
In the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Mumu saw that Kogoro Maoli was coming late, so he asked, "Brother Maoli, why did you come here to have fun, and why didn't you come with Xiaolan and the others!"

Mori Kogoro, who arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department by taxi, sighed: "It's hard to describe!"

He saw Fei Yingli and Yukiko who were making statements at the side, and couldn't help walking forward, but the two reacted in the same way, turning their heads away and ignoring Kogoro Mori.

At this moment, Police Officer Matsumoto suddenly appeared beside him, as if he had something to say.

Kogoro Mori and Police Officer Matsumoto walked to an unoccupied area, and the two began to talk.

Police Matsumoto said with a serious face: "Detective Mori, I have already investigated what happened last night. The force that put pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. It was the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Saburo Akama, but,"

"This guy was silenced last night and was killed in his villa."

Police Officer Matsumoto's face became more and more gloomy: "Detective Maori, I'm afraid the role you have messed with this time is not easy. The dignified former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, kill him if you say so. I will continue to help you investigate."

Mori Kogoro naturally knew how much energy Police Matsumoto had used to investigate this, so he thanked Police Officer Matsumoto, "Thank you, Police Officer Matsumoto, but I have already speculated about this in my heart, Police Officer Matsumoto, you don't need to help investigate anymore! "

No matter how difficult the character is, it was burned by Mori Kogoro.

Police Officer Matsumoto looked at Kogoro Mori with a serious face, and said, "Call me anytime if you need it, and I will try my best to help!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori nodded, and turned to record his statement.

Chapter 0087

This incident is so serious that it can be defined as a terrorist attack.

Mori Kogoro not only has a great reputation in China, but also has many fans abroad, so this incident was easily published in international newspapers, and countries all over the world reported it.

So Police Officer Megure came down to record the statement in person, and waited until Mori Kogoro, Xiao Ran, Fei Yingli and Yukiko had finished speaking.

Police officer Mumu finally knew what was going on in this incident.

Police Matsumoto, who was listening on the sidelines, picked up the press release that had just been printed out and came to the press conference of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The nature of this incident was so bad that the Metropolitan Police Department suffered a lot of pressure from the public and had to make a statement at the press conference.

Facing the countless long guns and short cannons below, Matsumoto police inspector said: "Citizens, please rest assured that the terrorist kidnapping incident last night has been resolved, and no one was injured or died..."

"...Finally, a wanted reward order is issued. If the citizens find a woman with a swallowtail butterfly tattoo on her left eye and short orange hair, please don't approach her at will. This person is extremely dangerous. Please call the police in time."


Chianti, who was shopping in Shibuya, saw the arrest warrant issued by the Matsumoto police on the big screen in the square, and she quickly pulled off her hat to cover her short orange hair.

Then Chianti took out his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on, cursing secretly: "The good vacation is gone again!"

After finishing speaking, Chianti shook his head and headed towards the airport.


After the statement was recorded, Mori and his group walked out of the police station. Eri, Yukiko and Ran walked in front, and Kogoro Mori was left behind by them.

As soon as he walked out of the back door of the Metropolitan Police Department, he was grabbed by a soft little hand. He took a closer look and saw that it was the beautiful reporter from Nibu TV last night, and behind him was the cameraman from last night.

This beautiful reporter is wearing a small silver suit, with long black hair tied into a capable ponytail, and a pair of blue cat's eyes on her white melon-seeded face. How thin it is.

This is a big beauty with a classic temperament. The most conspicuous thing is actually the four curly short hairs left on her forehead, which are symmetrical and well-proportioned, and look very interesting.

There was a nameplate on the female reporter's chest with the words Rena Mizumus written on it, Kogoro Mori recognized her when he saw the name.

The code name of the organization is Kiel, but it is actually an undercover agent of the CIA. It turned out to be this guy!

Rena Minzumu aimed the microphone at Kogoro Mori, and said, "Detective Mori, I'll just hold you up for five minutes. I want to ask you some questions."

"Excuse me, how did you appear in two places at the same time to save your wife and children?"

"Also, I would like to ask what happened to the woman who was originally in the iron prison. According to the information disclosed at the scene, only twenty men's bones were found. If you can escape, Detective Maori, you must know the whereabouts of the woman! "

Rena Mizumusi is really bold, she even came to ask for information in person, wondering if she wanted to find the traces of Belmode and then go for it.

But Kogoro Mori naturally wouldn't answer these questions, he just said sternly to the camera: "You can ask the police about this, I only have one thing to say to those who are interested: that is, if you mess with me, then Prepare to pay the price!"

He shook off Shui Wurena's little hand and walked away, chasing after the three girls in front.

The cameraman on the side asked, "Ms. Mizumu, is it going to be broadcast?"

The mouth was so strict that she couldn't ask any questions, Rena Mizumu nodded, the cameraman pressed a switch, and the interview screen was transmitted to the TV station for broadcast.


In a remote villa in the Nerima area, the injured Belmode watched TV.

Her originally extremely gorgeous face was extremely pale at this moment, and her long silver hair was messy.

Seeing Mori Kogoro suddenly appearing on Nikkei TV, Belmode couldn't help shaking, and hearing what Mori Kogoro said, fear appeared in her eyes.

Recalling the scene in the basement, with Kogoro Mori's stern figure, Belmode's body trembled uncontrollably.

So cruel!powerful!fear!Totally like a master in the dark!

Belmode was in a daze for a moment, who was the real criminal.

This injury was the worst she had ever suffered in her life.

Sensing a burst of pain coming from his body, Belmode closed his eyes gently, and murmured: "Wait! Kogoro Mori!"

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