
Arriving at the parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department, Yukiko dragged Fei Yingli into the car and headed towards her home.

Mori Kogoro cheekily wanted to follow, but was rejected by the two girls together. He and Xiaolan could only watch the red Alfa Romeo GT drive away, and heaved a long sigh.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw Xiaolan, and wanted to take Xiaolan's hand to go home.

Xiaolan shook off Mouri Kogoro's big hands, put her hands on her hips, and said with a very unfriendly look: "Dad, why don't you explain? So many women came to care about you this morning. What's going on!"

At this moment, Xiaolan's aura is also very strong.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, Xiaolan, don't you know all these people? They are all friends who met when solving the case. I helped them complete the commission. After going back and forth, don't you know each other? "

Xiaolan's big eyes narrowed: "Really? Then what happened to that Miss Xia Jiang, who hugged you as soon as she came in!"

"Oh, you don't know, Miss Xia Jiang has studied abroad before, and hugging abroad is a social etiquette, Xiaolan, you just think too much!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she folded her hands on her hips, showing her proud curves, and said with a snort, "Dad, you really let me down. It was such a good opportunity to get back together with my mother. You ruined it again!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Moori couldn't help but said: "If you didn't wake up so early in the morning, your mother would have been tamed by me long ago!"

Mori Kogoro still has a lot of resentment about this matter, Eri, so he went away again.

Xiaolan blushed slightly when she heard this, but pretended not to understand, and turned her head away.

"Okay, okay, get in the car, we're going back!"

Mori Kogoro dragged Xiaolan to a Lexus with peeling paint, and the people from the Metropolitan Police Department helped to drive this car back.

The two got into this cool car and returned to the office.

While Xiaolan was on the third floor, Mori Kogoro hurriedly called Yuanshan and Ye.

"He Ye, everything on my side has been settled. I'm not injured. You don't have to come to Tokyo to see me. It's a bit busy here. I'll go to Osaka to find you in a few days. Be obedient, okay?"

"Uncle Maori, such a terrible thing happened to you, how can I not worry about it, how can I rest assured that I didn't see you with my own eyes. I have already decided, I will take the Shinkansen to Tokyo to see you tomorrow, Maori Uncle, wait for me!" The voices of Yuan Shan and Ye Jianjian came from the phone.

Mori Kogoro kept trying to stop him, but in the end he failed.

Chapter 0088 Yingli's request

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but collapsed on the sofa, and said to Little V, "Little V, what should I do? I feel that the terrible Shura Field is approaching me."

Little V sang happily: "To be or nor to be, that is a question..."

"To your mother, I asked you to give me an idea. Why are you singing these songs that I don't understand? Is your skin itchy again?" Maoli Kogoro was furious.

Little V stopped quickly, and said, "Host, thanks to you being a detective, I can only remind you of one thing, is there any more?"

"There will be special rewards for reaching 100 favorability in the favorability achievement. In addition, after the favorability achievement reaches 100, the favorability will never drop again."

Then Xiao V continued to sing.

Mori Kogoro rested his chin and began to think, special reward? ? ?

He looked at the pink favorability achievement interface, and the highest one was Yuxiko, with a full 99 favorability.

It seems that we still have to start with Yukiko, and directly beat her to 100. Mori Kogoro twisted his waist and hips, looking full of confidence.

But Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered that Eri was going to move in with Yukiko, and he couldn't help but grimaced when he thought of it, it would be difficult to do so.

Little V said again: "The host don't think that 100 favorability can be easily achieved. There is a gully between 99 and 100. It can't be done simply!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's phone rang, and Fei Yingli's cold words came from the phone: "Now, go to my original home, I will wait for you there!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Mori Kogoro to answer.

This guy is still as domineering as ever.

Mori Kogoro told Xiaolan, and then drove his cool Lexus to the apartment that Fei Yingri bought.

His Lexus, whose paint was peeling everywhere, was almost unable to enter the complex. Fortunately, the old security guard on duty was the one from last night, and he let him in only after he recognized Kogoro Mori.

The car was parked on one side, and Fei Yingli, who was standing next to the iron gate at the bottom, saw the collision and peeling paint on the car, her Danfeng eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Kogoro Mori saw Fei Yingli as soon as he drove over. She was still wearing the black suit skirt she bought in the morning, lined with a white shirt, showing a domineering figure. Underneath a pair of pure black stockings, her legs looked extremely seductive in the sun. people.

The only change from before was that Fei Yingli put on light makeup on her pretty face, and her brown hair was tied into a bun, making her look much prettier.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car and ran over quickly, and said, "Eri, what's the matter, I didn't make it clear on the phone."

Fei Yingli didn't answer, her face was cold, she hugged her chest, stepped on her high heels, and walked into the apartment.

Because the house Fei Yingli bought was on the third floor, the two of them climbed up the stairs slowly without waiting for the elevator.

In the stairwell, Mori Kogoro looked at the pair of beautiful legs that kept moving in front of him, and the plump buttocks under the black skirt kept rising and falling. His eyes were attracted tightly, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Soon the two came to the apartment, Fei Yingli took out the key and opened the door, and then the two entered the apartment.

This high-end apartment is quite big, the walls are all gray, the living room is the living room after entering the entrance, the kitchen is past the living room, the bathroom and bedroom are on the left, and the study is on the right.

The whole apartment was neat and tidy, and it was obvious that temporary workers were hired to clean it up every day.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling hot in his heart. Could it be that he specially invited himself to finish the things he didn't finish in the morning?He rubbed his hands together excitedly.

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