Mori Kogoro hugged Feiyingri tightly in his arms, kissed her red lips, wishing to rub it into his body, only at this moment did he feel a little fear in his heart, the previous him was full of brains and full capacity, thinking It's all about saving people, and all they think about is who is behind the scenes.

Only now did he feel scared. If something happened to Fei Yingli, he didn't know what he would do.

The two kissed forgetfully, as if no one was there, completely ignoring the police, firefighters, and reporters present.

At this time, Xiaolan's voice sounded suspiciously from the side: "Dad? Mom?"

Fei Yingli and Mori Kogoro separated, and when they saw Xiaolan, they both rushed over with joy on their faces, and the three of them hugged in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the beautiful reporter in the distance couldn't help but her eyes turned red. She wiped it with a tissue in one hand and the microphone in the other and couldn't help but said, "It's really a touching scene. The choice between life and death, Mori Kogoro , Our big detective did it, the second selection, the second mother and the daughter both survived, everyone, the three hugged each other tightly, this is really gratifying!"

Viewers watching Nikmai TV see this scene.

Most of the audience involuntarily gave an "um", pursed their lips slightly, held a tissue in their hand, and looked at the screen tenderly, looking deeply moved!

There were even male audiences who watched this scene, tears streaming down their faces, crying like little girls.


Fei Yingli held Xiaolan in her arms, and then carefully groped Xiaolan's body with bare hands, and asked with concern: "Xiaolan, are you not injured?"

Xiao Lan shook her head.

Only then did Fei Yingli feel relieved: "It's fine, it's fine!"

Kogoro Mouri saw that Xiaolan's eyes were swollen from crying, and couldn't help but feel even more distressed. His big hand gently stroked Xiaolan's head, comforting her gently.

Mori Kogoro looked around, there seemed to be more and more people, and he said, "Let's get out of here first."

At this moment, a red Alfa Romeo GT directly broke through the cordon and stopped in front of the three of Mori Kogoro.

Encountering such a situation, all the policemen on the scene panicked, took out the police guns behind them one by one, and pointed at the Alfa Romeo GT from a distance.

Seeing this scene that day, the female reporter who sold the TV station hurriedly dragged the cameraman who kept moving back and ran forward.

The cameraman was terrified, but lost to the strength of the female reporter. The shaking camera kept approaching the red car.

Seeing this shaky scene, the hearts of the audience were pulled again. Could it be that the terrorists are about to act again!

At this time, the window of the Alfa Romeo GT was rolled down, and it was Kogoro Mori played by Yukiko. At this moment, her face had returned to normal, and she said coolly, "Get in the car!"

The police and cameraman finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it, and returned to normal.

The female reporter said excitedly: "This is really a famous scene this year. Two Kogoro Mori appeared here at the same time. How did this happen? It's simply unbelievable. Could it be that Kogoro Mori will be doubled? Or is it magic? I'm going to find out!"

The female reporter ran up with the cameraman.

When the audience saw this scene, their hearts were finally relieved. No matter which Mori Kogoro is real, as long as both of them are fine and safe, it means Mori Kogoro must be fine too!

Hearing Yukiko's words, Kogoro Mori hurried into the car with the two girls, and the policeman in the distance saw this scene and couldn't help shouting: "Detective Mori, Detective Mori, you can't leave, we still have to find you Ask some questions! You haven't made a statement yet!"

Mori Kogoro responded loudly: "Tomorrow I will go to the Metropolitan Police Department to explain everything in person. Now we have to go to the hospital first!" Going to the hospital is of course a fake, an excuse for these police officers.

After finishing speaking, he pushed Xiaolan and Fei Yingli into the back seat, and he made a circle to get to the passenger seat, but was grabbed by the female reporter.

The female reporter ran to the ground panting, and said, "Mao, Detective Maori, can you tell me why there are two of you, and what do you want to say about this kidnapping incident?"

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help frowning, looking at the camera on the side, he said with a stern face: "If you want to play, I will accompany you, but no matter who you are, I tell you, this time you are dead!"

After finishing speaking, he shook off the female reporter's hand, opened the car door and got in.

The red Alfa Romeo GT started in an instant and fled in the dust, while the policemen running up from behind kept eating ashes!

I have to say, the police are really not as fast as the reporters!


In a villa far away in England, in the gorgeous and extravagant living room, a thin man in a bathrobe watched the broadcast from the neon lights. He looked at Kogoro Mori crawling out of the manhole cover, and his face immediately became excited up.

"Wow! Wow! As expected of the person I like, I knew that you didn't die so easily!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's great, I can't wait to see you, Xiao-Go-Lang!"

"Wait, I'll go to Neon to find you when I get rid of my little baby!"

When he saw what Mori Kogoro said to the camera before getting into the car, a bewildered smile suddenly appeared on his pale face, like a drug addict.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! I love your words to death. If there are no people like you in this world, it would be so boring!"


In Tokyo, in a very hidden basement, there are countless lines on the ground, like a cult altar.

The basement was so dark that no one could see the scene clearly.

In the shadows, one could faintly see a graceful and naked woman kneeling on the ground.

Her body couldn't stop shaking, her head was lowered, she didn't dare to look at the person on the high platform who had completely escaped into the darkness.

A whip full of thorns was pulled out from the high platform, and hit the naked woman. In an instant, a blooming bloodstain appeared on the woman's body.

Under the pain of this naked woman, she didn't dare to make any sound!

An old voice appeared: "You are so courageous! How dare you make such an order by yourself!"

"Master!" The woman knelt down regardless of her injuries, with her forehead pressed tightly against the ground, not daring to get up.

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