He Ye's expression on the side changed when she heard this, and she turned to look at the corpse, only to see the corpse move again.

The two girls were frightened immediately, and hurriedly ran behind Kogoro Mouri, hugging Kogoro Mouri's arms from left to right.

Everyone's complexion also changed drastically. When everyone was trembling, a blue Persian cat came out from behind the corpse. It was the little female cat named Rega.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mori Kogoro laughed and said, "It's just a cat that scares you like this!" He reached out and touched the heads of the two girls.

Hattori Heiji and Conan didn't see this scene at all, and both of them were lost in thought when they saw the Persian cat that suddenly appeared.

Officer Mu Mu turned around to question the rest of the people in the villa, and soon, Officer Mu Mu finished his inquiry.

He came over and said: "When the incident happened, all the servants of Mori Madoka's family had dinner together in the same restaurant, and the only one who didn't have an alibi was the owner of the house, Mitsuo Mori Madoka, who was waiting for Deacon Shigematsu to come over; Daughter Yurie taking a bath in the room; son Kikuto who reads magazines and listens to music in the room; servant Yuji Sakuraniwa who wanders around looking for cats; and finally Miss Kaede Kaede who is resting in the room."

"There is no definitive alibi for the five."

Mori Yuan Mitsuo's face was quite excited: "What's going on, don't you doubt us?"

Officer Mumu waved his hands again and again and said: "This is a necessary process, and I don't doubt you!"


Time passed slowly, at this moment, Conan found something on the balcony, and quickly called Hattori Heiji over.

They saw a tiny hole in the glass balcony door of the dark room.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, they both had a clue.

The police officers were looking for the murder weapon outside the villa, and everyone followed.

At this moment, Yuji Sakuraba said to Police Officer Takagi: "Officer, please let me join the search, I really can't sit still."

Officer Takagi frowned and said, "No, you are one of the suspects, you must go back to the villa and wait."

The tall Mori Yuanjuren stepped forward, grabbed Yuji Sakuraniwa's lapel, lifted it up, and said in a bad tone: "You guy, don't delay other people's investigation, you must remember who you are, Don't let my Senyuan family be ashamed."

After finishing speaking, he pushed Sakuraba Yuji to the ground, then turned and left.

The skirt of Yuji Sakuraba was pulled open, revealing a string of sapphire necklaces inside, exactly the same as Kaede Katagiri's.

Chapter 0098 Under the shade of green trees

Hattori Heiji and Conan returned to the room on the fourth floor, where Officer Megure and the police officers from the Forensic Section were among them, constantly looking for clues.

Police officer Mu Mu couldn't help complaining: "Brother Mao Li is really serious. He can solve the case quickly, but he insists on letting you, a brat, deal with it. How can you do this in such a matter of life and death!"

Officer Takagi couldn't help but said: "Maybe this is the strangeness of being a detective!"

Conan on the side couldn't help showing dead fish eyes after hearing it: Ha ha!

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji smiled awkwardly, and then his heart was full of fighting spirit, and he began to observe the corpse carefully. Soon, Hattori Heiji discovered something was wrong.

This was stabbed into the heart with a knife and then pulled out. A lot of blood would have spewed out from the ventricle, but there was no trace of the spouted blood at all, only a trace of blood that was dragged away. In other words, the blood spurted out. to the murderer.

Now the suspects are those five people, that is to say, some of them must have lost their blood-stained clothes.

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up. In this case, in addition to the murder weapon, there are also bloody clothes, and the target is bigger.


While the people upstairs were trying to find clues, Mori Kogoro was next to the big tree in the open space opposite the only balcony of the two rooms on the fourth floor. He looked up at the big tree above, using both hands and feet, he quickly climbed up go up.

In front of the villa, Xiaolan led Huiyuan, and Huiyuan asked, "Where's that young girl from Osaka?"

"Huihara, you are asking about Kazuha. She just said to go to the toilet." Xiaolan was looking for traces of Mori Kogoro, but she still couldn't find it, so she said to Huiyuan: "Huihara, Dad It seems to go upstairs too, let's go up and have a look!"

Mori Kogoro on the big tree quickly found the discarded bloody coat. He took a handkerchief and lifted the bloody coat. As expected, there was a blood-stained dagger and a thin thread glued inside.

Mori Kogoro rolled up the bloody clothes with a handkerchief, and jumped off the big tree.

At this time, a female voice sounded from the side: "Uncle Maori, did you find something?" Yuan Shan and Ye Zhengqiao leaned against the big tree, their big amber eyes staring closely at Kogoro Maori.

Mouri Kogoro raised the things in his hands, and said, "It's the murder weapon and the bloody clothes in this case, and it's not an important thing."

Mori Kogoro threw the red and white package on the ground, and only then did he have time to take a good look at Shimo Toyama and Ye. Yuan Shan and Ye Shang.

Yuanshan Heye is now wearing a military green coat, a yellow scarf, and a pair of brown shorts underneath, revealing a pair of slender legs. She is wearing cowhide high shoes, which looks like a girl's military uniform. She is wearing a high ponytail. Her small white face was full of vitality, and her big amber eyes were full of tenderness.

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but said: "He Ye, why do you need to make a special trip, didn't I say that I would go to see you after I finished my work?"

Yuan Shan and Ye approached, spread their hands, and embraced Kogoro Mouri's chest, rubbed their small heads obsessively against Kogoro Moori's strong chest, and said in a nasal voice: "I'm worried about you... It's been eight days and four hours since I saw you...I miss you...Uncle Maori!"

This is the posture of the youngest daughter that Hattori Heiji has never seen before. She is obsessively entangled, soft and sweet.

Kogoro Mori looked at the extremely attached Kazuha in front of him, and couldn't help laughing, "I miss Kazuha too!"

"Xiao Heye? I'm so young!" Yuanshan Heye lifted her head from Mori Kogoro's arms, her big watery eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and she straightened her pair of small breasts.

This pair of crisp breasts is naturally far inferior to Xiaolan's D cup, and slightly inferior to Shiho's C cup. According to Mori Kogoro's vicious eyes, at most it is a B cup, but Mori Kogoro is not at all. Mind, he actually enjoys this kind of process from childhood to adulthood, he couldn't help laughing badly, and said, "It's not small, it's not small!"

Toyama and Ye suddenly fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and Kogoro Moori raised her little head with the other hand, and kissed her deeply.

Sensing the masculinity of Mori Kogoro, Kazuha's eyes were full of mist, and he responded enthusiastically, and the two kept kissing under the shade of the tree.


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