And above the shade of the tree, Hattori Heiji and Conan, who found the blood on the balcony doorknob, walked out of the balcony. Across the green tree canopy, Mori Kogoro was hugging Tōyama Kazuha like a little white rabbit and kissing constantly with.

Hattori Heiji looked at the tree below, and it was still green at night, so green that it glowed. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "This kind of tree is very beautiful, it's really green, and it's pretty good. When I get home one day, I will plant another tree, and it will definitely grow tall.”

Conan on the side squatted on the ground and said, "Stop admiring the trees, solve this case quickly, I just discovered the small hole in the glass door of the balcony, and the mystery of the secret room has been solved, but on the balcony there is no No trace of going down from here was found."

At this moment, the master Mori Madoka Mitsuo came in from the outside with a cane, and said to Police Officer Megure: "Officer, I don't know how long Shigematsu's body will be left here. Take the body away and bury it next to my wife, after all, Shigematsu is a good friend of my wife and me, if I can do this, my wife will be very happy in the underworld."

Officer Megure shook his head: "Mr. Mori Madoka, no, no one can take the body away before it is dissected."

Mori Madoka Mikio couldn't help leaving disappointed: "That's really a pity."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help squatting down, and said to Conan: "Sure enough, as my mother said, Madam liked Deacon Shigematsu back then, so she often came here to see him, but Mr. Mori Madoka mistakenly thought Madam liked him. , and proposed marriage to my wife's parents, both parties were very satisfied, and later, although my wife was very distressed, she agreed to get married."

Conan couldn't help frowning and said, "Madam and Deacon!"

"It's very familiar, the servant Sakuraniwa and Ms. Kaede we met today seem to be the same!" Hattori Heiji smiled, then got up and stretched, it seems that the result is self-evident.


At this moment, under the canopy of the tree, Yuanshan and Ye were leaning against the big tree weakly, her white face was blushing, and her hands were resting weakly on Mori Kogoro's shoulders.

Yuan Shan and Ye turned their heads, gasped for breath, and spoke intermittently: "Uncle Mao Li, didn't you find the murder weapon? Aren't you going to solve the case?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "It's not as important as my family's Xiaohe Ye to solve the case! Besides, this kind of small case is very easy. I believe your old classmates will definitely be able to solve it?"

"Uncle Maori, I have nothing to do with Heiji, I haven't talked to him since I went back, trust me!"

"Of course I believe in He Ye, leave them alone, He Ye, Uncle will come to teach you how to improve your kissing skills, come on."

Under the shade of the tree, the two kissed again.

Chapter 0099 The reasoning of the two

Xiaolan and Haibara who returned to the fourth floor did not see Mori Kogoro on it, and Toyama and Ye went to the bathroom for a long time and did not come back. Haibara frowned.

At this time, Conan and Hattori Heiji came to the balcony next door and began to test whether they could escape from the balcony smoothly.

Because according to the speculation of the two, after killing Deacon Shigematsu, the prisoner should have opened the glass door of the balcony, tied the thin wire with tape and hung it on the switch of the glass door, and then passed the thin wire through the small hole in the glass door Pass through, then pull the thin wire outside the door to turn off the switch, and finally take out the thin wire, causing a murder in the secret room.

In this case, the prisoner can escape from the balcony.

Hattori Heiji tied a rope around his waist, and then boldly jumped from the balcony on the fourth floor. He grabbed the eaves beside him and immediately landed on the balcony on the third floor. He said, "This is much easier than imagined." .”

This method is completely feasible. Although there are still some questions that have not been resolved, Hattori Heiji, who was stimulated by Officer Megure's words before, didn't think about it any more. He has already decided to point out the murderer.

Soon Hattori Heiji called everyone to the room of the deceased.

Everyone arrived one by one, but Mori Kogoro and Toyama Kazuha still did not appear, Haibara frowned more and more.

"What, you already know the truth of this case?" Police Officer Mu Mu couldn't help being surprised.

"Fortunately!" Hattori Heiji had a bright smile on Heitan's face, and a row of big white teeth were shining brightly.

He pointed to Yuji Sakuraniwa beside him, and said, "The murderer who killed Deacon Shigematsu is you, Yuji Sakuraniwa!"

Yuji Sakuraba quickly waved his hands: "I didn't do it."

Everyone's expressions changed immediately, even Mitsuo Moriyuan couldn't help but said: "How could it be Sakuraniwa, he treats Shigematsu as his father, how could he do such a thing!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help smiling: "Of course it's a stupid thing done because of blind and unattainable love. If I guessed correctly, Mr. Sakuraba and Ms. Feng should be lovers, right? They all have the same style of couple necklaces."

Conan on the side couldn't help frowning: Heiji, isn't it too arbitrary to reason like this!

Because neither of them saw the key evidence that had been taken away by Mori Kogoro, they couldn't make a complete reasoning.

"Because the woman I love is going to marry Young Master Juren under the help of Deacon Shigematsu, Mr. Sakuraba has a grudge against Deacon Shigematsu because of this, so he is so vicious that the two of you even broke the window when you were arguing."

"Then Mr. Sakuraba relied on the trick on the glass window of the balcony, passed a thin wire through the small hole, and turned off the switch, creating the illusion of a murder in a secret room, and finally escaped from the balcony relying on his own vigorous skills."

"Because of all the people without an alibi, Mr. Mori Madoka has injured his leg, and Mr. Kikuto has a fear of heights. The remaining Miss Mori Madoka and Miss Feng are both women and cannot do such a move, so the murderer is Only you, Mr. Sakuraba!"

"So far, what else do you have to explain!"

Yuji Sakuraba kept muttering that he didn't do it, and his face at the moment was extremely sad and indignant.

At this moment, the weak Miss Feng stood up and said, "This matter was not done by Yingting, I can testify."

"Actually, when the crime happened, I was with Ying Ting all the time, looking for cats in the yard together. I am sure that Ying Ting has never left my sight!"

Police Officer Megure asked, "Then may I ask if you and Mr. Sakuraba are lovers?"

"This..." Miss Feng took a step back, but her expression was acquiescence.

The expressions of everyone in the Mori Yuan family on the side changed, and they all looked like they couldn't believe it.

"Then I'm sorry, all the testimonies of people related to the suspect are not admissible, Miss Feng."

Police Officer Meguro shook his head, and said to Yuji Sakuraba: "Mr. Sakuraba, if you have anything to say, please go to the Metropolitan Police Department. Come and take him away."


"What happened?"

At this moment, Kogoro Moori, Toyama and Ye appeared at the door at the same time, and Kogoro Moori walked in with a bloody coat in his hand.

Officer Megure couldn't help frowning and said: "Brother Mori, why are you here now? Hattori's reasoning just now is over. The suspect, Yuji Sakuraniwa, is very suspicious. I'm just about to take him back to the Metropolitan Police Department for interrogation!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Maybe I made a mistake, look, this is the murder weapon and bloody clothes I found."

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