Yukiko panted heavily, speaking intermittently.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of crimson, he bent down, and hit Yukiko's neck with his fiery breath: "Youkiko, do you know? I have been waiting for this day for twenty years, and I have already Can't wait, but don't worry, Eri won't wake up easily."

The masculinity of Mori Kogoro's body made Yukiko dizzy, and she couldn't refute anymore.

Yukiko felt the softness of herself pressing against Eri's chest, looking at the sleeping face of Eri in front of her, her eyes gradually became fascinated, and the suffocating feeling kept surging like a tide.

Her rationality gradually disappeared, and finally, Yukiko landed on Feiyingli's small mouth with one breath, and her right hand directly climbed onto Feiyingli's softness.

Then Youxizi showed an idiotic smile on his elf-like face, and said, "It's really a big cow, I don't know how it grew, it's so scary!"

Mori Kogoro, who was behind him, saw his pupils bursting continuously, and he couldn't bear it at all.

The breath in his body became extremely terrifying, and the speed of his body exploded, and there was only one voice left in the room in an instant!


Three hours later, everything returned to calm.

The only sound in the room was Yukiko panting from time to time, and she could only pant, unable to move a single finger.

However, Mori Kogoro was still full of energy, and he was able to carry Yukiko who was paralyzed into ooze to the bathroom, took a bath together, and changed into pajamas together.

Mori Kogoro was in a happy mood, and he still had time to go to the kitchen to cook a delicious dinner to reward the two of them, and personally fed Yukiko who was exhausted.

After that, Kogoro Mouri picked up his mobile phone and found that there were many missed calls on it, most of which were from Ran and Haibara.

Kogoro Mouri immediately called Xiaolan, and the call was connected.

Xiaolan's voice came over: "Father, where are you? I said I would go out in the afternoon, and it's already eight o'clock in the evening, and you still haven't come back!"

Maoli Kogoro quickly explained: "Xiaolan, today I was arrested by your mother to do a coolie to help her move. There are a lot of things in the house. I'm afraid I will be busy until late. I won't go back tonight. You and Xiao Ai Stay at home obediently, do you understand?"

"Oh, that's it!" Xiaolan seemed a little disappointed when she heard that Mori Kogoro didn't come back, and then she said, "Dad, where are you resting tonight? It can't be at mother's house! "

"Of course not, it's at your Aunt Yukiko's house, okay, let's not talk about it, I'm going to get busy!"

Xiaolan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard that it was Aunt Xizi's home.

Mori Kogoro hung up the phone after he finished speaking, and then he quickly called Huiyuan, a small vinegar jar, to explain what happened tonight, so that it was over.

As for Yukiko’s mobile phone, there are also many missed calls on it. All the calls are from Conan. Conan can’t find his mother in his villa. He also heard that Fei Yingli moved to live with his mother, so he thought Know where my mother lives.

It's a pity that Yukiko, who couldn't leave her body in the evening, didn't have the heart to call Conan back. She was in the middle of a fierce battle at that time.

And at the moment, she was so weak that she didn't care about her adopted son's inquiry at all.

So in the room on the second floor of the office, Conan used Kudo Shinichi's mobile phone to call from time to time, and his own mobile phone to call from time to time, but the call was never connected.

Conan couldn't help being a little puzzled: What the hell is mom doing? She hasn't answered the phone for so long!

At this moment, Conan's mother was wearing a tulle pajamas, lying in the arms of Mori Kogoro.

After taking a bath and eating, she managed to recover a little bit of strength, looking at Mouri Kogoro's tough face, Yukiko said, "Kogoro, what kind of medicine did you take, you became too powerful, this time, I literally felt like I almost died."

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Which time you didn't say that!"

Mori Kogoro patted Yukiko's buttocks, and hugged her: "Let's go, go back to the room and sleep..."

Yukiko was carried into her own bedroom by Kogoro Mori, and then Kogoro Mori walked out of the room, and carried Fei Yingri, who was sleeping soundly next door, with a talisman paper on her body, looking sound asleep.

Mori Kogoro, Eri, gently placed her on the bed, and took off the Sleeping Talisman.

Then he pulled Yuxizi to lie on the bed, covered the quilt, put Yuxizi in one arm, and Fei Yingli in the other.

Although Princess Eri is in a sweet dream at the moment, it does not weaken Kogoro Mori's sense of satisfaction in the slightest.

What I have dreamed about for twenty years is finally fulfilled today, and the achievement of sleeping together is completed.

Yukiko lay on Mori Kogoro's chest, and said, "Kogoro, is this really okay? When Eri wakes up, she will be angry. This is too fast, and I won't give her any buffer. I'd better go." Sleep in another room!"

After finishing speaking, You Xizi was about to get up, but was grabbed by Mao Li Kogoro: "Come back to me!"

Mori Kogoro looked at Yukiko, who was weak all over, and tried his best to get up and leave in order not to make Eri angry. He couldn't help saying domineeringly: "Eri wakes up, and I'm holding it back. Now you just sleep on the bed obediently."

Yukiko couldn't resist Mori Kogoro, so she could only lie on the bed, and soon she fell asleep, listening to the even breathing sound from the two on the left and right, and feeling the soft and delicate bodies on the left and right.

Mori Kogoro showed a satisfied smile on his face, he quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Time passed quickly, and soon the early birds were chirping outside, the sky gradually became brighter, the sun rose, the dew on the leaves evaporated, and the morning light shone on the bed from the gap in the curtains Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro fell into a drowsy sleep, and felt that his left side was empty, while there was a soft body on the right side. He turned around involuntarily, put his left hand and left leg on the plump body .

Mori Kogoro's left hand is very clever, he knows how to find the place of ghost exploration, and finally put it on a towering tower, and stopped moving.

Chapter 0092 Eri's Dark Cuisine

It was an extremely familiar touch. Mori Kogoro rubbed his left hand involuntarily, enjoying the ultimate enjoyment of softness and elasticity.

His left leg slid back and forth on that plump body, across his soft waist, tight buttocks, and smooth legs, all of which were gifts from the Creator.

The confused Mori Kogoro showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then he realized who he was holding.

He opened his sleepy eyes, and saw Fei Yingli, who was as cold as ice in front of him, with anger in Danfeng's eyes.

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