"No, but it's also related. Also, no matter how criminal genius is an Englishman, how can he mobilize so many forces in the Neon territory, let everyone in the police station go to the drill, use the video of the Ministry of Communications, and even give the police department Suppression, this kind of power is not something that a criminal genius can easily achieve!"

Kogoro Mori went to Hieiri's law firm to look for clues, so he naturally knew about Moriarty!

"Is it a woman?" Belmod's face didn't seem to change at all, Mouri Kogoro looked at Belmod strangely.

"Still a young woman, thirty?"

"No, in his early twenties."

"Long hair? Short hair?"

"Long hair!"

"Politicians? Business people?"

"Not at all!"

"She's in Mihua District? Central District?"

"Central District!"

Belmode finally noticed the abnormality, and quickly lowered his head.

"Look into my eyes." Mori Kogoro yelled suddenly, the belt pulled so hard that Belmode flew up, her black leather jacket was ripped open from the middle, and it was completely open. The breasts and flesh of Shirazuki were exposed, but Mori Kogoro turned a blind eye.

There was a bloodstain from Belmode's abdomen to the gully on his chest, and blood continued to ooze out from the bloodstain that had been torn apart.She seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and couldn't help curling up and twisting constantly.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori is like a tyrant, with no sympathy in his eyes, and even more cold words in his mouth: "I said you are ridiculous, your partner has already sold you, and you are still here struggling to keep her Secret, why bother!"

While speaking, he threw a mobile phone over, and it happened to fall into Belmode's hand. She couldn't help but glanced down. There was a logo of Nikai TV Station on it, and it was he who provoked Kogoro Mori at [-]:[-] fragments of time.

There was an expression of disbelief in her eyes.

"This woman is very vicious, but she intends to ruin my reputation. I'm afraid this time the plan is also from her hand!"

Kogoro Mori looked at Belmode's expression, and immediately understood that everything was as he expected, and Kogoro Mori had a sneer on his face!

"Why keep a secret for such a partner? Chris!" Belmode's eyes were full of shock.

"You protect her, maybe she wants to kill you? Sharon!" Belmode's face changed in surprise, and he opened his mouth wide!

"If you tell me, you might have a chance to survive! Belmode!" At this moment, Belmode's pupils kept shrinking, and she felt a turmoil in her heart. She couldn't help but look at Mori Kogoro in fear, her lips trembling constantly!

The identity is Belmode's weapon and shield. Without the weapon and shield, Belmod just feels as if he has been stripped naked, and his body is unreservedly examined by Mori Kogoro.

Is this guy a devil?

Seeing Belmode's expression, Mori Kogoro continued:

"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications? Ministry of Defense? Police Agency?"

"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications!"

"A cadre? A minister?"

Mori Kogoro finally stopped and frowned: "Don't you know? What a pity!"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro slowly retracted the belt to his waist. He looked at the slowly wriggling Belmode on the ground and a bloodstain on the dirty ground!

How many tears you made Yingli and Xiaolan shed, I will make you pay back ten times and a hundred times, I will do what I said!

Belmode stretched out her hand and grabbed the black iron rod, and then she rushed out of the cage that had already been breached.

The arm that had been removed by Kogoro Mori just returned to its original position in the impact of the fall, but she kept pretending that her arm was still unhealed in order to confuse Kogoro Mori.

Belmode kept running, running in one direction!

The gunshot rang out, and a blood flower bloomed on Belmode's shoulder, and she fell down instantly.

kick kick...

The footsteps of leather shoes echoed in the empty basement. Mori Kogoro walked out of the black iron cage and slowly approached Belmode, holding a golden desert eagle in his hand: "I saw you a long time ago." I’ve been glancing at that light bulb, but unfortunately, I’m afraid you won’t be able to touch it in your life.”

"Farewell, Belmode!"

In the system at this moment, that dusty card: Destiny's Choice [? ? ? 】He trembled a little, but regained his composure!

Chapter 0076 Escape from the Dead

It was only at this moment that Belmod felt the horror of Mori Kogoro. Not to mention his amazing force, his wisdom was like a monster. He didn't say a word, but exposed countless information.

Mori Kogoro's golden desert eagle moved slightly, aiming at her heart.

At this moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, a crack opened in the ceiling of the basement, and countless huge boulders fell down, instantly blocking Kogoro Mori's sight.

Mori Kogoro pulled the pistol without hesitation, and the bullets continued to shoot, but the crack was getting bigger and bigger, and the hot building wreckage fell down, splitting the entire basement in half. The hot stones were splashed by the rocks, and Mori Kogoro hurriedly found a place to avoid the bombardment of the rocks.

When the falling rock gradually calmed down, Mori Kogoro hurriedly climbed along the gap in the upper left corner.

Belmode's figure has long since disappeared.

Mori Kogoro rushed up and turned the light bulb that Belmode had been trying to move. In an instant, a long passage appeared, but there was no blood on the ground!

Mori Kogoro frowned, let go of his hand, and closed the passage.

Belmode's blood disappeared out of thin air after walking out for a quarter. There are other mechanism passages in this basement, but Mori Kogoro couldn't find it for a while.

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