Yukiko sneered and said, "Am I abnormal here?" She kept looking at Conan with a cold light in her eyes.

Cold sweat broke out on Conan's forehead immediately: "Yes, normal, no, when did you return to China?"

You Xizi's face immediately became extremely unfriendly: "A brat called me and insulted me before, and I wanted to go back to China and give him a good lesson. I didn't expect that I just met a Maori detective who wanted to help me, so I was delayed. It's not too late!"

After finishing speaking, Yukiko came forward and twisted Conan's ear fiercely, twisting it [-] degrees, and Conan kept waving his hands begging for mercy under the pain.

Xiaolan immediately recalled that her father had indeed said before that Conan had called and insulted Aunt Yukiko. Although she didn't know what she was scolding, it must have been serious. Now the sufferers have come to her.

Because Yukiko was an elder, and she happened to save herself today, she couldn't stop her, and could only look at Conan who was moaning in pain with sympathetic eyes.

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori hugged Huiyuan who was rushing towards him, and softly comforted the little loli.

Haibara didn't make a sound, but there was still a look of panic in his eyes, and his face gradually improved under Mouri Kogoro's constant comfort.

Seeing the picture of the flame explosion on TV today, Huiyuan was also taken aback. She was fidgeting all night, until now she saw Kogoro Mori and smelled the familiar smell on him, so Huiyuan put it down. Come on.

At this time, Fei Yingli said, "You Xizi, you are so grown up, why do you still have the same knowledge as this little devil?"

After hearing this, You Xizi slowly let go of Conan. She looked at Conan's swollen ears, who dared not speak out, and couldn't help but feel dark.

This guy caught his own mother when he caught rape.

Mori Kogoro walked over with Hui Yuan in his arms: "Dinner is ready, everyone hasn't had dinner yet, let's go to the table for dinner."

Haibara, who was in Kogoro Mori's arms, stared at Fei Yingri. It was this woman who put Uncle Mori in danger. What's even worse was that she even kissed Uncle Mori. How could she be so unrespectful!

Haibara looked at Feiyingli with a hint of unkindness in her eyes, but Feiyingli showed a smile on Huiyuan's face when she saw Huiyuan. She reached out and touched Huiyuan's small face, and praised: "This child is so cute. , I'm Haibara, you can call me Aunt Eri!"

Huiyuan turned his face indifferently.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro quickly broke the embarrassment, called everyone to sit at the table, and then started today's dinner.

Chapter 0080 to appease the girls

Everyone at the dinner table began to enjoy the delicious food. Xiaolan saw a burnt fried egg among the delicious food, pointed at the fried egg and said, "Mom, you made this dish!"

Fei Yingli's face immediately became a little uneasy, Mouri Kogoro quickly said: "I made this all, but there was a little accident in this dish, it was burnt."

At this time, Conan asked, "Uncle Maori, what's the matter with two of you appearing on TV? The explosion over there in Shinjuku clearly saw Uncle Maori on camera. How did you escape?"

Hearing Conan's question, everyone looked at Mori Kogoro with concern: "There are two me, of course one is pretending. As for how to escape from the explosion, it's because I don't think the woman in black will just be like this." To die with me, so I rushed to where she was."

"Sure enough, there is a trap in the black iron cage. As soon as the explosion sounded, the cage fell into the bottom. Of course, we are fine, but the group of men in suits who were beaten to the ground by me may be in danger!" Mao Li Kogoro shook shook his head.

Fei Yingli immediately said: "Don't worry, this is a terrorist, Kogoro, you are self-defense, you don't have to bear any responsibility, and the person who detonated the gasoline barrel was not you, it was that nasty woman in black, Chris Ting."

Conan immediately asked: "Then, where did that woman go?"

"She escaped, the basement is full of organs and secret passages, she escaped by accident, and then I groped for a long time below, before I found the passage and crawled out."

"Okay! Why are you asking so many questions, kid? Eat with peace of mind. It's already eleven o'clock. After eating, go downstairs and sleep honestly!" Mouri Kogoro glared, and Conan immediately sat up straight reflexively, and started Grilled rice.

Yukiko who was on the side couldn't help laughing secretly when she saw this scene.

After dinner, Conan obediently went to the office room, and Ran and Haibara went back to their rooms to rest.

Mori Kogoro made a bed in his own room. Except for Mori Kogoro's bed which was a double bed in these three rooms, the rest of the rooms were all single beds, so his room was naturally requisitioned by Fei Eri.

He placed three pillows side by side on the double bed. Seeing this scene, Fei Yingli said with a frosty face, "Xiao Goro, what are you doing with three pillows?"

Maori Kogoro said with a serious face: "Naturally, I am worried that the gangsters will attack again. I will protect you personally. Don't be afraid, with me here, no one will hurt you!"

Youxizi who was on the side couldn't help but chuckled when she heard this, and Fei Yingli rolled her eyes to the sky: "Then I have to thank you a lot, but you can protect everyone better outside."

While speaking, she twisted her waist, picked up the outermost pillow and a quilt, and threw them on the sofa outside.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said, "Don't be like this, Eri, I worked so hard to rescue you. Sleeping on the sofa is inappropriate!"

"It's okay if I sleep on the floor, and I'll sleep in the basement of the room, how about it?" Mori Kogoro was still fighting for it, but was pushed out of the room by Fei Yingli and Yukiko, and returned to the empty hall. He couldn't help but Sighed in disappointment.

There was a small gap in the door of Huiyuan's room on the side. Little Lolita had been paying attention to Kogoro Mouri and the others. Seeing Kogoro Moori being locked out, Huiyuan couldn't help but cursed: "Big pervert!" Then he closed the door and locked it.

Mori Kogoro shook his head involuntarily and turned off the light in the living room. He lay on the sofa, his face was no longer as gentle as before, but gradually returned to his sternness, and he began to wait slowly.

As long as you focus on your ears, your hearing will be strengthened, and you will be able to hear the sounds in the three rooms.

The voice of conversation came from the room of Fei Eri and Yukiko, and Kogoro Mori gradually brought a smile on his face. In the room, Fei Eri and Yukiko really reconciled. These two high school best friends broke up for more than ten years. Years later, because of this incident, it was finally rebuilt.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard these words.

At this moment, the door of Xiaolan's room opened, and she walked lightly to the sofa with bare feet.

Mori Kogoro quickly closed his eyes, only squinting a slit to observe carefully.

I saw Xiaolan standing in front of Kogoro Mouri, motionless, and stood there for a long time, her eyes remained on Kogoro Mouri's face, her expression could not be seen in the shadows, finally Xiaolan slowly bowed down Body, kissed Kogoro Mori lightly with pink lips, then got up quickly, turned and entered the room.

Mori Kogoro wiped the liquid on his face. These were Xiaolan's tears. Why is Xiaolan crying?For a while, Kogoro Mori was a little upset.

Time flowed slowly in the darkness, Mori Kogoro waited until there was no movement in the three rooms, and they all fell asleep.

Then he got up with a stern face, put on the black windbreaker that had been prepared, and went downstairs without making any sound.

Kogoro Mori felt relieved when he left. The second to third floors were all armed with the black technology weapons he exchanged. It can be said to be the safest place on this planet.

Naturally, the next step is to do business. It is impossible for Mori Kogoro to let someone hurt his relatives and ignore it.

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