Xiao Lan turned her head, only to find that He Ye had fallen asleep.

He Ye's eyebrows stretched out, a contented smile hung on his small white face, his eyes were tightly closed, his straight nose let out an even sound of exhalation, and in less than a minute, he was already sleeping soundly.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan smiled and stopped talking. She slowly got up from the bed, closed the door, turned off the light, then returned to the bed lightly, and closed the door. Eyes also started to sleep.

Chapter 0105 Obedient Huiyuan

Mori Kogoro went into the bathroom and began to take a shower. He quickly rinsed off, changed into pajamas and walked back to the living room. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and it was time to rest.

But he suddenly remembered that Huiyuan entered the room and didn't come out or take a shower, so he turned around and pushed the door of Huiyuan's room open.

I saw that the lights inside were not turned off, a small body was lying on the table, already tired and fell asleep, beside her were the fruits of her struggle tonight, countless chemical formulas related to experiments.

Kogoro Mori stepped forward, and when he saw the chemical formula, he couldn't help but sighed. In fact, Kogoro Mori also had a copy of the information Haibara had obtained before, and he also conducted research in private.

With the intelligence that has reached the limit of human beings, Mori Kogoro quickly supplemented all the knowledge related to biology and chemistry.

As long as Mori Kogoro thinks, he is absolutely the top scientist in the world.

Thanks to his super intelligence and the support of the Banner Foundation, Mori Kogoro's research speed is countless times faster than Haibara's.

Kogoro Mori could see these chemical formulas deduced by Haibara at a glance. According to this line of thinking, the result this time must be a failure.

In the laboratory under the name of the Banner Foundation, Mori Kogoro has done countless experiments, and finally he has to admit that this APTX poison is not simple at all, and the phenomenon of rejuvenation is almost irreversible.

The biggest achievement of Mori Kogoro is to produce a temporary antidote without toxic side effects, which can restore the body for seven days.

This progress is much faster than that of Huiyuan, after all, Huiyuan has not yet developed any temporary antidote.

However, whether it is one day, three days, seven days, ten days, or one month, this temporary antidote really doesn't mean much to Mori Kogoro.

As long as a permanent antidote isn't developed, it's of little use.

Sometimes, Mori Kogoro wondered whether he should continue his research.

If a permanent antidote is really developed, then this cute and cold loli will say goodbye to her, and only one genius girl, Miyano Shiho, will appear at that time.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro is really sad. If there is an antidote, Haibara can grow into Shiho slowly without taking the antidote. If he takes the antidote, Shiho will never be able to become Haibara again .

But these two people are actually one person, so this matter should also be left to Huiyuan to decide.

I just need to work hard to help her develop an antidote, and then hand over the choice to Haibara, because no matter what, Mori Kogoro still hopes that Haibara can be happy.


Mori Kogoro looked at Haibara's small head on the table as a pillow on his arm, his delicate face was peaceful, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly!

But it's a little unsightly, the mouth is slightly opened, and the saliva flows out, so sleeping like this is not very friendly to the spine.

Mori Kogoro gently stretched out his hands, supported Haibara's legs and neck, and hugged him.

Even though the movements were extremely gentle, Haibara, who was always vigilant, still woke up. Smelling the familiar man's breath, she didn't open her eyes, but stretched out her hands habitually, wrapping her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, The nose made a cute nasal sound: "Mmm!" "Mmm!"

Mori Kogoro put Huiyuan on the bed, covered the quilt lightly, squatted beside the bed, looked at this delicate little loli dotingly, touched her little nose with his index finger, and said: "Xiao Ai , didn’t you take a shower again tonight?”

Haibara opened his big water-blue eyes, his face was a little blushing, it was really embarrassing for someone he liked to see him being sloppy.

She put her short hand into her jacket, touched her body, put her short hand under her nose and smelled it, and finally pushed her hand to Mouri Kogoro's nose with confidence, and said, "Smell, no It stinks!"

This action looks really cute and cute.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I really can't help you, it's so late now, don't take a bath if you don't take a bath, sleep well!"

Kogoro Mori was about to get up and turn off the lights to go out, but he heard Haibara whisper: "Uncle Mori, can I sleep with you?"

Hearing this, Kogoro Moori couldn't help joking: "Hey, the little sloppy still wants to sleep with me, do you want to infect me into a big sloppy?"

"But even so, it's okay, I don't dislike my Xiao Ai at all!" Mao Li Kogoro lifted the quilt and was about to get in.

But Hui Yuan said: "Uncle Mao Li, wait for me."

She slipped down quickly, then picked up her pajamas and pajamas, and ran to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, after washing cleanly, a completely new little loli appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

Huiyuan, who was drowsy, ran to take a bath because of Kogoro Mori's words.

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction and made a gesture.

Huiyuan climbed onto the bed obediently, and then leaned into Moori Kogoro's arms.

The sound of the hair dryer sounded, and the hot wind kept blowing Haibara's brown hair, and Mori Kogoro's big hands kept fiddled with the hair, drying it.

Then Mori Kogoro pulled up Haibara's skirt, turned on the hair dryer to warm the air and blew it in, Haibara immediately smiled and twisted his body.

"Don't move, don't move, I knew that after washing so quickly, you must have not dried yourself, and went to bed after drying!"

After hearing this, Huiyuan didn't move again.

The hair dryer blows Huiyuan warmly, making it extremely dry everywhere.

Mori Kogoro put away the hair dryer, then turned off the light, hugged Xiao Ai, let him rest on his arm, covered the quilt together, and went to sleep.

"Good night, Xiao Ai!"

"Good night, Uncle Maury!"

The night was so quiet, Huiyuan smelled the reassuring breath beside her, and she felt drowsy again. She adjusted her posture slightly and fell asleep.

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