And Xiaolan saw her parents hugging each other, her big eyes blinked, her eyes were quiet, she didn't know what she was thinking!

Mori Kogoro said, "I'm really happy to hear that you still love me, Eri, so happy, Eri, don't leave, come back!"

Chapter 0086

When Fei Yingli heard this, her heart beat very fast, and she was about to agree.

But at this moment, a young woman in a black dress walked into the office from the outside, and said quickly after entering, "Mr. Mao Li, I watched the live broadcast last night and was very worried about you. Are you okay?"

It was Aso who was honest, and she came to the door with a medical kit.

Interrupted by this, Mori Kogoro let go of Fei Eri, and said with a smile: "Of course I'm fine, Eri, Yukiko, this is an honest doctor, the family's personal doctor!"

Mori Kogoro said honestly to Aso: "Doctor Honest, we are not injured, so we don't need to be checked. We have to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to record statements later. You should go back to work first!"

Aso frowned honestly, but left obediently.

But when Aso was honest, it seemed like a Pandora's box had been opened.

Then, one after another, young and beautiful women walked in from the outside.

When one came in, Mori Kogoro tried his best to cover it up with his words, and then sent him away.

Seeing the young and beautiful girls walking into the office and heading towards Mori Kogoro, the complexions of Yukiko, Fei Eri, and Xiao Ran who were on the sofa gradually darkened.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his head with a dry smile, trying his best to introduce Fei Eri and the others.

"Yumi, my old classmate! We only got together a few days ago, so it's normal to care about me!"

"Sayuri, Eri, don't you remember? It's Xiaolan's junior high school music teacher. I saved her life last time. Ms. Matsumoto, don't be so polite, I even came to care for her personally!"

"Takawako, a friend I met during my last vacation in Hawaii!"

"Yuko, ah, friends, you know each other from solving crimes and doing shows!"

"It's all friends! Friends! Some are fans! Haha! Haha!"


Finally, Xia Jiang Qiben, who was wearing a long white dress, rushed in from the outside, and Ru Yan threw herself into Kogoro Maoli's arms like a forest: "Mr. Maoli, are you alright?"

Maoli Kogoro quickly broke away, and said: "Xia Jiang, good friend, yes, good friend is here, this time thanks to Miss Xia Jiang's help, I got a reward, and many people in the club helped to find it!"

Fei Yingli stood up, crossed her arms, her face was cold, and the queen's aura burst out completely: "It seems that Maori detective has quite a lot of 'good friends', and they all seem to be young and beautiful. girl."

"Then Maori detective, let's live together with your 'good friend'. I'll save you from living here when I come back. You Xizi, Xiaolan, let's go!"

Feiyingli stepped on her high heels and walked outside.

At this moment, Fei Yingli's aura of the queen erupted completely, making Mori Kogoro a little terrified, and Ban Xia Jiang, who was at the side, couldn't stop shaking when Fei Yingli glanced at him.

Yukiko, who has always had the best personality and loves Mori Kogoro the most, couldn't help being angry this time, pouted her mouth, and followed her out.

Mori Kogoro said repeatedly: "No, Eri, what if those gangsters move again? At least I can protect you when you come back!"

Although the black hand behind the scenes was solved by Mori Kogoro, the dark organization still exists, and it would be too dangerous for Fei Eri to live alone.

Feiyingli stopped in her tracks, and said, "You don't have to worry about this, Youxizi, I agreed to your invitation last night, and move in with you. Anyway, Youxizi lives in a villa area and has bodyguards to guard her. "

Hearing this, You Xizi hurried forward and hugged Fei Yingli's arm, and said, "That's right, we haven't been together for many years, we sisters live together, don't worry about those playful stinky men!"

After all, the two walked out together.

No matter how dull Xiaolan is, she knows that it is not normal for so many women to come today, so she can't help but look at Kogoro Mori with a face of complaint: "Father, how can you do this!"

After saying that, she quickly caught up with Fei Yingli and Yukiko who were in front of her.

Banner Xia Jiang beside him couldn't help but said, "Mr. Mao Li, did I cause trouble?"

Mori Kogoro touched Xia Jiang's small head, and comforted him: "Xia Jiang, it's nothing, you go back and have a good rest, I have to go to the police station to make a statement! Thank you last night!"

"You don't have to thank me, Xia Jiang feels very happy to be able to help Mao Li-kun!" Ban Xiajiang smiled softly.

Seeing Xiajiang Hatake also walk out of the office, Kogoro Mori collapsed on the sofa exhausted physically and mentally.

This is even more tiring than dealing with dark organizations and reasoning cases.

Fortunately, Kogoro Moori was very good at speaking, and he always pre-empted strikes, and when the girls saw Xiaolan there, they cooperated with each other to help cover it up, thus avoiding a terrible Shura field!

But even so, Mori Kogoro is not sure to hide girls as smart as Eri and Yukiko from them...

Favorability will definitely drop.

Mori Kogoro didn't even dare to look at the achievements in the favorability system in the system.

But in the end, he made up his mind to take a look, and was surprised to find that Feiyingli and Yukiko had the highest affection scores.

Fujimine Yukiko: Favorability 99

Fei Yingli: Favorability 98

The favorability between the two of them remained unchanged, without any drop.

In other words, the two of them were not really angry because of this incident, they just couldn't hold back their faces.

According to his own reasoning, Mori Kogoro immediately put on a smile on his face, put on his suit, walked out of the office, and headed for the Metropolitan Police Department.

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