When Kikuto Mori was caught in the police car, he still made a mockery of Sakuraba.

Sakuraba Yuji's expression remained unchanged, and finally he lowered his head, while Kaede Kaede at the side looked at Sakuraniwa Yuji worriedly.

Seeing that his son really killed the family deacon, Mori Madoka Mitsuo sighed, without saying a word, and walked upstairs to his room with a gloomy face on crutches.

Seeing his younger brother being arrested, Morimoto Yurie lost his previous eagerness when he looked at Mori Kogoro.

The wedding was of course cancelled.

Mori Kogoro forwarded the video on his mobile phone to Police Officer Megure, and then took everyone home. This time it took less than [-] minutes from calling the police to leaving.

In the car, Hattori Heiji, who was holding Conan in his arms, looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration: "Uncle Mori, you are indeed a great detective. Hiding in the dark room behind, you say yes, Conan!"

Conan couldn't help sneering, you just say you're fine, why bother me!

He glanced at Mori Kogoro: It must be the martial arts master's super five senses that made him discover that there was someone in the room, and it wasn't really deduced by deduction. Thinking of this, Conan curled his lips in disdain.

Chapter 0101

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but put his hands on his head and said, "The secret love between Miss Feng and Mr. Sakuraba led to today's tragedy, so if you really love each other, you should express it openly, so that people will not misunderstand, and you can also express it openly." It won't hurt anyone else."

Hearing Hattori Heiji's words, the atmosphere in the car suddenly froze, and everyone looked strange and thoughtful.

Except for Mori Kogoro, everyone felt that this was talking about themselves.

Mori Kogoro sensed the eyes of the three women behind him, and felt a chill down his back.

Hattori Heiji felt the weird atmosphere in the car, and said, "What's wrong, did I say something wrong?"

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "That's right, but it also depends on the situation. If you know it will hurt others, people can't accept it. Some love in special circumstances should be hidden or well hidden. of."

When the three girls in the backseat of the car heard this, they all felt that Kogoro Mori was speaking to them, and all three of them looked a little gloomy for a while.

Conan, who was sitting in Hattori Heiji's arms, couldn't help laughing: "Brother Heiji, since you said that, there must be a girl you like, so say it boldly!"

Conan had a smirk on his face, and kept glancing at Yuan Shanhe Ye in the back seat.

Hattori Heiji is actually a king with a strong mouth, he couldn't help but panic when he heard this, he closed Conan's mouth, and then said with a smile: "Where is there any girl I like, you child, you always ask these questions Weird question."

Hattori Heiji, who was still laughing, couldn't help but glanced at Toyama and Ye in the rearview mirror, and found that she didn't look at him at all, and couldn't help but feel disappointed.


The group finally returned to Mori's house. In the stairwell from the second floor to the third floor, Kogoro Mori said goodbye to Hattori Heiji and Conan, then led Haibara and returned to the room on the third floor with the two girls.

Hattori Heiji looked at the four people who were leaving, and didn't notice anything unusual, so he entered the office with Conan, and they rested in the office room tonight.

As soon as everyone came to the living room on the third floor, Yuan Shan and Ye sat on the sofa together, beating their fair calves with their little hands, and said, "I'm so exhausted after walking around for so long today!"

Huiyuan took a look at this and saw nothing outside, regarded this as a girl from her own family, and couldn't help frowning, but she didn't say anything, turned around and went into the room to start reading.

Xiaolan smiled: "He Ye, are you tired? Would you like me to give you a massage? My massage skills are very good, and my father is full of praise."

Mori Kogoro broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this, it would kill someone if he pressed it, he was about to stop it.

But Yuan Shan and Ye immediately looked pleasantly surprised: "Really? Then I will definitely give it a try."

After finishing speaking, she took off her general green coat, revealing the cool black vest underneath, she took off her shoes, and lay down on the sofa, revealing her two slender legs.

Xiaolan immediately sat down and massaged her.

What's surprising is that this time it's not like giving Mori Kogoro a massage at all, and Toyama and Ye are humming comfortably.

Seeing the two girls get together and dressed extremely cool at home, this scene is extremely eye-catching.

At this moment, Yuan Shan and Ye were very satisfied. She had always thought that she would become Mrs. Maori one day. At this moment, she had enjoyed the filial piety from her daughter in advance, and she suddenly felt happy, especially Xiaolan's massage skills were quite good. Not bad.

Moori Kogoro on the side had a weird look on his face. In the past, Xiaolan massaged himself with incomparable force?

"Ah, Xiao Lan, why are you pressing my ass?" Yuan Shan and Ye immediately cried out when the sensitive position was attacked.

Xiaolan stuck out her tongue and said, "Sorry, I'm used to it!"

After finishing speaking, he pressed his hands towards Yuan Shanhe Ye's waist.

He Ye couldn't help laughing: "Hearing this, it seems that Xiaolan has been helping people massage, who is it? Could it be some man, ah, it hurts!"

Xiaolan panicked when she heard the question, and couldn't control the strength of her palm.

Seeing He Ye Ming in pain, she quickly withdrew her hand.

"He Ye, are you okay? I'm sorry, I tried too hard just now."

"You guy, are you punishing me on purpose, okay, okay, I won't ask." Yuan Shan and Ye rubbed their backs with a scared expression.

Xiaolan laughed immediately: "I haven't massaged for anyone else, I just massaged my father all the time!"

He Ye shook his head and said, "Che, it's fine if you don't want to say it." He Ye didn't believe it at all.

Xiaolan said again: "He Ye, why don't you try the yoga stretching technique I learned recently, it will make your body soft."

Hearing the word Lajin, He Ye immediately had a look of fear on his face, and quickly got up and said, "Forget it, Xiao Lan, let's stop massaging, let's go, let's take a bath together!"

Xiaolan nodded immediately when she heard the invitation, and the two girls took the clothes into the room like this, then turned around and entered the bathroom...

Before entering the bathroom, Kazuha blinked at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and smiled wryly. Toyama and Ye had really walked on eggshells this time, and he was afraid that the girls might say something wrong, but fortunately, no one seemed to see any clues until now.

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