Fortunately, He Ye didn't intend to go to the kitchen to fetch water for drinking, but got up slightly and poured a glass of water from the kettle on the tea table.

Xiaolan was not suspicious either, she turned her head and continued watching TV.

Kogoro Mori was about to take the opportunity to tidy up his clothes, and then got up to leave. Unexpectedly, He Ye slowly stepped back, sat on Kogoro Mori, held a water glass in his hand, and drank it all in one gulp!

While drinking water, he continued to spit out gas from his mouth.


He was bullied by He Ye, how could Kogoro Maoli bear it any longer, and said in his mind: "Little V, take my psychedelic talisman!"

In an instant, a small formation enveloped the entire third floor of Mori's house, and all the light, smell, sound, and heat were all controlled by Mori Kogoro.

A big battle broke out on the sofa in an instant!


Xiaolan felt a little weird, her father and Heye had been sitting on the sofa for a long time, neither of them spoke, they had been watching a very boring food program, and they were so engrossed in it that Xiaolan couldn't help it. Dare to switch channels.

Xiaolan turned her head and asked Heye if she wanted to go back to the room to rest, but Heye always said to watch it for a while, and watch it for a while, although her tone, demeanor, and accent were fine, but Xiaolan just felt it was weird.

And she turned around and asked Kogoro Mori if the show was good?Kogoro Mori nodded his head, watching with relish, this is not the style of Kogoro Mori at all.

And when Xiaolan was about to go to sit with He Ye, He Ye crossed his legs to prevent her from passing by, which is too rude!

In fact, all these things are a phantom formation constructed by Mori Kogoro in front of Xiaolan, but Xiaolan has practiced channeling skills, and her five senses have become amazing, so she noticed the abnormality.


This phantom array activated the function of confusing Xiaolan, and it also activated the function of confusing He Ye. Except for the fact that what happened on the sofa with Mori Kogoro was true, the rest were all fake.

In Heye's field of vision, Xiaolan went back to the room to rest alone after watching TV for a long time, while she and Mori Kogoro started a battle of guts on the sofa, completely ignoring the room Huiyuan and Xiaolan inside.

Chapter 0104 In broad daylight

Then Xiaolan sat back on the sofa and watched the boring food show.

After a long time, He Ye stood up. She tucked the quilt on her shoulders and began to pour water. After picking up the water cup, she seemed to lose her center of gravity. The water in the cup spilled out, onto the sofa and herself. The quilt is on.

He Ye couldn't help but pick up the quilt in a panic and began to wipe, but the affected area became bigger and bigger, and finally left a wide puddle of water stains on the sofa.

Xiaolan hurried forward to help, but at this time Heye seemed to be taken aback, her face was blushing, and there was a strange smell all over her body.

Xiaolan couldn't help but feel a little weird when she smelled this smell, such a weird smell, but also a little familiar, what's going on!

He Ye Jiaorou said: "Xiao Lan, you know all about it?"

Xiao Lan glanced at Yuan Shan and Ye strangely: "What do you know! You bastard, you are clumsy, and you can even overturn the water like this. It's only a glass of water. It's not enough to wet such a large area on the sofa. It's amazing!"

Yuan Shan and Ye Jian Xiaolan thought that the water stain was knocked over by themselves with a water glass, so they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, just after the battle, Mori Kogoro wiped off all the marks on the sofa with a damp cloth, otherwise it would have been a mess!

Kogoro Mouri saw that the two seemed about to start a conversation, so he interrupted quickly: "He Ye, the quilt on your body is also wet, hurry up and wash it in the washing machine."

Yuan Shan and Ye Gongshun nodded, and stood up with blushing faces, but her body still couldn't help shaking, and her legs became weak, and she hasn't fully recovered yet.

Just at the last moment, that feeling, straight into the nine days, and then flew down, the whole soul was trembling.

Toyama and Ye glanced at Mori Kogoro, she knew that it was impossible for her to leave this man in her life.

He Ye hugged the quilt, supported the back of the sofa, and walked slowly towards the washing machine.

Xiaolan couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong with He Ye?"

Mori Kogoro hastened to cover up: "It must be that my legs are numb after sitting for too long!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro stretched his waist, with a contented look on his face, as if he just had a delicious meal.

Xiaolan's nose twitched, and she seemed to smell something again, but she couldn't recognize it, so she ignored it, turned and walked back to her room.


After the fierce battle just ended, Kogoro Mori wiped off all traces with a damp cloth, so there was a water stain on the sofa, but the smell could not dissipate easily.

After the psychedelic formation was over, the two of them returned to their original state after the battle, and Xiaolan saw that the last scene of the phantom formation was He Ye holding a water glass and accidentally spilled it, which finally connected the phantom formation with reality.

It's just that the risk of doing so is too great. To construct a psychedelic mirror image for each of the two parties, the two parties see different things, so it is easy to have mistakes and flaws, and this is also very exhausting for Mori Kogoro.

When Yuan Shan and Ye came out of the bathroom again, she had already taken another shower.

Mori Kogoro quickly pulled her back, and said, "Heye, you can't do this at home next time. Fortunately, Xiaolan and Huiyuan didn't notice this time, so don't mention the matter on the sofa."

"Hi!" Heye nodded respectfully, at the moment, Heye is Mori Kogoro, and she will do whatever she says, without any objection.

Soon, He Ye entered Xiaolan's room, and Xiaolan was already lying on the bed.

After being fed, He Ye felt very satisfied, but after the battle, she was exhausted and exhausted. She quickly climbed into bed, lifted the quilt and lay down in it.

Xiaolan couldn't help laughing and said, "He Ye, why did you take a bath again?"

He Ye responded casually, and then slowly closed his eyes.

But Xiaolan continued: "You and Dad are too weird, don't you keep watching that food show and refuse to leave?"

"Also, just now Hattori Heiji came up and you ignored it, is this really okay? Kazuha, Kazuha!"

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