"Twenty terrorist corpses were dug up in the Shinjuku bombing tragedy, and the famous detective Mori Kogoro may be indirectly responsible!"

"The Dream Island Building has long been closed, and the person in charge of the Dongyun Consortium apologizes to Detective Maori!"

"Nichimai TV station was hacked, and the biggest broadcast accident in history occurred!"


Countless news headlines scrolled on the TV, and the popularity continued to rise, and countless speculations appeared on the Internet.

The members of Mori Kogoro's support club are even more concerned about this matter.

However, because of this incident, Mori Kogoro once again found a lot of fans. After all, in the scene of rescuing Fei Yingli, Mori Kogoro was so handsome that the screen was cracked.

Not to mention the solitary army went deep, and played tricks on all the kidnapped terrorists, and then broke out with extremely powerful force, knocking down all twenty terrorists by one person, and finally escaped from death in the sea of ​​explosion flames return.

Totally heroic! !

The proportion of male fans harvested this time is also extremely high. Mori Kogoro showed the world what a man's responsibility is, and how he protects his wife and children regardless of life and death.

A hero like this is naturally revered by countless male audiences.

And the one who benefited the most from this incident was actually Nichimai TV Station, whose ratings soared from the third to the first.


Mori Kogoro kept searching for news in front of the computer, of course he didn't read his own news from yesterday.

Sure enough, I saw it in the political circles section!

"In the early hours of last night, Saburo Akama, the political officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications who had just retired, tragically died in his own home. The murder weapon was a pair of scissors!"

He also saw the news in the news section of Mihua City!

"A fire broke out in the Jingqiao villa area of ​​Mihua City. Two people were killed at the scene of the fire. The details are still under investigation!"

The news about the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications was enough to hit the headlines, but because he was a politician, it was dealt with in a low-key manner. Therefore, only a few political newspapers had reports on him, and most of them were mentioned in one stroke!


Feiyingli and Xiaolan were sitting on the sofa carefully watching the video broadcasted on TV.

Because neither of them raised their heads when they were kidnapped, their faces were not exposed in the cut out picture.

But just listening to the replay of what the two said at that time on TV.

Both mother and daughter feel very ashamed!

[Mom’s biggest regret is that I didn’t see you put on your wedding dress, Xiaolan, and didn’t see you give birth. Xiaolan, remember, when you meet someone you like in the future, you must try your best to fight for it. Pity! 】

Hearing this sentence broadcast on TV, the mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, their eyes were red, and they both looked deeply moved.

[Stop it, mom, stop it, mom, I want you to live, let me die, I have done wrong things anyway, so let me die, you and dad get back together, and you will have a baby in the future That's it. 】

After hearing Xiaolan say this again, Fei Yingli couldn't help but said in doubt: "I didn't realize it when I heard it before, Xiaolan, what did you do wrong?"

Xiaolan's face turned red all of a sudden, her big eyes were full of panic, she left Feiyingli's embrace at a loss, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say!

Feiyingli's expression suddenly became serious: "Lan, tell mom, what did you do wrong?"

"Did you have a boyfriend and have a relationship with him?" Fei Yingli asked in a low voice.

Xiaolan's expression immediately became terrified, and she couldn't help but leaned back, trying to escape, she couldn't help but cast a glance at Mori Kogoro at the side from the corner of her eyes, and then quickly said: "Why...how...how is it possible! "

One look at this expression shows that there is a ghost, Fei Yingli doesn't understand her daughter, so she can't help but frown and wants to reprimand her.

At this moment, Xizi came over: "I said, what are you worrying about, Xiaolan is so old, she can handle these things well. Besides, didn't you have a relationship with Kogoro in high school when you were young? How dare you talk about your own daughter!"

You Xizi thought that Xiaolan would be her daughter-in-law, so she naturally offered an assist.

Feiyingli blushed immediately when she heard this: "Youxizi, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart."

You Xizi made a mischievous face: "Come on, I'm not afraid of you at all!"

Fei Yingli stood up immediately, and said, "You bastard, how dare you be so arrogant in stealing other people's things!"

"Which one of us is with whom? What's yours is mine. Besides, what's yours is really super comfortable to use!"

Yukiko licked her upper lip with her tongue and smiled wickedly.

Fei Yingli was about to go crazy: "Ah, you bastard, you dare to say anything, today I must teach you a lesson!"

At this time, Mori Kogoro stood up, pressed Feiyingri's shoulder, looked at Feiyingli with a smile on his face, and said, "Eri, why do you need Xiaolan to tell me that you love me!"

Concubine Yingli's confession just happened to be broadcast on TV: [Remember, tell your father for your mother: I love him! 】

Fei Yingli immediately blushed, and slowly lowered her head.


Mori Kogoro just wiped off the sweat from his brow, listening to their conversation just now was extremely terrifying.

As long as the three of them say a wrong sentence, the volcano may erupt, and Mori Kogoro's back is already wet with sweat.

Fortunately, Qiu Mingshan's old driver's driving skills are excellent, and he grasped the key points at once to quell a crisis.

Mori Kogoro hugged Fei Eri tightly, and in an instant, that plump chest was against his chest again, and the two heads leaned together, rubbing lightly.

Yuxiko, who was on the side, saw this scene with a smile on her face, as if her long-cherished wish had been fulfilled.

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