Mori Kogoro gently put Fei Yingli on the bed, then carefully took off the blue suit jacket and high heels, and put the quilt on Fei Yingli, looking softly at the beauty in front of her .

Soon he noticed the gold-rimmed glasses on Feiyingli's face and the hair tied on her head.

He picked him up again, took off his glasses, and put down his hair. The brown hair curled down instantly, and a quiet beauty appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori thought of something again, and stretched out his hand towards the pair of soft things that were thirty-six E.

Seeing this, Yukiko who was behind him hurriedly scolded: "Xiao Goro, what are you doing! Eri has already fallen asleep, and you still think about those things, it's too much, it will break if it goes on like this. Don't mess with Eri, really. If so, I will replace her."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said with a strange expression: "What are you thinking? It's just because Eri used to take off her underwear every time she went to bed, otherwise she would be panicked, so I just helped her take it off!"

While talking, a red bra was pulled out by Mori Kogoro, he turned his head to look at Yukiko, and raised the bra.

You Xizi realized that she had misunderstood after seeing this scene, and her face turned red.

It's just that when she saw Mori Kogoro treat Fei Yingli so carefully, she couldn't help but feel a bit of soreness in her heart, folded her hands on her chest, turned her head and said, "Hmph, I'm angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well!"

Seeing Yukiko in such a young daughter's posture, she is very cute even if she is jealous, and Kogoro Mori finds it very funny.

He covered Fei Yingli's quilt, stood up, and walked slowly towards You Xizi, with a malicious smile on his face: "Then don't coax, just now I don't know who was so bold to say that he would replace you." Where's Eri!"

In the study room of the apartment before, Mori Kogoro didn't really enjoy himself completely. After hearing what Yukiko said, an extremely evil thought immediately appeared in his mind.

Hearing this, Yukiko panicked immediately. She was about to run away, but Moori Kogoro grabbed her slender arm.

Kogoro Mori pulled Yukiko into his arms with a little force, seeing the panic on Yukiko's elf-like face, and thinking of his wife Eri sleeping soundly behind him, he felt unspeakable. The excitement emerges from the heart.

Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore, he smiled wickedly, lowered his head and kissed Yukiko's pink lips directly.

At this moment, Yukiko's beautiful big eyes were terrified, her pupils kept shrinking, and her hands kept pushing Kogoro Mori's chest.

But Kogoro Mori didn't pay any attention to it, and then Kogoro Mori's right hand climbed directly onto the soft place with a C cup.

While the other hand stroked Yuxiko's jeans, with a force of his left hand, he hugged Yuxiko up.

Yukiko, who was carried in her arms, kept resisting, her two slender legs kicking in the air, and her hands were still beating Kogoro Moori's chest.

But Mori Kogoro still didn't care at all, instead he threw it onto the empty bed next to Eri.

It's also because the bed that Yukiko prepared for Concubine Eri was too big, enough for four or five people to sleep on it.

Yukiko was really panicking at this moment, Kogoro Mori's posture seemed to be real, she couldn't help but panic and said: "Kogoro, are you crazy? Eri is right next to you, if you really want, go to our room !"

Mori Kogoro was already breathing extremely heavily at this moment, he looked at Yukiko who was panicking, and then at Feiyingri who was sleeping soundly beside him, he heard Feiyingri's even breathing and heartbeat, and knew that she was in a deep sleep at the moment.

Mori Kogoro climbed onto the bed softly, pressed his body directly on Yukiko, bit her ear and said softly, "It's okay, Yukiko, just don't scream too loudly."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro was so domineering that it was unstoppable. His hands were working extremely fast, and pieces of clothing kept flying up and falling on the floor beside him.

Yukiko, who was powerless to stop Mori Kogoro's movements, had mist in her eyes, looked guiltily at Fei Eri's quiet face, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Eri!"

But looking at Fei Yingli's sleeping face, You Xizi also felt an unspeakable excitement in her heart. This is stealing her husband in front of Fei Yingli.

Yuxiko couldn't help but wink at Kogoro Mouri affectionately: This life is ruined in your hands.

But when You Xizi recalled the kiss on the yacht twenty years ago on the sea of ​​fire: I would be willing to be destroyed by your hands in my next life!


The familiar concerto sounded in the room, intense and forbearing!Continuously!

(A lot of text is omitted here.)


In the Maori's house on the third floor, Xiaolan was preparing dinner, while Conan and Huiyuan came back from school and walked into the living room on the third floor.

Conan couldn't help asking: "Sister Xiaolan, where is Aunt Yuxiko? And Aunt Feiyingli? Where did they go?"

Xiaolan, dressed as a little cook in an apron, leaned out from the kitchen, and said, "Mom and Aunt Yuxiko were so mad at Dad, and after going to the police station to record our statements today, they left us behind." , and left."

Xiaolan continued to speak: "Father is also true, such a good opportunity to get back together with mother, it is such a pity to miss it like this!"

There was no pity on Xiaolan's face when she said this. On the contrary, the corners of her eyes and mouth were slightly raised, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

Haibara couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard this, the result is really great.

Conan gloated and laughed when he heard this: "I knew it would be like this. How could Uncle Maori chase Aunt Yingli back?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Hui Yuan, and said in a low voice, "Are you satisfied now?"

Hui Yuan ignored him, turned around and entered his room, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

How could these three people know that the three elders they said they were talking about were on the same bed at the moment, doing strenuous exercise!

Chapter 0091

Time is flowing slowly, and the music is constantly playing.

Mori Kogoro also spent [-] points in the system, exchanged for a sleeping charm, and stuck it on Eri's body, so she woke up halfway.

The sleeping Yingri frowned, and gradually a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she had come true a dream.

As a result, Mori Kogoro became more and more unscrupulous. His big hand pressed C at once and E at once. The two different feelings really fascinated him.

Soon, Yukiko's slender body was pressed against Fei Yingli's body, her little face was flushed with panic, and she couldn't believe it: "Xiao Goro, you, aren't you afraid of waking up Yingli? I, I was so good yesterday. , I finally made an agreement with Eri, and we will be together, together with you in the future."

"But, this is too fast, you are going too far, aren't you afraid that Yingli will be angry when she wakes up?"

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