Seeing this scene, Mori Yuanju's expression changed instantly.

Hattori Heiji and Conan rushed up immediately and asked, "Uncle Maori, where did you find it!"

Kogoro Mouri said, "It was hung on the tree opposite the balcony. I climbed up and took it down. He Ye also helped me a lot just now."

"The murder weapon is a knife, and there is Mr. Sakuraba Yuji's shirt inside, but it is covered with Mr. Shigematsu's blood."

Police officer Meguro couldn't help but said: "Isn't this more proof that the murderer is Mr. Sakuraba?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Please, do you think a person who can design such a sophisticated secret room murder case will be so stupid that he forgets to change his clothes before killing people? Will he be so stupid that he doesn't even know there is a cat in the room? "

"So no matter how you look at it, the murderer is not Mr. Sakuraba, but Mr. Chrysanthemum who is jealous of Mr. Sakuraba and tries to do everything possible to blame him."

"Yes, the murderer is you!"

Juren quickly waved his hand and said, "How could it be me? Detective Maori."

Mori Kogoro sneered and said: "Now you finally know that I am a Mori detective, but unfortunately you were arrogant in the restaurant, only talking to Miss Feng, and then left immediately. You don't know who I am. Crime in front of you!"

"Before you stole Mr. Sakuraba's shirt, and then designed the layout on the balcony, then killed Deacon Shigematsu in the room, and moved him to the room with the light on, then you took off the bloody clothes and opened the balcony door , wrapped the bloody clothes, the murder weapon, gloves, and the thin thread used in the secret room into a ball, threw it out, but unexpectedly hung it on the tree."

"I have a fear of heights. It's impossible to climb down from the balcony!" Juren's face was sweating, but his mouth was still stiff.

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help frowning: "Who said the murderer climbed down from the balcony?"

Hattori Heiji smiled, pointing at his nose.

Mori Kogoro shook his head in disappointment, and said, "The murderer didn't escape like this at all. In fact, the murderer never escaped."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji and Conan had a flash of light in their heads, and they understood instantly.

"You didn't leave the secret room at all. There are two rooms after entering the door. One is dark and the lights are not turned on; the other is lit, and Deacon Shigematsu's body is in the room with the lights on. Naturally, everyone will run Pay attention to the corpse of Deacon Song."

"And you are hiding in this dark room, it should be behind the curtains, or behind the sofa! Using this psychological trick, you can sneak out of the room while everyone's attention is being diverted by the corpse, and then Then go back and pretend to be the one you just knew!"

Chapter 0100

The man from Yuanju laughed: "Detective Maori, everything you said is just your speculation. I have never been in this room before. I have never touched this bloody coat, gloves, and dagger. You have never touched it." The evidence proves that I did it!"

"Really?" There was a meaningful smile on Mori Kogoro's face, and then he said, "Because I'm going to escape from here and hurry back, so Mr. Chrysanthemum probably doesn't have time to take a bath, he just changed his body. It's just clothes!"

"Mr. Chrysanthemum may not understand the current blood testing method, the luminol reagent, you only need to spray the luminol reagent on the blood, and it will be oxidized by the active oxygen in the blood, which can release blue-purple fluorescence. , even if it is diluted 120000 times, it can be easily detected."

"Mr. Chrysanthemum, although you took off your blood-stained shirt, there will definitely be blood seeping through and sticking to your skin, so you only need to do a simple blood reaction, and Mr. Chrysanthemum can become a little girl in no time." If the blue man is here, it can prove all of this."

Cold sweat dripped from Mori Yuanjuren's head when he heard this, but the second generation of the government was not an idiot after all, he quickly calmed down and said, "I am from the Mori Yuan family, as long as I don't Yes, no one can test me with inexplicable chemicals, this is against the will of citizens and violates my rights, I will never agree!"

Police Officer Meguro immediately became a little distressed, and that's really the case. If Mikio Morimoto is determined to cover up, once he uses the power of the political circle behind him, then Officer Megure is really hard to do anything to this person from Moriyuan Kiku Tough measures, let alone doing this blood reaction on the body.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and looked at the silent Masao Morimoto behind the Morimoto Juren, the old councilor with a cane in his hand, the current head of the Moriyuan family, Mikio Morimoto, had a gloomy expression.

In the past, every time he heard Mori Kogoro's reasoning, he admired it very much, but today he felt uncomfortable, especially because the murderer of the reasoning was his only son, and Masao Mori wanted to vomit blood.

After thinking for a long time, Moriodo Mikio looked at Police Officer Megure, and said, "Officer Megure, although my son is rude, he is telling the truth. This chemical test must not be used on him."

Mori Kogoro had a sneer on his face, he wanted to play this game with me, but luckily he was prepared.

He immediately said to Xiao V: "Little V, please transfer the picture you just captured to my mobile phone, and the pixels are also configured with my mobile phone."

Little V's female voice came over: "As you wish, host."

When Kogoro Mori stood at the door just now, he ordered Xiao V to exchange for a nano-camera to film how the Mori Enkiku man planned to escape.

Originally, he was thinking of not using the captured footage, but he didn't expect Sen Yuanju to be so difficult to deal with. In the end, he even wanted to use the power of the political circle to suppress this matter!

If there is no stronger evidence, then he will really escape.

Kogoro Mori took out his fruit phone. The video resolution played by this new phone is quite high.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the smug Kikuto Mori, and said, "Mr. Kikuto, you should remember that I stood at the door for a long time after breaking open the gate!"

"Actually, I found you at that time, but I was quite curious about how you wanted to escape, so I put my mobile phone on the cabinet and recorded a video. Come and see how I recorded this video. Sample?"

Hearing these words, Mori Madoka Kikuto's face became extremely pale. He saw the scene of him escaping from the room on tiptoe being played in Mori Kogoro's hands, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to refute anymore.

This video is an ironclad fact.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "This is the way to use psychological tricks. If the game succeeds, everyone is happy; if the game fails, it will be childish and ridiculous. Mr. Juren, what do you have to say now?"

Police officer Mumu couldn't help complaining: "Brother Maoli, why didn't you tell me earlier that you have such crucial video evidence? It made me search for clues here for so long."

Mori Kogoro reacted very quickly, and immediately responded: "Of course it's because of the kid Heiji, this time he came to Tokyo to participate in a detective competition, so I wanted to train him, so I hid the video Come down, I want to see if he can solve this secret room murder case, but unfortunately, it seems that the result of this training is not very good, and almost wronged others!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help touching his head, and smiled embarrassedly.

Mori Kogoro went on to say: "Heiji, every time you enter the scene of a crime, it is right to determine the life and death of the deceased, and to always have the expectation that he is not dead. Any opportunity for trickery."

"Be careful not to destroy the evidence in the room after breaking open the door, and try to keep the crime scene as it is..."

Mori Kogoro is educating Hattori Heiji, and Hattori Heiji keeps nodding his head in agreement.

At this moment, Yuji Sakuraba suddenly burst into a rage, and hit Kikuto Mori in the eye socket with a punch. He looked angry: "You bastard, why did you kill Uncle Shigematsu? The company you opened outside went bankrupt. It was Uncle Shigematsu who helped you maintain it!"

Mori Yuanjuren sneered and said: "Isn't it all your fault? If it weren't for you messing around with my fiancee, the old guy Shigematsu wouldn't have asked me to cancel the wedding before. That old guy thought he found me It's so naive that you can control me and control my life by misappropriating funds in the company!"

"You guy, you are obviously a servant, but you can never remember your identity, you and I tell you, Shigesong's death is because of you, hahaha!"

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