"Fuck!" He landed on the pile of rubble with a fist, and the rubble immediately flew up.

Mori Kogoro looked at the ceiling of the basement with hatred, how could it be so coincidentally cracked at this time!


At Nichimai TV Station, Police Officer Megure and the others finally waited for the engineering team, broke open the door of the director room, and saw a USB flash drive plugged into the signal port.

A police officer from the forensics department pulled out the USB flash drive, and the live broadcast screen finally switched back. The audience watching TV were all disappointed, and wanted to know how this matter would end!

Which of the two Mori Kogoro is real and which is fake?

Is it really Kogoro Mori who was buried in the flames?

Public opinion is constantly fermenting!

The explosion here on the boulevard in Shinjuku District attracted the attention of countless people. The police cordoned off and firefighters continued to put out the fire.

At this moment, Fei Yingli collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at the collapsed building wreckage, and her hands were covered with scars and blisters.

Just after waking up, she frantically dug through the wreckage of the building, and was finally pulled back by two policewomen. Her eyes were full of ashes.

And Youxizi was driving Xiaolan towards this direction. After saving Xiaolan, Youxizi wanted to watch the live broadcast of Nikmai TV, but the live broadcast had been switched off. Rolling news.

The more she watched the news, the more frightened You Xizi became. She couldn't believe it was true. Kogoro was buried in flames!

This news can't be true, the panic-stricken Youxizi dare not tell Xiaolan the truth.

Even though she lied to herself like this, tears were streaming down her big eyes with black colored contact lenses, but You Xizi still tried her best to drive, wanting to see the truth with her own eyes.

After Xiaolan saw Mori Kogoro played by Yukiko came to rescue her, she collapsed and cried and passed out. She didn't know what happened to Feiyingli at all. After being rescued, she woke up and kept crying. I kept calling my mother.

Xiaolan watched Mouri Kogoro, played by Yukiko, cry, and thought that her father was also sad because of her mother's death.


At around [-]:[-], the reporter from Nichimai TV station arrived at the site of the explosion. The camera captured the wreckage of the exploded building and started live broadcasting.

In an instant, the ratings of Nikkei TV rose steadily again. This young and beautiful reporter said: "Today, a very bad kidnapping incident happened in Tokyo. The wife and daughter of the famous detective Mori Kogoro were kidnapped by gangsters. There has been an extremely tragic explosion, now, let us follow the camera to watch the scene!"

The beautiful reporter waved her hand, and the camera took pictures of the scene and broadcast it live.

After seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro's women, who had been unable to get through to his phone in various places in Tokyo, suddenly moved, and they all started to drive to No. 2502 Boulevard, Shinjuku District with ugly faces.

Seeing this scene at home, Haibara rushed out and went downstairs to take a car to Shinjuku.

Huiyuan kept praying in his heart: something must not happen to the real Uncle Maoli!

Conan on the street saw the address exposed on the big screen, so he stopped the car and rushed over.

There are also countless fans of Mori Kogoro's support group heading in this direction, and the road is suddenly blocked.


At [-]:[-], an Alfa Romeo GT stopped outside the cordon. Yukiko saw Fei Yingli staring blankly at the still burning building wreckage, and immediately reacted...

She couldn't bear it anymore, lay on the steering wheel and cried.

And Xiaolan opened her tearful eyes, and saw her mother lying on the ground outside, Xiaolan showed a look of disbelief.

Surprised, Ran ignored the fake Mori Kogoro who was crying on the steering wheel, and got out of the car quickly, trying to run in the direction of Fei Eri.

At this moment, the manhole cover in front of the wreckage of the building made a loud bang, and then the manhole cover flew up and hit the ground heavily, making a loud noise.

Xiaolan saw a shocking scene, a man climbed up from below, and it turned out to be Kogoro Mori. At this moment, except for some dirt and dust on his suit, everything was normal.

Xiaolan turned her head to look at Mouri Kogoro who was crying in the car, and then looked at Mouri Kogoro who crawled out from under the manhole cover, her mouth opened wide, she couldn't tell which one was her father at all!


Fei Yingli raised her eyes slightly when she heard the sound, and then she saw a familiar figure.

Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment, and the power burst out from nowhere, so she jumped over the policeman in front, rushed up, and hugged Mori Kogoro tightly.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw the fire bubbles on Feieiri's palm, and he performed the healing technique without hesitation, and the injury on Feieili's palm healed instantly.

But Fei Yingli, who was in ecstasy, couldn't feel the change in her palm at all. She couldn't help but scratched Mori Kogoro's body, and couldn't believe it was real.

In the end, Fei Eri held Kogoro Mori's face in his hands, and kissed it in one breath.


"It's unbelievable. In such a tragic explosion, the great detective Mori and Kogoro Mori miraculously survived and escaped from the manhole cover. Everyone, the great detective Mori is kissing his wife now!"

A few tens of meters away from the two of them, the beautiful reporter was explaining excitedly, and the camera had just captured the scene of Moori Kogoro crawling out of the manhole cover.

When the viewers watching Nikmai TV saw Mori Kogoro escaped from the dead, they couldn't help cheering and jumping up, excited, and couldn't help standing up and shouting a few words, wanting to vent.

Passers-by watching the huge screen in the square also reveled, and even danced excitedly!

Chapter 0077 Confused Xiaolan

Xiaolan stared blankly at Kogoro Mori and Fei Yingri who were kissing affectionately in the distance, feeling that the scene was so dreamy, she couldn't believe it at all: "How could there be two fathers?"

Yuxiko, who was lying on the steering wheel and weeping, immediately raised her head when she heard this, and seeing the two hugging and kissing outside with tearful eyes, Yuxiko burst into laughter immediately.

Crying and laughing against Mori Kogoro's face, it looked a bit weird.


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