Xiaolan couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, but waited until Xiaolan saw Yuanshan and Ye's extremely cool black nightdress and their exposed backs.

Xiaolan couldn't help but frowned, and said, "He Ye, you'll catch a cold easily if you dress like this!"

"Will it be?" Yuan Shan and Ye glanced at Xiao Lan who was also dressed very coolly.

Xiaolan said with a straight face: "Of course you will. You are not from here, and you have been living in Osaka. You don't know the weather here in Tokyo. If you say it changes, it will change. If you say it is cold, it will be cold. I don't want you Stay here for a few days, and then go home with a cold, so, He Ye, you have to keep warm."

While saying these words, Xiaolan walked into the room, pulled up a sheet that had been folded on the bed, and then walked out of the room to wrap herself around Yuan Shanhe Ye, covering her fair and beautiful back. The first layer, the right layer, wraps all the curves of He Ye's body like a dumpling.

He Ye laughed so hard that he couldn't smile and said, "Xiao Lan, I want to thank you!"

Xiao Lan smiled back sweetly: "It's okay, who made us good friends, taking care of He Ye is what I should do."

"But Xiaolan, don't you need to keep yourself warm?"

"I'm fine, I'm from Tokyo, I'm used to it."

Xiaolan, who was in a happy mood at the moment, was sitting on a single sofa next to Mori Kogoro. She put a pair of white and smooth legs on the marble coffee table, then leaned on the back of the sofa, took the remote control, and started to shake the channel up.

Soon, the live broadcast of the previous two days appeared on the TV. This clip is what Xiaolan likes to watch the most these days, especially the scene where Kogoro Mori shows off his power and single-handedly singles out twenty people. No less than ten times.

It's just that every time Xiaolan sees the scene of her being rescued by Mori Kogoro played by Yukiko, she will cry in grief and cry, she will always turn the TV to other channels.

He Ye finished drying her hair, put the hair dryer on the cabinet, turned around, but found that there was no place to sit.

Speaking of which, the new sofa purchased by Mori Kogoro was originally a long sofa with two single sofas. Unfortunately, one of the single sofas was damaged, so it was returned directly without replacement.

So there is no other place to sit in the living room except for the two sofas occupied by the father and daughter.

He Ye sorted out the quilt wrapped around his body, untied it and put it on himself again, then walked past the sofa behind Xiaolan, came to the middle of Mouri Kogoro's couch, sat down, and the quilt also fell down, covering his body. Hold the body of Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0103 Magical Use of Psychedelic Talismans

Xiaolan was sitting on the sofa in front, she had finished watching the rebroadcast video just now, and she was turning the channel boredly at the moment.

Debate competition, don't watch it!Don't watch food shows!Mischief planning, do not watch!Variety shows, too fake to watch...

She manipulated the remote control, paying no attention to Kazuha and Mori Kogoro who were sitting on the sofa together.

Yuan Shan and Ye watched the TV channels constantly flipping, she wrapped her hands around the quilt on her shoulders, she looked a little strange, she didn't know what she was thinking!

Mori Kogoro smelled the fragrance emanating from Kazuha's body, watched the TV screen constantly changing, and couldn't help yawning.

But soon, Mori Kogoro trembled, his whole body trembled, and he found that there was an inexplicably extra small hand on his stomach, which was Yuan Shanhe Ye's left hand.

Xiaolan is right by her side, and He Ye is too courageous. Once Xiaolan finds out, with Xiaolan's force, the house may be demolished.

Mori Kogoro quickly stopped Kazuha with his eyes, but Heye didn't look at Mori Kogoro at all, her small face was staring at the front, but the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

Kazuha's soft and waxy little hands stretched in from under Kogoro Mori's clothes, and stroked Kogoro Mori's abdominal muscles. As Kazuha's little hands continued to attack, the flames in Kogoro Mori's heart burned more and more.

Mori Kogoro remained expressionless, slowly stretched his right hand into the quilt, grabbed Kazuha's left hand, and shook his head gently at her.

Seeing that she couldn't free her left hand, Heye couldn't help frowning and pursing her lips, then slowly leaned back under the quilt, her soft body leaned against Mori Kogoro, and twisted her lower waist.

Mori Kogoro's panting became more and more heavy, he had no idea that Kazuha was not only bold, but also so obsessive.

But Mori Kogoro was still trying to restrain himself, without any reaction, until Toyama and Ye's right hand also went down!

Mori Kogoro, who was attacked vitally, had red eyes and said in a low voice, "Stop messing around, Kazuha!"

On the contrary, He Ye raised his eyebrows provocatively.

Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore, he let go of Heye's left hand, but his own big hand was on top of him, grabbing onto Heye's soft waist, Yuan Shan Heye's breathing became tighter.

Kazuha hurriedly retracted the hand that was on Mori Kogoro's stomach just now, grabbed the quilt that was slipping off his shoulders, and then supported his chin, pretending to be watching TV.


At this moment, Xiaolan said, "Dad, look!"

This sound almost scared away half of Kogoro Mouri's soul.

Xiaolan pointed to the female anchor who was broadcasting the news on Nikmai TV, and said, "This is the reporter who interviewed you last time, I recognize her, she seems to be called Mizuno..."

Xiao Lan turned his head to think.

Kogoro Mori hurriedly said, "Rena Mizumu!"

"Yes, it's her. I didn't expect her to be a female anchor besides being a reporter. She's amazing!" Xiaolan looked at Rena Mizumura on TV with an envious look on her face.


Seeing that Xiaolan didn't notice at all, Mouri Kogoro became more courageous. Under the quilt, his fiery big hand gently stroked Heye's smooth back, rubbing it lightly, and Heye His body trembled a bit, and then he returned to his natural state.

So women are born actors, and Ye Ye has never received any acting training, but at this moment, her acting skills are perfect, her face is calm, she can't see what her right hand is doing below her, her white face is looking at the TV screen .

This nightgown of Kazuha is extremely convenient, Kogoro Mori has long arms, he is lying on the sofa, but his big hands quickly slipped under Kazuha's ribs, grabbing a soft thing.

Doing something like this in front of my daughter with her best friend is indescribable for the excitement that Mori Kogoro and Kazuha have brought.

Xiaolan looked at Shui Wurenai intently, and soon, she seemed to have noticed something unusual, turned her head, and said, "He Ye, what's wrong with you, it seems that your breathing is a bit abnormal!"

The blush of Yuanshan Heye's face was controlled by him, and she laughed: "Why is it abnormal? Maybe it's because I ate too much and I'm flatulent. Let me drink a glass of water!"

While speaking, Toyama and Ye stood up, and Mouri Kogoro's pupils kept shrinking.

If the quilt is pulled up, and Xiaolan sees this scene, I am afraid that her reputation will be ruined for the rest of her life, and she will not be able to be a qualified father in the future.

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