth, and looked at Kogoro Mori with hatred.

"I hate looking at you like that!"

Mori Kogoro looked at her as if looking at a dead person, full of silence.

The belt was pulled up, directly tearing Belmode's mask, and there was a bloodstain from the neck to the chin, and blood seeped out.

The disguise mask was lifted, revealing an extremely gorgeous face with a high nose bridge, fair skin, the corners of the mouth seemed to be slightly raised naturally, and a pair of big water green eyes under the curved black eyebrows. This amazing face is matched with Her disheveled silver hair immediately gave off a somewhat mysterious charm. This is a woman of great taste!

It's a pity that the eyes on this face are full of hatred, which destroys a bit of beauty!

"It turned out to be a shameless little ermine. It's so interesting. This is your original face. Unfortunately, the outside is gold and jade, and the inside is ruin!"

"Let me guess what you don't say, Moriarty?"

Belmode's pupils kept shrinking, and Kogoro Mori raised his brows when he saw this reaction:

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