A crystal clear tear fell from the corner of Xiaolan's eye, and she wiped it away immediately. Then Xiaolan raised her head, with a sweet smile on her face, and hugged her mother's arm affectionately.

Xiaolan had no idea of ​​the choices and arrangements that Mori Kogoro faced at that time.

On one side is Xiao Lan who is ninety-nine percent safe from danger, and she has a death-free gold medal on her body.

On the other side is Fei Yingli who is very likely to be killed if she does not go. She has nothing, and Belmode and his men are around her.

Mori Kogoro could only choose Feiyingli's side, but he didn't ignore Xiaolan's side. He also asked Miyano Akemi to take the gold Gatlin exchanged by the system to be safe, and he also wanted to see Xiaolan be rescued. Only then dare to show up here!

It's just that Kogoro Moori didn't tell anyone about these arrangements.


Near ten o'clock, the Alfa Romeo GT quickly parked under the Mori Detective Agency. Mori Kogoro and his team walked up to the third floor, which was empty at the moment.

Kogoro Mori watched the surveillance and knew that Haibara and Conan were on their way home by car, so he didn't worry any more.

Everyone sat on the sofa, and Fei Yingli said, "Xiao Wulang, have you offended someone recently? Could it be that the person arrested in the previous solved case took revenge after being released from prison?"

Mori Kogoro ruled out this possibility a long time ago. Most of the cases he solved were in the past few months. The murderers were still serving their sentences in prisons, so they were not the candidates at all.

"It's not them. I confirmed with Officer Mumu that they are still serving their sentences!"

In fact, Mori Kogoro had a vague speculation in his heart, that is, before Blizzard Villa Shin Okada said before committing suicide: "Friendly reminder, Mori-kun, you have been targeted by a gentleman!"

He originally thought it was the gentleman who was staring at him. Of course, this gentleman did not refer to the boss in the dark organization.

But when he questioned Belmode, he found out that it was a young woman, and a young woman who hated him very much, so he couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled.

Chapter 0079: Maori's Dinner

A young woman in her twenties still hated herself very much, wishing that she would be ruined.

But the women I provoked are all in the favorability system, so there is no problem.

It's not right to provoke him before he awakens the system.

After Mori Kogoro retrieved his memory several times, he didn't find any suspicious candidates.

After all, in his twenties, he was too young!

However, it was fruitful to press Belmode. At least he knew that the force of pressure came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. As long as he found this person, he would naturally be able to find them.

After all, this time he used too much power and left too many traces, so he will definitely find it!

Looking at Fei Yingli with a worried face, Mori Kogoro said comfortingly: "Don't worry too much, I will take care of this matter, so many things happened today, Eri, you just returned to China, and you will be here tonight." Stay here and rest!"

Feiyingli nodded, turned to Youxizi, and said, "It just so happens that Youxizi and I haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Youxizi, let's sleep together tonight. I also happen to have something to tell you."

Youxizi was taken aback when she heard this, and then nodded.

Mouri Kogoro immediately felt a tinge of joy in his heart, and it seemed that the two were finally reconciling.

Looking at the tired three girls, the three of them had experienced great sorrow and great joy today, Mori Kogoro felt extremely distressed, so he asked them to take a bath and rest, while he went into the kitchen and started cooking today's dinner.

The sound of taking a bath can be heard from the bathroom, and the smell of food is wafting from the kitchen.

A series of delicacies came out quickly. Fei Yingri, who had just taken a shower, was wiping her hair with a towel. She was standing beside Xiaolan's white pajamas, looking at Kogoro Mori in the kitchen with a surprised face.

"I didn't expect you to be able to cook now!"

Kogoro Mori turned around and said, "I can't help it. Who told me that the woman who helped me wash and cook disappeared from my life, and I've been missing a rib since then!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli blushed, turned her head to the side, and wiped her hair with a towel, revealing a section of her snow-white jade neck.

There are still fried eggs in the pan, but Mori Kogoro is staring at Fei Yingri who is standing beside him. It’s been a long time since I saw this scene. Countless memories reverberated in Mori Kogoro’s mind. Fascinated.

Fei Yingli, who smelled the burnt smell, was in a panic immediately, and she didn't care about her hair. She hurried forward, grabbed Kogoro Mori's hand, and moved the pot to the cutting board aside: "Oh, you are all burnt, fry an egg No, what are you doing?"

"Look at you!" A word blurted out.

Fei Eri turned to look at Mori Kogoro, Mori Kogoro didn't care about frying the eggs, put his big hand on Fei Eri's small hand, and said, "Eri, you are so beautiful!"

A blush immediately appeared on Fei Yingli's face.

Mori Kogoro hugged Fei Eri's slender waist, and kissed her red lips. At this moment, Mori Kogoro was very honest, he just wanted to kiss the woman he had loved for so many years.

It's been a long time.

A playful voice came from the side: "Tsk tsk tsk, they can be regarded as old couples, and they are so tired."

After taking a shower, You Xizi also watched the two kiss for a long time, but seeing that the two had no intention of stopping at all, she couldn't help but interrupted.

Hearing Yuxizi's words, the two separated immediately, and Fei Yingli's face was flushed with a blush that couldn't fade away.

Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli who was blushing with interest.

Soon, the bathroom door opened again, and Xiaolan also came out of the shower. The three beauties stood together, dazzled Kogoro Mouri.

At this moment, the door on the third floor opened, Conan rushed in from the door, and met Huiyuan on the road behind him.

As soon as Conan came in, he ran towards Xiaolan. He was out of breath and said, "Sister Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Xiaolan's face was quite surprised, and she said, "Conan, I'm fine, what are you doing out at night!"

"What are you doing? Of course I want to go outside to see if there is a chance for a hero to save the beauty!" You Xizi sneered when she saw her foster son coming in, even her mother didn't see her, she just went to look for Xiaolan.

It was only at this time that Conan saw You Xizi's figure, and he couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Why are you here? Mom... Aunt You Xizi?"

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