At this time, Fei Yingli said: "I have already promised Youxizi to live with her, so I will leave the things in this room to you, tidy them up and move them over."


Kogoro Mori couldn't help but be disappointed to hear this.

"I think you should know the address very well, it's the Fujimine residence you often go to!" At this time, a cold light flashed in Fei Yingli's eyes.

Mori Kogoro's heart suddenly rose, and he quickly explained: "I don't go there often. If it wasn't for Xizi who came back to China and entrusted me with a case a few days ago, I wouldn't even know where she lives!"

"Hmph." Fei Yingli snorted a few times, twisted her waist and turned to enter the study: "I went to the study to watch the case, nothing to do, don't bother me!"

Kogoro Mori looked at the prepared cardboard box, what else could he do? Of course he should do what his woman wanted.

He put the suit jacket on the hanger beside him and started to pack it up.

In fact, it is also simple, mostly some small and exquisite decorations, as well as the baseball cap of the late baseball player No Snob, the poster of the favorite Jaguar team, and some collected music discs.

Pulling back the curtain on the cabinet, Mori Kogoro was surprised to find that there were gifts from him on every wedding anniversary in the past.

MP3s, hats, bracelets, rings given to me in high school...

Finally, there is the bottle of eau-de-vie that I gave last Christmas.

Seeing these items is really full of memories. I didn't expect Eri to hide all these items. If I hadn't lifted the curtain on the cabinet this time, I really wouldn't have been able to find it!

Mori Kogoro exploded in speed, and within ten minutes, he bagged all the items in Feiri's room, including the clothes in the closet in her bedroom and the cosmetics on the washbasin in the bathroom, and placed them neatly. in the box.

Looking at the empty apartment room, the next step is the study.

Mori Kogoro opened the door of the study room, and saw that on a dark red desk, Hideri was sitting on a red office chair, looking at the materials intently, and the laptop beside him was really bright.

From the belly of the table legs, you can see two beautiful legs put together, moving rhythmically.

Feiyingli didn't even raise her eyes, she just kept looking at the materials intently.

Mori Kogoro pretended to pack up the books, and slowly approached the desk inside from the bookcase. The books in his hand remained the same, he took one and stuffed it back.

Fei Yingli didn't look up, and her expression didn't change at all.

Soon, Mori Kogoro walked to her red office chair and looked sideways.

At this time, he was surprised to find that Fei Yingli had changed a little more than what he saw outside.

Just now, all the buttons of her white shirt were fastened, but after entering the study, she unbuttoned three buttons of the white shirt inside.

Under the light, the white and plump breasts appeared in front of my eyes, and there was a bottomless ravine in the middle, which could almost suck the soul. In the ravine, the damage-reduction necklace that Mori Kogoro had worn for Hieiri was shining brightly.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro's breathing became slightly heavy. He came behind Feiyingli, put his hands lightly on Feiyingli's shoulders, and said, "Eri?"

Fei Yingli didn't respond at all, she just looked at her own profile, and sipped a cup of coffee from time to time, as if there was no Mori Kogoro standing behind her.

Seeing this reaction, Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

But leaning over, the white greasy and gully made people unable to extricate themselves, and the right hand resting on Feiyingli's shoulder slowly reached down.

Chapter 0089 Desk

Mori Kogoro grabbed the shining silver necklace with his right hand, and his right hand was immediately wrapped in softness.

Mori Kogoro said: "Eri, you must wear this necklace carefully from now on, and don't take it off."

Fei Yingli still didn't respond at all, and looked at the information with a normal expression, which made Mori Kogoro a little confused, and the scene was a little awkward for a while.

Mori Kogoro frowned, and the right hand holding the necklace began to move slowly, but Eri didn't respond.

The left hand also came down, slowly poking in, but she still didn't respond.

Up, down, left, right, left, right, BABA, some micro manipulations appeared in the hands of Mori Kogoro.

A great monk once said: "I will make your dreams come true with both hands!"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro only felt that his dream had blossomed, and he was very moved.


As soon as Fei Yingli coughed, Mori Kogoro stopped immediately, his heart rose, and his eyes were fixed on the people below.

However, seeing Feiyingli's expression as usual, she took out a black pen from the pen container and began to circle the materials. She didn't say a word, as if she was the only one in the room.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro felt relieved and continued his great career of micromanipulation.

But a man's heart is always greedy, Kogoro Mori, who has already controlled the whole world, gradually looked down.

He lowered his body slowly, let go of his hands, and the whole world that had been opened up rhythmically bounced!

Mori Kogoro lowered his hands slowly, stroking the legs in black stockings, extremely smooth.

Fei Yingli still didn't respond, she looked at the material intently, and the pen kept drawing circles on the material.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro became more and more aggressive. He squatted down and pinched the thin stockings with both hands.

Rip... Rip...

The stockings immediately burst into big holes, revealing the fair skin inside.

Feiyingli's face remained normal, and she still didn't respond at all.

There was a smile on Mori Kogoro's face, his heart was relieved at the moment, he came behind Fei Yingri, pulled her up, and kicked away the red sofa chair.

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