pat, pat...

The sound of the whip hitting the flesh echoed continuously in the dark basement, and after a short while, the naked woman's back was connected to her buttocks, bloody and bloody, without half a piece of good flesh.

dong... dong... dong...

It seemed to be the sound of crutches, a shadow appeared in front of the naked woman, and the old voice sounded again: "This time, let it be like this, and be obedient in the future!"

The sound of crutches gradually faded away, and the naked woman couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down on the altar-like ground, lying sideways on the ground, her whole body couldn't stop twitching, and her body slowly curled up into a ball.

And the blood on his back dripped from his skin and dripped into the altar!

Chapter 0078 Frozen Release

On the streets of Tokyo at night, a red car is running continuously in the traffic flow, and various neon lights are constantly passing by.

On the driveway leading to the Shinjuku area, there was a traffic jam at night, and most of them were fans who were concerned about the incident.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Kogoro Mori had his hands in his pockets, and his five fingers danced nimbly on the phone, editing text messages and sending them in groups.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, don't come looking for me, I will look for you later!"

The text message was naturally sent to his women.

After receiving the text messages one by one, they all breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and stopped rushing to Shinjuku.

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief after finishing this, but fortunately the old driver's driving skills were steady, otherwise he might have overturned the car.

Fei Yingri and Xiaolan in the back seat looked at the two Mori Kogoro who looked exactly the same in front of them. The movements of the mother and daughter were very synchronized.

Fei Yingli was very sure that Mori Kogoro in the co-pilot was her husband, the feeling of hugging just now, and that familiar tongue, it was absolutely impossible to mistake it, that was Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan also gradually felt that the person in the co-pilot seat was more like her father, but Xiaolan was still a little uncertain, so she couldn't help asking: "Who is the father of the two of you?"

Mori Kogoro in the passenger seat said, "Of course it's me, Xiaolan!"

"Who's the other one?"

You Xizi, who was driving the car in the driver's seat, said, "Xiao Lan, you don't recognize me, it's so sad, I even hugged you when I was a child!"

While speaking, she took off the voice changer on her neck, and lifted off the disguise mask connected to her chest.

A pretty face like an elf appeared in front of everyone, and her brown hair popped out. She turned her head and looked back at the two women with a smile on her face.

"Aunt Yuxiko!!" Xiaolan uttered in surprise when she saw Yuxiko.

Mori Kogoro said: "Because today's kidnapper asked me to choose, I am alone, and I have no skills. It just so happens that Kiko is in Tokyo, and she is very good at disguise, so I asked her to help rescue Xiaolan, so..."

Mori Kogoro's voice of explanation became smaller and smaller, his eyes fixed on the expression of Fei Eri behind him.

Seeing the sudden appearance of an old friend who had broken up with her for more than ten years, Fei Yingli naturally reacted when she heard Kogoro Mori's words: How could it be so coincidental that help would be there? There is contact, and even has been together all the time, which is why they rushed to help in such a timely manner.

But... Feiyingli looked at Xiaolan who was on the side.

Mori Kogoro's heart gradually lifted, but he saw Fei Yingli smiled and said, "Yukiko, thank you so much this time. Without your help, Xiaolan doesn't know what would happen?"

"Really, Yukiko, thank you so much this time!"

When Yuxiko heard this, she also laughed when she saw Fei Yingli smiling, her smiling eyes were very mysterious: "Eri, you're welcome, this is what I should do!"

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel relieved.

In the system space, the female voice of Little V kept ringing:

"Special task: Rescue Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli, the task is completed, [-] points will be rewarded, and the Wanjie will draw once!"

"Feiying understands that the sealing task is completed, [-] points will be rewarded, and a frozen treasure box will be rewarded!"

"Fujimine Yukiko's unblocking task is completed, reward [-] points, and a frozen treasure box!"

Hearing the prompts that came repeatedly, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but clenched his fists, holding back a "Yeah" in his mouth, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. If no one is there now, he might be able to dance Get up and cheer a few times, it's not easy!

Looking at the achievement of favorability, the favorability of the two climbed again and appeared at the top.

Fujimine Yukiko: Favorability 99.

Concubine Yingli: Favorability is 98.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but be extremely satisfied. It seems that he will soon be able to push his favorability to [-], and then the system will reward him again.

And the points that had been dried up once again rose to 75899.

The death-prevention gold medal exchanged for Yuxizi was worth [-] points, and the injury-reducing necklace exchanged for Fei Yingli was worth [-] points. A total of [-] points were removed, leaving only a fraction. Fortunately, it climbed back after this incident.


In this Alfa Romeo GT car, on the front and rear seats of the car, two stunning mature women are talking enthusiastically. Huan, chatting about their recent life.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling that he hadn't seen this scene for many years. He kept looking sideways at the two women and talking.

It's just that the three of them didn't realize it. Xiaolan, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, turned her head sideways, looked at her father, then at her mother, and finally a look of sadness appeared on her face.

Sure enough, Dad, you still chose to save Mom!

It looks like Mom and Dad will get back together soon!

Then I'll just obediently be a daughter!

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