Hattori Heiji saw that Conan had given up, so he didn't reveal his identity, but laughed and said, "It's nothing special, it's just that Conan likes to snore when he sleeps, it's super loud."

"Oh, so that's what I said."

Mori Kogoro on the side couldn't help shaking his head watching this scene, and didn't care about the dirty relationship between Hattori Heiji and Conan.

Mori Kogoro, who was sitting on the main seat, said: "Hurry up and eat. After dinner, I will take you to the shrine for sightseeing. I read the report yesterday. The cherry blossoms at the shrine are the most beautiful. If you miss it, you have to wait." It's next year!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the three women lit up.

Xiaolan said happily: "Great, we just chased to the mountain to enjoy the early spring cherry blossoms a while ago, and now all the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, this time we can enjoy them properly."

He Ye also looked expectant: "It is said that the cherry blossom scenery here in Tokyo is a must, and this trip is really worthwhile!"


Soon after breakfast, the three girls went back to their rooms and changed their clothes, and Mori Kogoro also changed into casual clothes.

Brown cloth trousers paired with a white shirt and a pair of sports shoes, showing a tall and straight figure, a handsome uncle appeared again, the simple clothes looked very natural, people couldn't help feeling Have a good impression.

Xiaolan and Heye quickly came out of the room. These two girls interpreted a word, that is youth is pressing!The two women were filled with the vitality that belongs only to young girls.

Haibara also changed into a lively outfit, with yellow shorts and a blue striped top.

As for Conan's suit that hasn't changed for thousands of years, Hattori Heiji's is still yesterday's dress.

Everyone followed Mori Kogoro down the stairs, Xiaolan saw the brand new Lexus, she couldn't help being surprised, "Dad, when did you get it repaired?"

"last night!"

In fact, the car was not repaired, but replaced with a new one. Anyway, Kogoro Maori was rich and powerful, but he was afraid that Xiaolan would say that he spent money indiscriminately, so he said it was still repaired.

Mori Kogoro had asked his secretary at the Banner Foundation to do it before. The car was bought only now, and it was replaced last night. As for the original car, it was sent back to the original factory for repairs.

Chapter 0108 Treasure Chest Surprise

Mori Kogoro got into the driver's seat, while Xiaolan, Kazuha, and Haibara climbed to the back seat of the car consciously and sat down. The back seat of the car was full.

Conan looked at the only co-pilot seat and Hattori Heiji beside him, his little face was extremely smelly. After what happened in the morning, he didn't want to stay with Hattori Heiji at all.

Seeing that the rear door was closed, Conan's dead fish eyes almost turned to the sky.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing secretly, and urged: "Heiji and Conan, get in the car quickly!"

Hattori Heiji picked up Conan and sat in the co-pilot seat. He was so heartless that he had already forgotten everything about the morning.

The car started quickly and headed towards the Izumo Shrine.

Izumo Shrine, the oldest shrine in Tokyo, is surrounded by cherry blossom trees and is a famous scenic spot in Tokyo.

Later, after tourism development, the surrounding area of ​​the shrine gradually prospered, and blocks and shops appeared on the left and right. When the cherry blossoms are in bloom, the pedestrian street here is extremely lively, and tourists are everywhere.


Walking on the road full of cherry blossoms, Mori Kogoro was extremely depressed. At this moment, he was wearing a hat and brown sunglasses, which covered most of his face. His white shirt was scratched with several holes, and he was quite embarrassed.

Xiaolan on the side couldn't help laughing when she thought of the scene of Kogoro Mori being surrounded by tourists just after he was recognized. This was the first time she saw her father in such a mess.

After the live broadcast in the past few days, Mori Kogoro's popularity has increased. At this moment, he is not inferior to the so-called first-line stars, so it is normal to be recognized.

Fortunately, relying on the speed far exceeding ordinary people, Mori Kogoro escaped quickly.

I bought a hat and sunglasses in a nearby store, so I dared to meet Xiaolan and the others.


In the front, Xiaolan and Heye are walking on the pedestrian street arm in arm. The breeze blows, and cherry blossoms fall from time to time. The picture is extremely beautiful.

He Ye couldn't help feeling: "It's so beautiful here, why doesn't Osaka have such a view of cherry blossoms!!"

The cherry blossom scenery around the Izumo Shrine is indeed impeccable, because the cherry blossom trees planted many years ago have specially selected different varieties, so some of the cherry blossoms that bloom are white, some are pink, and some are bright red.

A road section is a color, and the color gradually becomes darker, revealing a unique layering!


Mori Kogoro held Haibara's little hand and walked comfortably in the street. In this weather, the breeze is gentle and the temperature is moderate. Walking under the beautiful cherry blossoms, holding a little loli in his hand, is really very comfortable.

It was the right decision to choose to come here today.

Huiyuan on the side became much more lively. She lowered her head, like a little girl. Every time she took a step, she had to choose to step on a cherry blossom. The white shoes stepped on the cherry blossoms, step by step. The feeling of giving birth to lotus.

I don't know when it started, but there was a sweet smile on Hui Yuan's face.


In the back, Conan and Hattori Heiji were standing in front of each other, a little awkward. They wanted to go up to walk with Xiaolan and Heye, but they were directly thrown off by the two women.

The two could only walk forward in frustration, and looked at each other, Conan turned his head again, put his hands in his pockets, and would rather walk alone than Heiji Hattori.

The two were silent all the way.


Soon, Maori and his party entered the quaint and solemn Izumo Shrine.

Izumo Shrine is a large shrine in Tokyo and even Neon. Moyue existed in Tang and Song Dynasties in China, and it has been renovated several times since then, so it continues to this day.

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