Belmode's hard-to-kill Mori Kogoro had expected it a long time ago, but her accomplice, the real mastermind behind this incident, was not part of the dark organization, and she didn't have the villain's halo protection.

Thinking of this villain halo, Mori Kogoro said in his mind: "Little V, I have never asked you before, what the hell is this villain halo, is there such a thing, I can only be beaten passively, and I can't kill the dark organization people here."

The female voice of Xiao V also became serious: "Because this is the world of Conan, the system is limited by the core laws of the world, and cannot provide help for the host to deal with this villain force. Not only the props are invalid, but the items exchanged cannot be fatal to it. Injury, if it will cause fatal injury, the will of heaven and earth will intervene."

"Unless the host completes the task of breaking the ring, or causes fatal damage in other ways, the villain can only be killed!"

It was only then that Kogoro Mori remembered that in the three fights with Gin and the confrontation with Belmode, he used the Golden Desert Eagle or the Golden Gatling exchanged in the system.

Unexpectedly, it was these two weapons that deceived him.

However, Mori Kogoro was more curious about what the task of breaking the ring was, so he asked.

Little V replied: "Inspire the broken ring task: ask the host to deduce the true identities of the boss of the dark organization and Rum!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help frowning. The identities of the two became the key. Unfortunately, the time travel was too early, and the identities of the two were not fully exposed, so it was really a big mystery.

He turned to ask: "Then can I use the skills exchanged in the system, such as Beng Fist and Gun Fighting, to kill them?"

"I'm afraid it will be hindered by the will of the world, and it won't be easy to kill successfully, unless it is a desperate situation that is [-]% inescapable!"

In this way, Mori Kogoro also understood that there is still a chance to complete the kill by designing a desperate situation that is [-]% inescapable.

Chapter 0081

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the empty street, Mori Kogoro turned a block, and saw a black Bentley appearing in front of his eyes, he opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Master." A respectful female voice sounded from the side, and a noble woman in a purple dress in the driver's seat looked down at Kogoro Mori with a low eyebrow.

Mori Kogoro hated Princess Kako very much. Although this belonged to his own female slave, he had little contact with her on weekdays. However, when Mori Kogoro knew that the pressure came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, he let this politician The actress helped to investigate.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is one of the central provincial departments. It ranks at the forefront among all the provincial departments and is the place with the greatest power. It can almost rule over the other provincial departments, and the Metropolitan Police Department is naturally no problem.

The ministers, bureaucrats, councilors, and cadres above are the most powerful figures in Nihong. Because they are such high-level figures, Princess Kako can also come in handy.

It should be noted that in the high-level political circles, countless people pay attention to anyone's random actions. This time, with so many orders from above, the subordinates may not know where the pressure comes from, but those at the same level must know who did it. of.

Princess Jiazi brought over a document, which was the document of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Political Affairs who had just retired: Saburo Akama.

According to the material, this guy is in his sixties, with white hair, gold-rimmed glasses, and gloomy eyes.

"Master, these orders were issued by Akama Saburo, because he retired during the change of office years ago, and he still has many connections in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, so he can drive the Metropolitan Police Department and the Transportation Department."

After hearing Princess Kako's words, Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, well done! But you can get out of the car!"

When Princess Kako heard Kogoro Mori's compliment, a smile appeared on her delicate face, she said "Hi" and hurriedly got out of the black Bentley.

She was wearing a long purple dress, watching the Bentley galloping away in the dark night, with a look of loss on her face.

After that, Princess Kako made a phone call, and soon Sato Shaosuke drove another car to pick her up.

Sato Shaosuke was very surprised, why Princess Kako came here in the middle of the night, even the car was gone, but he didn't dare to ask.

Princess Jiazi's expression returned to ice-cold, and she said softly, "Go back!"

Sato Shaosuke hurriedly drove to Princess Kako's residence.


A map appeared in the mind of Mori Kogoro in the car, which included the whole of Tokyo and most of Osaka, and a red dot was shining on it.

Primary Tracking Talisman: worth [-] points, you need to see the tracking target with your own eyes before you can track it within a radius of [-] miles.

Intermediate tracker: worth [-] points, you need something related to the target to track within a radius of thousands of miles.

Advanced Tracker: worth [-] points, you need to have a complete concept of the ultimate goal in your mind before you can track it within a radius of ten thousand miles.

The last time I helped Sato track the scarred face, I used the primary tracking talisman. This time Kogoro Mori only had a photo of Saburo Akama, so he could only use the intermediate tracking talisman. It cost [-] points and covered half of the neon lights in a thousand miles. The package went in.

The location of Saburo Akama was immediately found out by Kogoro Mori.

The black Bentley continued to move forward in the pitch-black night, Mori Kogoro's driving skills were fully displayed, and the car was like a ghost, all driving towards the high-end villa area in Otsuka Town.

Because I heard from Police Officer Megure that after pulling out the USB flash drive in the broadcasting room of Nichimai TV Station, a small explosive device was installed in that USB flash drive. I originally wanted my colleagues from the Electronic Crime Section to help me check it out, but now I have no chance. And no fingerprints were left in the director's hall, and no suspicious persons were captured in the surveillance.

So this is the only clue for Mori Kogoro.

On the street near the villa area in Otsuka Town, Mori Kogoro suddenly found that the red dot on the map that was constantly flashing in his mind disappeared, and he couldn't help but asked Little V in surprise: "What's going on?"

Little V said: "This happens only when the target is dead. The tracking symbol is based on the breath of life!"

"Damn it!" The Bentley was already at the fastest speed, but it still couldn't catch up. Was the retiring Minister of Internal Affairs and Political Affairs Saburo Akama silenced like this?

Mori Kogoro was worried that such a thing would happen, so he set off overnight. Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

Arriving at the entrance of the villa area, Mori Kogoro's expression was extremely gloomy at the moment. According to Police Officer Megure, I'm afraid there won't be any traces left this time, but if you don't go and see it with your own eyes, how can you feel at ease!

As he was entering the gate lever of the villa area, Kogoro Mori rolled up the window and was about to take his card to enter...

At this time, a white van drove out at the exit of the pole, with the windows open, and a pale young man drove out humming a little tune.

In this short moment, Mori Kogoro's pupils kept widening, and finally a smile appeared on his face. He stared at the van going away, without hesitation, took back the banknotes, and the Bentley pulled out, followed by The back of that van.

The Bentley was hanging five hundred meters away, and the man in the van didn't notice anything unusual at all!


At four o'clock in the morning, in the Jingqiao villa area of ​​Mihua City, a woman slowly came up from the basement, elegant as a cat, she was only wearing a white shirt, but the back of the shirt was completely stained with blood.

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